Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1783 Ye Yuze’s attitude

"Go away, caves are more unique. Why don't you dig a cave for her to live in?" Mr. Ni was furious.

The crowd of onlookers burst into laughter, thinking that this foreigner was extremely cute. There are also two women who pinch their husbands' tender flesh fiercely. This is because they are jealous.

Smit's protest was ineffective, so he had to turn back three times and was escorted back by Mr. Ni. Mr. Ni saw Kevin's car parked here and ordered his companions to drive back.

Liu Fengrong timidly said: "Boss, there is no need to build a house, right? This is good."

Mr. Ni turned around and said, "It's none of your business. I'm in charge of my subordinates. Don't argue about the house. Someone will tear it down for you soon. You can pack up your things and put them away."

Mr. Ni has managed such a large company for such a long time, so he naturally has a kind of domineering attitude about him. Liu Fengrong, an ordinary rural woman, naturally has no way to compete and can only deal with it obediently.

Back at the company, Mr. Ni became more and more angry as he thought about it. He picked up the phone and called Ye Yuze: "Is this your company? Do you still want it? If not, we will disband and I will go home and take care of my grandson."

Ye Yuze was so confused after being scolded that he couldn't figure out what was going on? After asking about the reason, he couldn't help but laugh: "Mr. Ni, it's a good thing, let them leave."

"You bastard, how can a family just break up?" Mr. Ni was furious.

"Why do you worry so much about a foreigner's family? Besides, if you get divorced, won't you be closer to me when you marry in China? Are you old and confused? Do you understand that you need to support this kind of thing?"

Ye Yuze hates the fact that iron cannot become steel. Why is this old man so ignorant of flexibility?

Mr. Ni suddenly felt that he was struck by five thunders. This little bastard is so useless. Why is he so unscrupulous? But when I think about it, it seems to make sense. I hung up the phone angrily and ignored him, but why was my face so red?

At this time, Ye Yuze and Yang Geyong were in the oil field. Three wells were already producing oil, all of which were first-grade light oil. Looking at the black liquid gurgling into the oil pipeline, the two of them grinned. The exploitation of this oil field means that by the end of their lives, the Junken Refinery will not have to worry about running out of crude oil.

Coupled with the supply of goods from Lev, it seems that the refinery will have to be expanded again. The city originally intended to expand the refinery into the number one refinery in Asia. It seems that construction will start soon, otherwise the oil wells will become more and more expensive in the future. There are so many, where can I store them?

Wang Haishen's vegetable garden is already lush and green, and vegetables such as tomatoes, peppers, and eggplants have begun to bear fruit.

Leafy vegetables have already begun to appear on the table every day. The workers in neighboring countries watched this incredible scene. Many people came to see it every day. It happened that Wang Haishen and the others captured the young men and dug the land every day to increase the planting area.

The old comrades have a wish to make all workers completely self-sufficient in food.

Ye Yuze didn't care much about these things. He just asked his old comrades to grow some fruits and other things. The climate here is similar to that of northern Xinjiang, so the crops grown there must be sweet!

You can also raise some cattle and sheep. Although the grass is not lush, raising some livestock was not a big problem at that time.

Wang Haishen was greatly inspired and immediately took action with his old comrades. Looking at these busy old people, Ye Yuze thought for a long time and couldn't remember why he hired these people. Doesn’t it seem like we are developing agriculture and animal husbandry?

As for the newly recruited workers, because they are young, their discipline is indeed better. After all, their living habits have not been completely assimilated and can be easily transformed.

But there are definitely holidays and weekends. You cannot ask others for many things according to Chinese habits. People don't have high requirements for the quality of life, but they like freedom. For this habit, we can only hire more people and lower wages to meet production needs.

Zhao Menglong and Jiang Buer worked really well together, one was in charge of technology and the other was in charge of management. The entire team quickly became more and more capable of execution. Basically, that guy Akkelei stopped coming. According to his opinion, since everyone has done all the work and he is not a very diligent person, don't bother him. .

But as soon as Ye Yuze and the others came over, this guy ran faster than anyone else. Come to refresh his presence, but Ye Yuze knows his virtues whether he is present or not, so he doesn't bother to expose him.

However, there have been some bad signs recently. For example, some officials visit the oil fields from time to time and talk about issues such as safety and environmental protection.

It is an oil well, so it is naturally impossible for there to be oil spills and oil spurts when the oil wells are producing oil. If minor incidents such as oil injection occur, then the ecology can be restored.

But when people talk about it now, it is actually quite troublesome. Akkerei didn't care. After all, he also had his own social circle, and he didn't take these people seriously. I think they can't afford to make waves.

But Ye Yuze didn't see it that way, because the embankment of a thousand miles collapsed in the ant nest. Many people who seem inconspicuous will bring you more trouble.

Sure enough, Ye Yuze's worries soon became a reality. Because Zhambul listened to Akkerei's words and once refused the invitation of a small official, trouble began to follow.

In fact, Jiangbul was not to blame for this. It was the official who called Jiangbul to dinner, and Jiangbul also went. The meal didn't cost much, so he asked Jiangbul to deposit some money in advance in this shop so that he could bring people over at any time when he entertained guests.

Jiangbul could have agreed to this kind of thing, but in order to show respect for Akkerei, he asked for permission. As a result, Akkelei became furious and cursed angrily: "Who is he? How dare he take himself so seriously? Forget about saving money for meals. Don't eat with him for a meal in the future. If you have any trouble, Just find me!”

Jiang Buer had no choice but to apologize to the official, pay the bill and leave.

Then, some local people began to cause trouble. They organized people to come to the well team to stop the well drilling on the pretext that the pastures were polluted and crops would no longer grow in the fields.

Of course, Jiangbul and the others were not soft persimmons, and they fought back directly. In fact, most of the area where the oil fields are located is wasteland. The only ones that come into contact with the common people are some plots on the fringes.

In order to avoid trouble, no wells were drilled in those plots. Now someone is deceiving the people and causing trouble for the well team that is more than ten kilometers away from them. This is simply making trouble over nothing.

After coming several times without success, Yang Geyong and Ye Yuze were driving their cars to check the conditions of several oil wells. They received a call from Jiangbul, saying that someone from the village came to the No. 3 well and asked to stop. drilling.

The two people drove over immediately, and Akkelei also arrived at this time. In fact, he had a premonition that something was going to happen, so he brought some security guards with him every time he came.

On the third to last day, the goods are cleared, brothers.

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