Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1614 Escape from the Sewer

The muzzle of the gun was slightly raised, slight noises kept coming from Lewis's hand, and the blankets and people on the bed were torn apart by the powerful bullets.

Lewis fired all the bullets in the magazine at once, still feeling a little upset. But this is a military camp, and the consequences if discovered would be disastrous.

So, he turned around and started running outside. The direction he ran was exactly where he came in.

After running for a few steps, he suddenly stopped, feeling that something was wrong? But after thinking about it for a while, I couldn't figure it out, so I changed my direction and simply went around to the door.

The gate of the military camp was the most dangerous place for him. There are not only open sentries on duty day and night, but also two hidden sentries. But he is not too worried about this. He is familiar with all the hidden sentry positions at the gate, because he arranged them all.

In fact, there is another secret passage that no one knows about. This is a mechanism that Lewis specially left for himself.

When Lewis approached the door, he disappeared in a flash. At this time, chaos suddenly broke out in the military camp. Several people ran towards the gate and kept shouting to be alert.

At this time, the door opened. A car drove in slowly, and it was the one Lewis drove.

At this time, Yang Wei's voice sounded on the radio: "Attention all soldiers, former captain Lewis sneaked into the military camp to carry out assassination activities. He should still be in the military camp at this time. Everyone gathered urgently and conducted a blanket search of the entire military camp. Don’t let even the ants go!”

Lewis gnashed his teeth while hiding in the sewer, but he was helpless. This secret passage is actually a sewer, and it is also connected to the septic tank. Originally, people could not get through this pipe at all, but after he secretly asked people to widen it, people can crawl in it.

He knew that this place was not safe. If there was a blanket search, someone would lift the manhole cover and take a look. If he was found, he would be dead.

He immediately launched standard tactical movements and crawled forward, completely ignoring that his body was covered in feces and urine, and crawled surprisingly fast.

About twenty minutes later, he emerged from behind a slope.

As soon as he came into contact with the outside air, he immediately vomited. It was so smelly that he couldn't care about it just now. Now he almost spit out the gall.

After running about three kilometers further, he finally saw the river. Lewis plunged into it and gave himself a thorough cleanse.

"Captain, I think Lewis has left a secret passage for himself." Mushroom reported to Yang Wei seriously.

In fact, this banquet was specially arranged by Yang Wei. Based on Yang Wei's understanding of Lewis, he felt that this guy would not give up so easily and would definitely come for revenge, so he specially set up this trap.

In fact, it’s not called a bureau, right? They just deliberately let down their guard and let him in to catch him alive. Then he will be humiliated and then driven out of the country.

Yang Wei did not want to kill Lewis. Lighter also said that this man had hard work without merit.

Who would have thought that this Lewis could be so ruthless? If the jackal hadn't been stopped and a dummy was placed under the covers, he would have been beaten to pieces.

Fortunately, he originally wanted to lie on the bed and capture Lewis alive. Thinking about it now, I can't help but break into a cold sweat.

"What's in his car?" Yang Wei asked.

The jackal dropped a large bag on the table. Yang Wei opened it and saw that it was full of US dollars.

"Keep searching, even if I dig three feet into the ground, I will find him." Yang Wei gritted his teeth. If Lewis was here, Yang Wei would dare to cut him into pieces.

However, the search lasted until dawn, but no sign of Lewis was found. Everyone was very confused, could this guy fly into the sky and escape?

At this time, Lighter also called, and neither the locomotive nor the station found Lewis. In other words, if Lewis left, he must have fled in a car.

It's just a mystery where this kid ran away from. The way they came was through a gap intentionally left by Yang Wei, because everyone in the military camp knew about that gap.

But Yang Wei was sure that Lewis didn't run from there, because the mushroom had always been lurking there. No one can escape his sight.

The reason why he was let in was so that he could be caught if he found out he had done anything wrong. Otherwise, if a former captain enters the military camp and you just do whatever you want, it won't be justified anywhere. What if someone comes to pick up something?

What no one expected was that this Lewis would be so cruel. Directly fired. How could Yang Wei let him go with such behavior?

After another half-day of careful searching, someone finally discovered something unusual in the sewer. After opening it, they discovered the secret inside.

Yang Wei felt disgusted when he held his nose, but he couldn't help but admire Lewis's ruthlessness. He might not be able to bear it.

A soldier wearing a gas mask climbed in and finally found the exit. Everyone drove around and searched for a long time near the exit, and finally found a body about five kilometers away.

After checking his identity, he was a delivery driver for a food factory. Driving a truck to deliver goods early in the morning, he died in a daze.

By now, the situation is basically clear. It must have been Lewis who killed people, grabbed cars, and crossed the border all the way south into a neighboring country.

Since the neighboring countries were defeated by the Maasai Volunteer Army, they have long been frightened. The border has basically become a decoration, and there are not many soldiers guarding it. For people doing business here in Marseille, going to neighboring countries was just as convenient as going to a neighbor's house to celebrate the New Year, and no one cared about it.

However, if Yang Wei and the others lead troops to capture Lewis, this will not work. The main purpose is to attack other people's territory. This kind of dispute needs a legitimate reason.

It is said that after Lewis killed someone and took the car, he entered a neighboring country. He did not go through the border crossing, but broke through the barbed wire fence from the grassland.

After crossing the border, he did not stop, but headed east towards the capital of the neighboring country. The main reason was that he was really afraid that Yang Wei's idiot would really chase him.

He had lost all his money in the car and now only had a few hundred shillings in his pocket. After all, the neighboring countries were short of supplies, so the train he snatched was full of goods. Whether it was fuel or food, he could just exchange it for something, which was more popular than a shilling.

After running all the way, I finally arrived at the capital of a neighboring country on the fourth day.

Nowadays, the political situation in neighboring countries is also a bit chaotic. Because of the failure of the last war, all the elites were lost. Dozens of captured tanks were also turned into scrap metal. Although President Gabon is authoritarian, he is somewhat helpless in the face of the growing opposition.

Rights are something you strive for yourself and are also given by others. Once the people lose their support, how long can you maintain your rights? So Gabon is also in a state of distress recently.

The free monthly pass is gone, otherwise it would be embarrassing. Come on, brothers.

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