Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1966 The sea is also a pasture

Liu Junken's military life in the past few months began as a sailor. Although he was born in a military academy, he was completely unfamiliar with ships. Normally, a graduate of the infantry academy like him would definitely be assigned to the army, but he was not Thinking of being assigned to the ship by accident.

But how can anyone who comes from Junken City be a coward? As a landlubber, the first thing to pass is the swimming and seasickness test.

The so-called swimming test does not mean that if you can float in the water a few times, you can swim. Do you know how to swim with arms? That requires carrying equipment and swimming several kilometers in the water to perform tasks! Just this training made Liu Junken shed several layers of skin.

There is also seasickness, maybe due to physical problems, Liu Junken was particularly dizzy. In the days when he first boarded the ship, he seemed to be vomiting all the time, but he didn't eat anything and couldn't eat!

It took almost three months to get through these two levels, and then came the daily training. Liu Junken spent another two months to perfect the sailor's operating skills.

In several combat preparation competitions, Liu Junken's results were among the best in the entire fleet. They were registered with the commander of the fleet.

If it was said that the Song family was running the fleet in the first place, it was to prevent him from going back. So now, the captain of the fleet is reluctant to let him go.

It's just that because he has not officially left the army, there is no way to promote him. Otherwise, he would have become the boatswain on the ship by now.

It only took Liu Junken just half a year to go from being embarrassed to being high-spirited. Now his whole person has completely transformed. His body has lost a lot of weight and his skin has turned into a bronze color. However, the toughness revealed in his bones makes people already fear.

When he was in the army just now, those sailors actually looked down upon him. Why would a man who even fainted on board the ship come to the navy? Wouldn't it be better to go to the Army and do some training?

However, as time goes by, his current comrades have looked at him with admiration. This guy trains so hard. It took him more than a year to complete the training in a few months. It would be strange for such a person not to be awe-inspiring!

The most frightening thing is that one time the Marines came on board for training, and all those guys had their eyes set high above their heads. Just kidding, they are the kings of soldiers!

But Liu Junken insisted on killing two of them with his own strength. This became a good talk among the entire fleet.

Nowadays, no one may know the name Liu Junken, but no one knows the name Liu Junken.

This nickname was given to him by the captain of the fleet. It was originally a bit derogatory, because Liu Junken's mother is Niva, a Russian, so his appearance is quite different from that of the Chinese.

When the chief saw his ferocity in the competition, and because he couldn't remember his name, he couldn't help but praise him, "What a desperate man!"

However, as Liu Junken's achievements became more and more outstanding, this ermao became a complete compliment, so that no one knew about Liu Junken, but when it came to ermao, everyone knew it.

Today, Liu Junken has regarded the ocean as his grassland, and warships are war horses. Every time he went to sea, he felt like he was galloping on the grasslands of northern Xinjiang.

I haven't contacted Song Danning for a few months now. Although that beautiful figure often flashed through his mind at night, when he got up the next morning, he forgot about everything except training.

The fleet is often at sea, so it is very inconvenient to call. So the two of them have basically lost contact in the past few months.

This is naturally the reason for Liu Junken, because the army is allowed to contact his family at regular intervals, but Liu Junken has not called, and all his thoughts are on training.

There is a saying that is right: "Love is all of a woman, but only a part of a man."

Because for men, career is always higher than love, so their dedication to career often puts love aside.

The Chinese New Year is coming soon, and Liu Junken and his group of military cadets are supposed to go home to celebrate the New Year, and then return to school to prepare for graduation. After all, there are still graduation thesis and various exams to take.

However, because there were several soldiers visiting Liu Junken's ship, the number of people on the ship was somewhat insufficient. Naturally, there are special circumstances for soldiers to visit their families. For example, Wangzi, who cannot leave now, has been urging him to get married for two years. He just can't get married because he has no time.

We originally planned to go back to get married at the end of this year, but several veterans on the ship had special circumstances at home and had to go back. Wangzi had to postpone it again.

It's just that this time my partner is completely unhappy, thinking that he just doesn't want to get married on purpose, so he has already filed for a breakup.

Of course, these must be angry words, just to give him an ultimatum. If he doesn't go back to get married, he will marry someone else.

After Liu Junken learned about this situation, he took the initiative to ask the captain to continue on duty. Naturally, the captain could not agree. After all, he was still a military student and was not eligible for the army quota. He would go home to spend the New Year and prepare for the graduation exam. After that, he would get off. After leaving the army, it is really difficult to visit the family.

After all, as a grassroots officer, he has more responsibilities than a soldier. Visiting someone's family is something that has only been around for a few years, so basically don't think about it.

But because of Liu Junken's strong request, the captain finally had to agree to his request and let Wangzai go home.

Before Wangzi left, he looked at Liu Junken with tears in his eyes: "Brother Ermao, tell me what you need. As long as it's not the moon in the sky, I will definitely pick it back for you!"

Liu Junken smiled and punched him: "Get out of here! Try to plant the seeds well so that you can play with your children when you are demobilized."

Wangzai was grinning and his face was red. That was not because he was shy, but because he was excited. After two years of life on a ship, I didn't even see anyone of the opposite sex. Now I'm about to reach the peak of my life. It's no wonder I'm unhappy!

After seeing off the soldiers visiting the family, Liu Junken remembered that he still had a partner. If he wasn't going back for the New Year, he had to call home. So he came to the place where he was calling and saw a line of people lined up. Zi lost his patience and went straight back to the barracks.

Song Danning, who was far away in the capital, had eyes blue with hope and could not wait for Liu Junken's call.

Because of the matter about Yang Wei's land, Song Danning did not have a good relationship with the people in Junken City, and he even did not speak much to Zhang Qianjin from a school.

It's not that everyone rejects her, but that she feels guilty. She was the one who spread the news, but she didn't do anything to help after the accident. She really didn't know how to face people.

The school was already on winter vacation, and there was nothing to do if she stayed at home all day. Song Danning came to Beihai. In fact, she also knew that those few people had gone home and were not here at all, but she was still a little unwilling.

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