Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1864 Recognition of relatives

At this time, Ye Yuze did not hesitate and introduced himself directly: "Hello, cousin, I am Mei Changan's grandson Ye Yuze. My mother invites you to visit my house tomorrow."

Mei Ting's father, named Mei Jinxi, looked at Ye Yuze blankly. He naturally knew Ye Yuze and knew his identity, but how could they be a family member?

"Are you sure that grandpa Mei is from Linqing, Shandong? But isn't he in Tangcheng? How come you are from Juncheng City?" Mei Jinxi asked in disbelief.

This made Ye Yuze feel more certain. Mei Ting and Mei Jinxi had the same tone and could communicate with each other. This meant that they were really his grandfather's nephews.

"My mother married my father? My father was a soldier in Tangcheng, and they met. Later, my father came to Northern Xinjiang professionally, and my mother followed."

After listening to Ye Yuze's explanation, Mei Jinxi understood it completely. She burst into tears and stepped forward, grabbed Ye Yuze's shoulders and shook her.

"I found it, I finally found it. Before your death, your great-grandfather and great-grandmother couldn't close their eyes, muttering your grandfather's name. Unfortunately, the great grandfather only sent a letter when he first arrived in Tangcheng, and then there was no news. Our reply was also returned, saying that the person was not found. He probably moved."

Seeing Mei Jinxi's emotional words, Ye Yuze also felt very sad. Life is like this. When my grandfather left, he didn't tell the detailed address of his hometown. He wanted to go back but couldn't. He thought that this family relationship would be discontinued from now on. Who knew we would meet again in this way.

And because Mei Ting had a cousin, her rare smile brightened up. Chatting with Ye Yuze about things in his hometown.

It turns out that there are three grandfathers and brothers, Mei Ting’s grandfather is the third, and there is a second grandfather who has never married and has passed away long ago. It's not that I don't want to marry, but my family is poor and can't afford to marry.

So now they are the only one left. Unexpectedly, the great grandfather's family has been found again.

After chatting for more than an hour, Ye Yuze told them to come pick them up tomorrow morning and that he would help his cousin and his wife take leave. Mei Jinxi agreed.

After returning home, her mother was indeed awake. Ye Yuze introduced her to her in detail the details of her grandfather's hometown. Meihua couldn't help but shed tears: "Blame me, blame me. My parents raised a girl like me in vain. All her wishes before her death are gone." It didn’t satisfy him.”

Ye Yuze comforted: "Didn't you find it? Don't be sad. Make something delicious tomorrow to entertain your cousin and the others. Go to bed now."

Ye Yuze pushed his mother into the house. His father had gone to bed long ago. He generally wouldn't care about this.

However, Ye Yuze told his wife that her father must be at home tomorrow, otherwise the Queen Mother might be angry. After all, she is her mother's family.

Early the next morning, Ye Yuze first took his mother to buy groceries, and then drove to his cousin's house. As soon as he arrived at the gate of the community, he saw the three of them standing there waiting, with a bunch of things in big and small bags on the ground. .

Ye Yuze complained: "Cousin, what are you doing? We don't lack anything at home, so it's useless for you to spend this money."

Mei Jinxi rubbed her hands and smiled "hehe": "It's the first time in so many years that I meet my cousin. Can't we act like visiting relatives when visiting relatives?"

Ye Yuze stopped talking nonsense, put the things in the car, and carried Mei Ting in the car. He also asked casually: "Uncle, can my cousin's leg still be treated?"

Mei Jinxi sighed: "There is currently no good solution in China. It is mainly a neurological problem. We have been saving money over the years, just because we want to visit the United States one day. This child has such a strong character, we cannot let her endure like this for the rest of her life."

Mei Ting's eyes were slightly red: "Dad, I'm sorry, it's because I'm ignorant and blind. Meeting such a beast will make you suffer for the rest of your life."

Ye Yuze rubbed Mei Ting's hair: "Okay, if there is a way in the United States, let's talk. I'm still a master's student at Harvard Medical School. I'll take you back to see it sometime."

Mei Jinxi interrupted: "No, Yuze, we haven't saved enough money yet."

Ye Yuze was about to say don't worry about money, but seeing that Mei Jinxi looked like she would not take advantage of others, he changed his words: "Our children are all American nationals. When they get there, we can apply for immigration for Mei Ting." Free treatment.”

Mei Jinxi looked at Ye Yuze doubtfully, and Ye Yuze nodded with certainty, acting confident. Mei Jinxi breathed a sigh of relief.

"Yuze, if you can cure Mei Ting, my uncle's family will be grateful to you forever."

Ye Yuze quickly waved his hand: "Uncle, it's serious. It's just a little effort. I happen to have lived there for many years, so I have many acquaintances, so don't worry about it."

In fact, things are not as simple as Ye Yuze said. Although it is not too difficult for Ye Yuze to apply for immigration. But how could Ye Yuze use such means to take advantage? I have already made up my mind to spend my own money.

When we arrived at home, the three women were busy and the two little girls were also running around excitedly, but they were older children after all. I can help with some work.

When her uncle's family arrived, the Queen Mother naturally could no longer work, and she and Ye Wancheng chatted with the family.

Ye Wancheng was obviously not interested in these things, and seemed to be in a daze. After being glared at by Meihua several times, she began to concentrate.

Faced with her cousin's thirst for knowledge, her cousin explained the situation in her hometown in detail. When it came to the family tree, Meihua asked eagerly: "Are there the names of my two younger brothers on it?"

The cousin shook his head regretfully: "After the great grandfather went out, because there was no way to contact him, your branch was cut off and only the name of the great grandfather was written down."

Mei Hua said eagerly: "How can that be done? If we want to continue, we also need to recognize our ancestors and return to our clan."

The cousin looked embarrassed: "Cousin, I don't have to say anything about this. I have to go back to my hometown to find the old people in the group. It's quite troublesome to open an ancestral hall or something."

"No matter how difficult it is, we have to do it. The matter is settled like this! You take me back when the time comes, and I will take my brothers with me." Meihua's attitude was very firm.

Ye Yuze sighed, but there was no stopping him. As long as his mother was happy, she could do whatever she wanted.

Meihua picked up the phone and started to contact her two younger brothers. The old uncle agreed readily, but the uncle seemed to lack interest. He will retire next year. It may be related to the nature of his work, so he naturally doesn't care much about these things. .

However, Mei Hua persisted and he really didn't dare to resist, so he reluctantly agreed. Finally, the three siblings agreed to meet up in Jinan three days later and then return to their hometown together.

Ye Yuze quickly contacted the people at the Jinan Branch of Warrior Automobile Factory and asked them to arrange the vehicles. Just kidding, what's the point of not making arrangements for the Queen Mother's trip?

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