Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1865 The domineering power of plum blossoms

After confirming the itinerary, Mei Hua looked at Mei Ting again and asked what happened to her legs. Mei Jinxi sighed and explained what happened in detail.

It turned out that Mei Ting was a student at Shandong University and fell in love with a senior named Qi Yu at school. Later, Qi Yu graduated and started a business, but his investment failed and he owed a large sum of money.

The debt collectors chased him and he was desperate, so Mei Ting asked all her acquaintances to pool money and help him pay back part of it. As a result, this guy unexpectedly met a rich woman, and they stayed together.

Mei Ting is young and competitive, how can she bear this excitement? So he jumped from the building they rented. But since it was on the third floor, she was pretty lucky. Just a disability.

However, Mei Jinxi and his wife were in a miserable situation. Not only did they raise money for their daughter's treatment, they also had to pay back the money Mei Ting borrowed.

Mei Jin couldn't be happy and went to argue with Qi Yu, but the rich woman immediately kicked her out, saying that your daughter is cheap and you are willing to pay for it, so what are you looking for?

Mei Jinxi was speechless by others, so she had no choice but to go home and sell her house to pay off her debts first.

Even though the money was not enough, I finally gritted my teeth and went to Junken City with my family. There was a former colleague in the engine factory who called him several times. However, Mei Jinxi never agreed.

Although the salary is much higher than that of WF, at this age, who is willing to leave their hometown? What's more, it's such a remote place?

But when things got to this point, there was no other way to go. He and his wife are both engineers. They have worked at WF Engine Factory for half their lives, so they naturally have no technical problems. In Junken City, the couple can get a salary of 7,000 yuan a month.

After a few years of doing this, the debts of relatives and friends will be paid off.

Mei Hua touched Mei Ting's face with pity: "Girl, I should have come to you earlier. If I had met you earlier, I wouldn't have suffered such a heavy punishment."

Mei Ting had already burst into tears at this time. She had caused such a big disaster, and the burden fell entirely on her parents. She had become a useless person and had to be taken care of by her parents.

"Mom, Mei Ting's injury may be treated at Harvard Medical School." Ye Yuze was afraid that the Queen Mother would start crying soon, so he quickly reminded her at the right time.

This trick worked as expected, and Mei Hua's eyes immediately lit up: "Ye Yuze, take Mei Ting for treatment quickly. How old is she? We can't live like this!"

Ye Yuze's clothes looked pitiful: "Mom, you have to let us finish eating before we go, right? Flying for more than ten hours on an empty stomach is not a good feeling!"

The originally depressing atmosphere was suddenly relaxed by Ye Yuze's commotion, and the whole family laughed.

Mei Hua scolded angrily: "Who told you to go now and not apply for a visa for Mei Ting? Do you still want to sneak her across the border with her?"

Ye Yuze patted his chest inside: "What's wrong with smuggling? As long as my mother says a word, I will take Mei Ting to swim across the Pacific Ocean!"

The family finally burst into laughter this time, and the sadness they felt just now disappeared in an instant.

"Jin Xi, if you do this, I'll ask someone to help you move after dinner later. I still have a house free. Just write your name. This can be considered a gift from my sister to you."

Mei Jinxi quickly shook her head: "Cousin, we can't do this, how can we, brothers, have to settle the accounts openly?"

Mei Hua made a serious face and said categorically: "Be obedient to me. I don't need that little money. It's okay if I didn't know before. Now that I know, I won't let you suffer any more! I'll give you the house. You want it?" If not, I will transfer the ownership to you. Let Ye Yuze handle Tingting's illness. You don't have to worry about the money. This kid can't spend all his money anyway, even if he does good things."

Although the Queen Mother is older, she still looks like a strong woman after she becomes decisive. Ye Yuze often thinks that if his mother didn't care about the family and has the virtues of traditional Chinese women. I guess I don't have to worry about these careers at all, they have already been taken care of by me.

The next step was to eat. After eating, my mother drove her cousin to go through the transfer procedures.

Mei Ting stayed at Ye's house to chat with Yu'e and Ye Yuze. Maybe it was because her psychological pressure suddenly disappeared, right? Mei Ting is very good at talking. After all, she is a graduate of 985 University, and her thoughts and insights are quite extraordinary.

Seeing this, Ye Yuze sighed in his heart, love is really harmful! I also have some doubts about Kevin's pursuit of Mei Ting.

That's how people are. When a man picks up girls, brothers will help each other, and occasionally they will play a small role to increase the progress. But if the heroine is his sister, then his attitude will immediately be different. The better the guy is, the less reliable he looks, mainly because he knows his tricks too well. Instead, the good qualities in people's nature are ignored.

The less he wanted to say it, the result was that Mei Ting took the initiative to ask him about it. In fact, Mei Ting was originally resistant to feelings when she was introspective. As a result, Ye Yuze, a netizen, became a brother, and she also started to trust Kevin.

Ye Yuze didn't want to talk about this topic, so he could only kick the ball: Let's wait until your aunt comes back to discuss this matter. I don't understand it very well.

Mei Ting stared at Ye Yuze with wide eyes, full of anger: "Then why did you bring him to see me? Is it because I am a netizen?"

Ye Yuze trembled all over, Damn, are you picking up a cousin? Isn't this the ancestor of a cheating brother? How can anyone tell his wife that he is meeting an online friend?

At this time, Yu'e also realized that although Yu'e had a submissive temperament, she had maintained her marriage for decades. She was no longer the submissive little girl to Ye Yuze, so she had to be quite domineering. The tiger's body shook, and Ye Yuze still trembled.

"Daughter-in-law, listen to me, this guy Kevin probably dragged me there, so I just drank some wine and didn't do anything."

Ye Yuze's explanation made Mei Ting realize that she was cheating her brother, and she quickly helped smooth things over: "Sister-in-law, my brother really didn't do anything. The girl who met them with me is my brother's niece, but she I just have to call him brother and refuse to call him uncle."

Ye Yuze stood up and took out a cigarette: "I'm going out to smoke a cigarette. There's no ventilation in the room."

At any rate, Yu'e knows the basics and won't show off her power to him in front of others, but she also has to think of countermeasures. Isn't this a trick of a brother just repaying kindness with revenge?

After leaving the house, Ye Yuze went directly to Junken Electrical and Mechanical. He was really cautious about Mei Ting. If he really married Kevin, he would have to go to him for everything in the future. The key is that Kevin is not sure!

Found Kevin in the laboratory, this guy was very busy. Whatever you say, Kevin and Smit, although emotionally rich, are still quite reliable once they get into work mode.

Ye Yuze sat silently next to him for more than an hour before Kevin noticed him, but he just waved his hands and did not speak.

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