Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1526 The feelings of a fighting nation

Instead, he was moved by Angela's desperate pursuit of love. Because this is called true love!

With the fall of his political opponents, Anton successfully became the number one deputy minister. He is not old, he is only in his fifties this year, so his future is naturally bright.

Something unexpected happened. In the next election,

Angela actually got an unexpected nomination and was unanimously approved. That is when she was spotted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and selected as one of the spokespersons.

Mainly because of her beautiful face and expressive ability. This incident shocked Ye Yuze and herself. They didn't expect to enter politics so accidentally. This style is very Russian. If this were in China, it would be unimaginable.

After the matter was settled, Ye Yuze and Yang Geyong were going back to Junken City. If they didn't go back, their mother would remove him from the family tree.

But this trip back was not that simple, because Yu'e later told the Queen Mother that Ye Yuze had a son in Russia, and that Yang Geyong had a daughter.

Meihua resolutely asked both of them to take them back for a look. Ye Yuze was worried about this matter. Isn't he worried that his mother will do anything bad to the child? As long as it is the blood of the old Ye family, Meihua will definitely accept it unconditionally.

He is worried that Angela will be treated coldly. Angela has been a proud and arrogant girl since she was a child. What if her mother makes inappropriate remarks and Angela doesn't like to hear a few words?

Unexpectedly, Angela was extremely excited after hearing the news, and she didn't care at all about Ye Yuze's concerns. He also comforted Ye Yuze:

"Didn't you care when my father had a bad attitude towards you? She is my mother, and I can't care less even if she hits me twice."

Seeing Angela like this, Ye Yuze was completely relieved. However, to be on the safe side, he still called Yu'e to apologize.

Yu'e was already used to these things, so she just asked: "Will it happen again in the future?"

Ye Yuze immediately answered decisively: "This is the last one!"

But after saying that, I thought of Kesselring and couldn't help but feel guilty. Is this his fault? He doesn't know, maybe, only God knows.

Junken City and Marseille City have become sister cities, so Lighter, Wang Shuqin and Ma Rong have already visited each other.

There are already a large number of young people studying in Junken City in Marseille Prefecture, and some companies in Junken City have begun to establish branches in Marseille Prefecture.

Marseille has low labor costs and low raw material costs. Therefore, some companies are willing to establish processing bases there, mainly because it is close to Europe, and the processing costs of products exported to Europe will be much lower there.

The only shortcoming at present is that the education level of the workers there is relatively low and they are not competent in processing some high-precision parts.

But this is a trivial matter. I sent some technicians over and got a group of local young people to come over for training, and the matter was solved.

Lev and Kailina also came to Junken City together, and Ye Yuze had a headache when he saw them. Mainly because he couldn't face this girl, and he was a little embarrassed to face Lev.

You can't say: "Brother, what happened between me and your sister was not intentional, right?"

Ye Yuze even lost his temper with Angela because of this. Because it was obvious that Angela and Kesselin conspired to do it, but this silly girl answered cheerfully:

"Who told you that you were not as strong as Yang Geyong? Otherwise, if you had given birth to a dozen sons and raised them all for me, I would have become a heroic mother."

Russia actually has such a law, because their country is vast and sparsely populated, so women are encouraged to have more children.

According to the Guinness Book of World Records, there was a heroic mother named Valentina Vasilyeva in the former Soviet Union. She gave birth to a total of 69 children in her life, including 16 sets of twins, 7 sets of triplets, and 4 sets of quadruplets, and 67 out of 69 children survived.

From 1944 to 1980, the Soviet Union awarded a total of 324,000 women with the Motherhood Series Medal.

In December 1991, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, this honorary title disappeared!

Until January 1, 2007, Russia restarted the "Mother Fund" to provide state subsidies for families who give birth to or adopt two or more children, and the amount is increased every year based on inflation and the fiscal budget.

Families with 4 or 7 children will receive the "Glorious Parent Medal" issued by the government.

Ye Yuze was very hurt. His brother was a stallion. Can he compare with him?

With Ye Wancheng's retirement and the growing population of the Ye family. Ye Wancheng took the initiative to return the building allocated by the municipal party committee and exchanged it for a villa.

This is an independent four-story villa, with seven or eight rooms on each floor. Plus the hall on the first floor, it is enough for fifty or sixty people to reunite.

The villa area is a special group in Junken City, and it is basically only available for people engaged in scientific research. No matter how rich the businessman is, he can't buy it here.

Even Ye Wancheng didn't use his privileges to buy it, but borrowed his identity as the third child to buy it.

Now Cuicui and Helena both live here, mainly because they are afraid that the old couple will be lonely. Ye Shan is also twelve years old this year, older than the two Ye Mei sisters, and his features and eyes look like a replica of Ye Yufan.

Ye Yufan is currently busy with work and rarely comes back. Cuicui was busier than him, and the two of them really became the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl.

The moment she saw Ye Fei, Mei Hua was simply stunned. Originally, I wanted to educate Angela and vent her anger on behalf of my daughter-in-law. Where can I care at this time?

The sound of "grandma" with a milky voice and a Russian accent immediately made Meihua lose her guard. He hugged Ye Fei and was reluctant to let go.

"Grandma, and me." A crisp female voice sounded. It turned out to be Yang Xue who was a little unbalanced when she saw that the grandma didn't hug her.

Mei Hua quickly hugged her, the more she looked at it, the more she fell in love with it. The main thing is that these two girls are so good-looking, more beautiful than Ye Rou and Ye Mei.

Ye Mao looked around carefully with his little hands behind his back, and then announced to his grandma: "Grandma, they are not as tall as me!"

Yu'e covered her mouth and laughed. This child was spoiled and had a strong sense of vanity. When you look at other people, you can always find something worse than yourself.

"Hmm, they are still young, and they will be taller than you when they grow up." Meihua was only happy at the moment and had no time to coax her older grandson.

Ye Mao pouted and ran to his mother's arms for comfort. Yu'e had no time to pay attention to her, but was busy taking care of the guests.

Kesselin left her alone and took her brother to find a house. Of course, Yu'e cares most about Angela. As the eldest sister, she can neither lose her etiquette nor be too enthusiastic. Be reserved.

Anyway, Angela and Dasha are both cheerful people, and they became warm after just chatting for a few words.

Yu'e also knew that they had paid a lot for Ye Yuze over the years, so she didn't become an outsider.

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