Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1615 The begging Lewis

It was under such circumstances that Lewis came to Mapuch, the capital of neighboring countries. People's hearts are in turmoil, the political situation is in turmoil, and the order that should have been there has begun to collapse.

Lewis originally wanted to sell the goods and exchange them for some to another country in Africa, but he did not expect that this sale would end the matter.

All cars have license plates, although many cars in Africa do not have license plates. But Lewis's mistake was that he forgot to take off the Tanzanian license plate.

The country of Tan and the country of Mo are enemy countries, because all the elites of the country of Mo have just been annihilated by the country of Tan.

Although the Mozambican army was frightened by the Marseille army, the people of Mapu, the capital of Mozambique, were not afraid, especially the passionate young people. Soon Lewis was surrounded by a group of people.

The main reason was that Lewis couldn't produce his ID card. You should know that people in every country have their own ID cards.

Seeing that his identity was suspicious, he was immediately taken to the police station. Lewis resisted, but hundreds of people besieged him. Even though he was more capable of beating, he was beaten until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen.

After the police found his pistol, the goods and car were confiscated, and he was tortured. Lewis was not a very determined person, and he soon told the truth about his identity.

This time the police felt like they had found a treasure and immediately reported it to their superiors.

The higher-ups knew exactly who their army had lost to. When they heard that the captain who had captured the bayonet mercenary immediately felt like he had found a treasure.

The top military officials immediately took Lewis away, and after detailed interrogation, they immediately reported the incident to President Gabon.

Gabon also immediately became excited. He wanted to meet this person in person to see if he could find an opportunity to alleviate the increasingly acute conflicts in the country.

Lewis was brought up quickly, and the price has been in a state of confusion these days. From being beaten by the common people to being tortured by the police to extract confessions, and then being questioned at higher and higher levels, the treatment is getting higher and higher day by day.

I actually met the president today, and he was almost dumbfounded. What's going on here?

Although he has always been proud of his nationality in Africa, he also understands his weight. He is just a mercenary. To put it harshly, he is just a desperado who trades his life for money.

Now that I can be received by the president of a country, not to mention why I received him, I can boast about it for half my life.

Gabon is a president who came to power by force. He led troops in a coup, killed the former president, and then held a so-called election with a gun, and he became a democratically elected president.

In recent years, they have resorted to militarism and made their neighboring countries, which are bigger and richer than Mozambique, helpless.

The main reason is that his soldiers dare to fight and fight hard, and they can get some money to buy weapons and equipment, so their military power is the strongest in the surrounding area.

But success is also Xiao He's failure. He relied on force to strengthen the country, but after the defeat, the negative impact was also very powerful.

The people who were accustomed to the victory of the Great Mo country suddenly lost confidence in his victorious president. Now calls for re-electing the president are growing louder.

Having been in the political arena for so many years, Gabon naturally knows the ropes of politics. He understood that now he needed an opportunity, preferably a war, to regain his position through a victory.

To put it ten thousand steps back, as long as he wins the battle, those voices that oppose him will be defeated. Because victory has a great impact on the morale of the army, there are troops who have always been loyal to him, and other politicians can only call him daddy in front of him even if they say goodbye.

Therefore, Gabon attaches great importance to today's meeting and gives Lewis high respect. It was simply a state guest gift.

Lewis was a little flattered, even though he was usually aloof and arrogant. But in front of the real powerful people, he is just a dog.

Facing Gabon at this time, he immediately looked servile. Without waiting for anyone to ask anything, he told everything about the Marseille District.

The more Gabon listened, the more frightened he became. He did not expect that the Marseille District was now so powerful. He knew the situation in Tanzania well. If he only relied on the Tanzania government troops, he would be his younger brother in front of him.

Unexpectedly, a guy like Lighter appeared out of nowhere, and he was assisted by two Chinese people. This is a bit difficult to do.

He was not arrogant enough to confront China, and he suddenly began to feel anxious. Even a little desperate.

He was defeated by Tan Guo. Only when he fell down and then got up again can he best explain that he was invincible. Occasional defeats were just a cover-up method he used to train his troops.

Through conversations with Gabon, Lewis already understood what the president wanted to do, but he was currently frightened. As soon as Lewis's heart moved, an ambition grew in his heart like a vine.

"Your Excellency, it is actually not difficult to defeat the armed forces in Marseille." Lewis said tentatively. At this moment, he wanted to find out how serious Gabon was.

Sure enough, Gabon's eyes immediately shone and he looked at him hopefully: "Then tell me, is there any way to defeat them?"

After all, after being immersed in mercenaries for so long, Lewis has no other abilities, but he still has his uniqueness when it comes to war.

After just a moment of hesitation, he said confidently: "The Marseille District can win simply because of its advanced weapons. This aspect is actually the easiest to deal with."

Gabon did not interrupt him and waited for him to continue, his expression somewhat excited.

"Weapons can be bought with money. They just bought some Katyushas that were obsolete in Russia. And I know many arms dealers in the United States and Europe. Buying weapons from them costs more than That Katyusha is much more advanced!"

"Really?" Gabon's face turned red, and his emotions were completely aroused.

Lewis nodded with certainty: "Not only that, I can also recruit a team of Western mercenaries for you. They are all veterans who have experienced hundreds of battles and have advanced equipment. If necessary, they can carry out beheading operations to kill Lighter and those few If a Chinese is killed, the whole group will be leaderless, and the Marseille area will be in chaos without a fight."

Gabon had stood up and was walking back and forth in the room, rubbing his hands. Apparently he had been persuaded by Lewis.

After walking for a while, his face suddenly darkened and he said helplessly:

"But how much money does it cost to do these things? At present, the country's finances have no money and are running a deficit."

Lewis was confident: "Your Excellency, who told you to pay for it? The Marseille area is so rich. If you were to capture it and occupy it, how much money would you get?"

Gabon was stunned for a moment, then hugged Lewis, patted him on the shoulder and said: "My brother, if you help me do this this time, I will guarantee your prosperity and wealth for the rest of your life."

Lewis looked excited: "Your Excellency, this is what I should do."

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