Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1627 National Poverty Group

The headquarters of the Eighth Regiment is the same as all regiment fields of the Corps, and is located in the same local county seat. The county seat is called Wencheng. Due to climate and natural conditions, it is a national-level poverty-stricken county.

The Corps people would not compete with the common people for land, so good farmland and pasture were given to the common people. They even included some fertile farmland that they had transformed themselves.

Before the land contract system, the life of soldiers in the Corps was quite decent, because they earned wages and had a fixed income every month, so food and clothing were not a problem.

But after the Corps began to reform, their lives began to deteriorate. Originally, the superior units were considerate of their special situation and had always provided subsidies to them.

And whether they are grazing or farming, if they lose money, their superiors will also give them subsidies for the money they spend to buy lambs or seeds and fertilizers the next year.

This situation lasted until 2000, but given the general environment, the higher authorities could not continue to support it like this indefinitely. So I completely ignored it.

After only a year of giving up, most of the people in the Eighth Regiment could no longer hold on and began to go out to make a living.

When the division saw that this situation was not working, they quickly reported it to their superiors. From then on, the Corps had its first national-level poverty-stricken regiment field, enjoying state subsidies.

It's just that for the soldiers here, that little subsidy is just a drop in the bucket and can only sustain their lives. This is also the most important reason why Wang Shuqin chose this place as a pilot project.

Wang Shuqin did not ask someone from the division to send her off, but drove herself to the Eighth Regiment with two experts and a secretary.

When she arrived at the regiment headquarters, Wang Shuqin felt a sore nose. It was already 2004, and there was still such a place. Except for the regiment headquarters, hospital, and several important units of the school, other places were still low and low. adobe house.

There is not even a factory in the entire regiment field, so there are not many people in the regiment headquarters, just some old people staying lazily on the street.

The children, who were originally lively and active, didn't know whether it was because there was no food in their stomachs, but they didn't laugh or play, and just stayed there quietly with the old man.

These old people are obviously veteran soldiers, because they are wearing old military uniforms that have been washed and almost lost their color, and the skin on their faces is as rough as the bark of a poplar tree.

Wang Shuqin got out of the car and walked towards the old people. The old people also stood up when they saw Wang Shuqin's car. They were all veterans. Naturally, when they saw the car, they knew that it was someone from a higher-level agency.

"Old comrade, have you eaten?" Wang Shuqin hesitated for a long time, not knowing how to say this greeting? I asked about a customary Chinese greeting.

The old man in the lead was tall but extremely thin, and Wang Shuqin was a little worried that a gust of wind would blow him down.

I stayed in the division last night, so when I got here, it was already eleven o'clock.

"If you don't eat or work, you won't waste food. Let's have lunch together."

Because of the time difference, people in northern Xinjiang always have lunch at two o'clock, but when Wang Shuqin heard what the old man said, she felt sad again.

Old people sleep less and most of them get up early. How difficult is it to stay up until noon?

Wang Shuqin asked her secretary to go to the car and get some snacks and hand them to the old man, but the old man shook his head: "Little comrade, I am also a veteran. It will be fine if I go hungry for a few meals, not to mention that lunch is almost time."

Wang Shuqin persisted and did not retract her hand. The old man sighed, looked at the eager children, and took the things over and divided them.

"Comrade, my name is Wang Jinshan, are you the boss? What do you want here?"

Wang Shuqin was stunned for a moment, then looked at the old man with wide eyes, a little unbelievable. She knew that the old commander of the Eighth Regiment was named Wang Jinshan. He had always been the pacesetter of the regiment and should have been promoted long ago.

It's just that Wang Jinshan himself refused to leave. According to what he said, that means the appearance of the Eight Groups will not change. If I leave, I will feel guilty for the rest of my life!

Before Wang Shuqin left the headquarters, the leader specifically asked her to see Wang Jinshan. If he had any difficulties, be sure to call him and tell him, and he would help solve it.

Wang Shuqin quickly held Wang Jinshan's hand: "Old regiment leader, when I arrived, the leader specially asked me to greet you and see if you have any difficulties here?"

Wang Jinshan smiled: "My difficulties are the same as everyone else in the group, can he solve them? What's more, I'm retired, I have a fixed salary, and I won't starve to death!"

There was clear dissatisfaction and resentment in Wang Jinshan's tone, which showed that he had opinions about the chief.

"I'm here to help solve the problem. Just tell me if you have any requirements." Wang Shuqin said sincerely.

Wang Jinshan looked at Wang Shuqin for a few times, obviously he had no confidence in what such a girl could do here, but out of respect, he still smiled: "I personally have no requirements, I just hope that the superiors can give me more subsidies, otherwise I won't be able to keep her." There are people to live in! Now that the dolls are gone, this place will be deserted."

"Old regiment leader, you can't retain people with subsidies. I came here this time to bring a project to see if I can change the current situation of the Eighth Regiment."

Wang Jinshan's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he hurriedly asked: "What project is it? Can you tell me about it?"

Wang Shuqin didn't hide anything and told the story about Bing Grape in detail. The more Wang Jinshan listened, the more excited he became, and he slapped his thigh for the last time: "Is this right? I have said before that this place is not suitable for growing food, and we should develop some cash crops. They criticized me for destroying the principle of taking food as the key link, and still have to pay close attention to it." I keep my eyes closed, but the land here is really not suitable for growing wheat!"

Wang Shuqin smiled and said to Wang Jinshan: "I came here this time with the consent of the leaders. These two comrades from the Institute of Agricultural Sciences were also sent by the leaders by name. Don't worry, old leader, if we don't cause any trouble in the roll call, we will not do anything wrong." Will go."

"Okay, okay, okay!" Wang Jinshan said three good words in a row, and then led them to the guest house.

The guest house is very shabby, and there should be no one there at ordinary times. There is a woman in her forties sitting at the front desk, with a blank expression, and she doesn't know what to think about? Wang Shuqin and the others walked to the door, but she didn't notice them.

"Wang Anran, what are you thinking about? The customers hit your head. Is this how you work?"

Wang Anran raised his head suddenly and saw a few people. Then he muttered dissatisfiedly: "Dad, you can't lower your voice or scare me."

Wang Shuqin took a look at Wang Anran, and her features did look a bit like Wang Jinshan's.

"This is a comrade from the headquarters. Please help make arrangements. Be diligent and don't starve others."

Wang Jinshan gave another instruction, seeming a little worried about his daughter.

Wang Anran rolled her eyes at him: "Dad, I am the model of the guest house system, do you still need to give these instructions? Have you not had breakfast again? I will get you a steamed bun."

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