Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1782 Being beaten again

There is also the stench that fills the air as soon as it is opened. In the past, Smit and Kevin would not even eat it. However, after spending time in Junchen City, they are already familiar with it. After a while, they will definitely know it. Start with these things first.

The women were busy teasing Liu Fengrong over and over again: "Feng Rong, your thousand-year-old iron tree has also bloomed, one or two. What do you think? Which one do you like?"

Liu Fengrong's face was as red as the pig's blood that had just been released. He didn't know how to answer? After supporting a family for so many years, how could anyone help her? The most difficult time was when I was running between the fields and home. I couldn't live without people there, and the fields couldn't grow without growing crops. If I hadn't been able to let go of my mother, she would have even thought about dying.

Nowadays, although these two men look a bit strange, they are both tall and cute. Moreover, he spared no effort to help himself, so how could he be picky about it? Just be content if someone wants it.

Moreover, she was more than ten years older than the two of them, and the other was several years older. This fact made her feel very inferior. After all, people in that era still cared about these things.

Seeing Liu Fengrong lowering his head and saying nothing, a neighbor's sister-in-law joked: "Let's go with the thin one. That young man looks serious, a bit like a Uighur."

Another neighbor's sister-in-law was not happy: "I think fat is suitable. Fat people are generally honest and honest, and they are about the same age."

An old lady laughed: "Don't you think he looks similar to your old Han? Not only is he fat, he also has a bald spot on his forehead."

The neighbor's sister-in-law was not happy and shouted: "Is that called bald? That is called extremely smart!"

Everyone laughed together and expressed their opinions. Liu Fengrong blushed when she heard this, but she was secretly happy.

In fact, she liked Smit in her heart. Although the foreigner looked older, the fat man was more harmonious with her. His big belly was so handsome, and his forehead was shining in the sun, like a Bodhisattva.

The rice was cooked soon. At the end of the day, I had a makeshift meal for lunch. Of course, I had to have a good dinner. A pig was enough for everyone.

Plus it's night time again, so I definitely need to drink something to cheer me up. I can just drink it and go to bed. The two foreigners were quite outspoken and everyone liked them very much, so they became the focus of care.

After drinking one cup after another, the two men were quickly defeated. In the end, Liu Fengrong became anxious and stopped everyone. Otherwise, if the two foreigners were to stay overnight, she would not be able to clean herself up even if she jumped into the Yellow River.

But even so, both of them were too drunk to walk. Liu Fengrong called a car to take them back, and their own car was left at the door of their house.

Smit went to bed directly after returning, but Kevin couldn't sleep. When Yuan Gungun saw him covered in dirt when he got home, he was also surprised, but he was his man after all, so he stripped him clean and threw everything into the washing machine. Then he took him into the bathroom and threw him into the tub.

Originally, if Kevin had been honest, Yuan Gungun would have made him go to the bedroom to sleep after washing him, but this guy just pointed at Yuan Gun and scolded her, saying that she was not gentle, not virtuous, a tigress, etc. Suddenly, Yuan Gungun was so anxious that he was pulled out of the bathtub and given a beating.

Then, Coke's Kevin slept in the bathroom all night. He caught a cold the next day and couldn't get up.

Mr. Ni might not care much if others ask for leave in the institute, but these two people are too conspicuous. Smit is the director of the lithography machine project. Kevin cannot do without him, and he must be involved in everything that involves the core part. This time, Mr. Ni was anxious and sent someone to look for him. As a result, Kevin had a fever and Smit was missing.

Considering that the two of them had asked for leave together the day before, Mr. Ni personally came to Kevin's house to inquire about the situation. Naturally, Kevin did not dare to hide it from Mr. Ni, so he told the truth.

After hearing this, Mr. Ni couldn't laugh or cry. He thought there was something big going on between these two guys, but it turned out that they were both in heat. But the key point is that you all have wives, right?

After Mr. Ni scolded Kevin, he asked the driver to drive to Liu Fengrong's house. Then the old man's house was in a mess. His most capable subordinate, Mr. Smit, the world-famous lithography machine expert, was rolling up his trouser legs at the moment. , wearing a vest and carrying bricks with mud on his face.

Mr. Ni hated the iron and cursed: "Do you know that if you work in the research institute for one day, you will create more value than if you work here for one year?"

Smit was unconvinced and said: "I don't work in my spare time, so you have no right to interfere with me."

Mr. Ni pointed to his watch and said: "Today is Tuesday, it's 10:30 in the morning, you should be in the research institute!"

Only then did Smit realize that he had missed work. He was only thinking about building a wall today and didn't even ask for leave.

Smit scratched his hair with few hairs and said: "Then I'll take leave now."

"Go back to the research institute and work, I'll take care of things here!" Mr. Ni didn't want to listen to him at all.

Smit was still very honest when facing Mr. Ni, but he looked at Liu Fengrong reluctantly.

At this moment, Liu Fengrong was already stupid. Mr. Ni looked like a big shot and scolded Smit whenever he wanted. He was causing trouble for Smit, and he was so frightened that he didn't even dare to raise his head.

Mr. Ni glanced at Liu Fengrong and then at the house. Knowing that this was also a poor woman, she sighed, took out her mobile phone and made a call: "Come to Hongqi Village in the western suburbs of YM County right away, yes, right away. I'll wait for you here."

Liu Fengrong murmured: "Boss, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have delayed your important event. This has nothing to do with Smit and Kevin, it's all my fault."

But Smit came over and held his head high and said: "It has nothing to do with you. I love you, so naturally I have to help you. You don't have to work, but you can't betray love!"

Liu Fengrong was moved when she heard this, but she was also a little embarrassed. At such an old age, she was talking about love in front of so many people. So ashamed of myself.

Mr. Ni kicked Smit in the butt: "Go away, you think this is Sweden, what do you love or hate? This is China, responsibility is more important than love!"

Not long after, a warrior cross-country parked in front of everyone, and a fat man rolled up to Mr. Ni and said, "Old Ni, if you have anything to say, please give me orders."

Mr. Ni pointed at the yard and the house: "Rebuild this place according to standard specifications as quickly as possible. Ask me how much it will cost."

At this point, Mr. Ni paused, glanced at Smit, and pointed his finger: "Ask him for it, and don't ask for any less."

The contractor immediately agreed and said, "Look at it, old man. I promise to make you the most beautiful cub in the village."

Smit was a little unhappy: "Mr. Ni's mud house is very good, how unique is it?"

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