Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1965 Councilor Susie

Schindler never dreamed that his position as a member of parliament, which he thought would be secure, would end so unexpectedly. The key is that after the fermentation of this incident, it is unknown whether he can retain his position as city councilor.

At this time, the three people in Saipan were receiving the awards. Ye Feng was naturally very satisfied with their performance and without hesitation wrote a check for one hundred thousand US dollars to them.

At the moment of saying goodbye, Saipan hesitated for a moment, but still put a USB flash drive into Ye Feng's hand: "Since you keep your promise so much, there is no use keeping this thing in my hands, bye."

Ye Feng inexplicably picked up the USB flash drive and inserted it into the computer, only to realize that it was Schindler who paid them to investigate Susie's video.

Although this thing is of no use at the moment, it has reminded Ye Feng that the cruelty of political struggles is never less than that of the battlefield. He also has to remind Su Xi to be more vigilant, because no matter how perfect the plan is, it can also be resisted. You can't stand the betrayal of your own people.

With Schindler's sad departure, Suzy finally became a state legislator without any controversy. As a female who had just graduated from college, she was the only one elected to the state assembly in the United States at that time, so she was particularly eye-catching.

After Susi took office, she lived up to expectations and basically fulfilled her election promises. Especially regarding the unemployment rate, the data in Massachusetts is obviously higher than that of other provinces. This has also caused Susie to become well-known throughout the United States, and naturally has a good start.

After finishing this busy period, Ye Feng finally relaxed completely. Next, he is also facing the graduation season. In fact, based on his grades, he can graduate early.

But because he was busy with Susie's affairs, his thesis was put off. Now that the big things were done, he was busy with his own affairs. He hid in school day and night to study the thesis, and rarely went home.

But now the family has a large total population, including Ye Yuze and five children, Wang Jianying, Gabon and Peter.

At least Ye Feng's bodyguard is with Su Xi now, otherwise it would be quite troublesome at home. That girl's figure is so explosive that men can't do it without looking at her.

In fact, Ye Yuze is very grateful to Wang Jianying. This woman doesn't look outstanding in any way, but she is not inferior to anyone in any aspect. She just doesn't have the chance. Otherwise, no matter which company she joins, she will soon get ahead. All she lacks is Just an opportunity.

However, there are many capable people in this world, but there are only so many opportunities, and it is impossible for everyone to meet them, so opportunities are actually luck.

Ye Yuze has asked Wang Jianying several times, why don't you have a boyfriend yet? Wang Jianying just smiled bitterly but refused to say anything, so Ye Yuze had no choice. However, when the children were older, Ye Yuze decided to help her arrange their future life.

Time flies, everyone is busy with their personal affairs, and development is going well. The only person who is not satisfied is Liu Junken.

Although he won't graduate until next year, the current assignment direction has been clear, and he has been assigned to an internship in a naval unit in the southwest frontier.

After several months of living on a ship, he, a child born and raised in northern Xinjiang, would have been turned into briquettes if it weren't for the blood of his mother Niva. Even so, the skin on his body turned bronze.

Liu Junken is not a child who is afraid of hardship. His military life since childhood made him more adaptable to military camp life than others.

It's just that what he can't adapt to currently is the difference in climate and diet. This can only be solved through long-term exercise.

When I came here, I was planning to do an internship for a few months and then go back to school to wait for assignments. Moreover, Song Danning also clearly told him that the most likely possibility was that he would stay in the capital garrison. When the time comes, they will get married, and Song Danning will stay in the capital to work, and have a happy and beautiful family together.

But after arriving at the fleet, various signs showed that Liu Junken was very likely to stay on the fleet. One is that there is a shortage of people here, and the other is that his excellent military qualities are deeply liked by the leaders.

In fact, there is another thing he doesn't know, that is, he was assigned to intern here, and it was originally run by the Song family. His original intention was to separate the two of them.

In the eyes of the Song family, Liu Junken's desire to marry the Song family's daughter was undoubtedly a toad's desire to eat swan meat. However, after what happened with Han Xiaofeng, Song Danning was stimulated and once depressed.

The marriage arranged by the family was directly rejected by the Han family boy. The Song family was afraid that something would happen to their daughter, so they inevitably indulged in some of her behaviors.

Even when faced with the love affair between Song Danning and Liu Junken, the family did not intervene forcefully, but were prepared to pull the plug at the last moment. Mainly because I'm afraid that my daughter won't be able to bear it and something will happen to her.

Song Danning naturally wants to stay in the capital and work in the National Library. He has been interning here for several months.

However, the family has also made two preparations, one is the National Library of China, and the other is a certain ministry. For these children who were born with a golden key, work is something they never need to worry about. They only need to think about what to do.

As for Liu Junken, his family also gave Song Danning a clear answer: "Soldiers must obey orders, and they have no right to interfere in military affairs. Even if they intervene, they will need Liu Junken to perform well at the grassroots level. There is reason to bring him back, but it will definitely take time."

Although Song Danning no longer believed in them, what could she do? Although these people are pretty awesome, there are uncles and aunts everywhere, and there is nothing they can't do, but all of this is based on the family.

As long as the family speaks a word, they are no different from ordinary children. Therefore, even if she understands something now, there is nothing she can do.

Unless she goes to Liu Junken, but Liu Junken doesn't even have a military rank, so she can't join the army? Which one has level requirements?

Therefore, Song Danning could only grit his teeth and insist on waiting for Liu Junken to come back before making any plans. She even had a crazy idea, which was to make Liu Junken drop out of school and become a student before graduating. Applying for withdrawal from school is much simpler than applying for discharge after joining the army.

Otherwise, Liu Junken will be an officer as soon as he officially leaves the army. When he retires, he doesn't know when it will happen. Song Danning can't afford to wait.

Song Danning didn't want to talk about these things on the phone, and it was really inconvenient for Liu Junken to call him. We can only wait until he returns to school to discuss it.

At this time, Liu Junken was sailing with the ship on the boundless sea. After several months of life at sea, he, a landlubber, had turned into a dragon in the water. Now he can swim ten kilometers without losing strength without a life jacket.

The countdown to January has begun again, come on, comrades, we have to catch up.

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