Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1626 Ice Grapes

Wang Shuqin has done some investigations on the soil structure of northern Xinjiang. Although the land is vast and rich in resources, relatively speaking, there is not much real arable area, and most of it is saline-alkali land and sandy soil.

Although these soils can be improved, the price to pay is undoubtedly huge.

Think about how much price Wang and his soldiers paid when he entered Xinjiang to achieve today's achievements.

Now, instead of increasing, the arable area has decreased. Part of it is due to serious desertification, and part of it is the loss of people. How can there be people farming and grazing when people are gone?

Of course, the abandoned land cannot be good land. Otherwise, according to Chinese tradition, how could good land be abandoned like that?

However, this is not absolute. There is also a trend in the mainland. Many young people in remote mountainous areas have gradually gone to the southern coastal cities to work, leaving only the elderly and children at home.

The main reason is that the high yield of grain has caused prices to drop rapidly, making it impossible to rely on farming to meet the needs of family life. Young people have no choice but to work to make ends meet.

They have been out for a long time, and the bustling world outside makes them no longer have the courage to face the poverty in their hometown. The initial goal of going out to make money turned into settling down.

In later generations, there were many situations where there were only a few old people in a village. Many well-built houses are no longer occupied.

These houses were built by young people who earned money outside and built them to honor their ancestors.

Only after building it did they realize that they could no longer return to their hometown. It's not that some people don't want to come back, it's that they simply can't adapt to the way their ancestors lived.

They can endure hardship, but they don’t want the next generation to live like this again. So I can only escape from the mountain village and come to the big city.

Although they may be discriminated against and encounter some unfair treatment in big cities, so what? At least life is much better than in my hometown.

Wang Shuqin has seen these things, but Northern Xinjiang is not somewhere else, and the Corps is not an ordinary citizen. She will not let these things happen!

The reason why her superiors transferred her here to take charge of production work was because they saw the huge contribution she had made in Junken City.

Although it is the result of the efforts of two generations, many things are inseparable from the leadership of the leader.

Now that Wu Tianming is on the second line, he has pinned all his hopes on this young cadre who grew up in Junchen City, hoping that she can change the current predicament facing the entire Corps.

Wang Shuqin is a person of few words. After taking office, she first dove into the pile of information and began to understand the specific conditions of each division and each regiment.

Then based on what we have learned, we start to inspect the area below. She kept a large number of diaries during each inspection, comparing what she actually learned with what was summarized above, trying to make the situation as detailed as possible.

This round took about more than a year. Let some people criticize it.

After all, Wang Shuqin is too young. Although her achievements in Junken City are outstanding, this does not represent her achievements here.

Naturally, these people have been prepared for a long time and want to make some small moves at an appropriate time and want to see Wang Shuqin's jokes.

As a result, I didn't expect that this girl didn't express her opinion on anything since she came here. She didn't take any action except attending the meeting.

This made those people excited. Is this obviously a corpse meal? The ball has no ability, so it relies on the backstage to get gold plating. Such people should be removed and should not stay in this position. The most suitable position is the Women's Federation!

If there are too many such discussions, an undercurrent will form. Although it did not pose any substantial threat to Wang Shuqin, many people who did not know the truth were also coerced.

It is a habit to follow others' opinions, just like the Internet violence in later generations. Most people don't even know who the person being trolled is, so they just curse together. Just to brand yourself as a righteous man!

Faced with all this, Wang Shuqin did not show any emotion at all, as if it was not her that others were talking about.

Finally, Ye Yuze's information was sent. This is a relatively effective method of soil improvement that he collected from around the world.

Although Ye Yuze is lazy, he is a very rigorous person. The information he collected were all methods that have been verified in many places and have produced results.

Wang Shuqin felt like she had found a treasure. After careful selection, she decided to choose a typical place for the pilot project. That is the Eighth Regiment of the Fifth Division.

The most accurate description of this place is half bowl of yellow sand, half bowl of wind, half common people and half soldiers."

Compared with other regiments that only consist of Han soldiers, the 88th Regiment is a national-level border poverty-stricken regiment composed of nine ethnic groups: Han, Mongolian, Kazakhstan, Hui, and Uighur.

The regiment field is surrounded by mountains on three sides, with the west being higher and the east being lower. The north-south vertical slope reaches 16‰. The average altitude of the regiment area is 1,420 meters. It has a mid-temperate inland desert steppe type intermountain valley climate.

The annual average temperature is 3.6°C, the annual temperature range is 34.9°C, the annual accumulated temperature ≥10°C is 2050°C, and the frost-free period is 120 days. The soil is mostly gravelly or sandy soil, with thin soil layers and low soil fertility.

The climate is harsh, and natural disasters such as low temperature, drought, strong wind, hail, and floods occur frequently. Hail, strong wind, and drought are particularly harmful to the group field. The total area of ​​the group farm is 327 square kilometers, including 4110 hectares of cultivated land.

The key point is that most of the so-called 4,110 hectares of arable area is still gravelly or sandy soil, which is the so-called Gobi Desert. It is only slightly better than the Gobi Desert where nothing grows.

In response to such soil and climate, the information from Ye Yuze gave the most suitable crop for planting, and that was grapes.

This grape variety is somewhat special, that is, it is called ice grape. The special thing about it is that you have to wait until it snows and freezes before picking it.

This glucose content is much higher than other grape varieties. It is grown in some Nordic countries, and the price of wine made from this grape is very high, but the output is not high.

The soil and climate in Baduan are suitable for growing this kind of grape, so Wang Shuqin decided to go there personally and cultivate the variety, because once successful, the significance will not only be as simple as a new variety, but it may be the result of a division. The situation will change because of this thing.

After reporting this matter to several leaders, the corps leaders also took it very seriously. He told her not to mention any difficulties she had, and also sent her two of the most famous experts from the Corps' Agricultural Science Institute, which shows the leadership's expectations for her.

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