Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1525 Counterattack

"Father, I came here with Lev today just to see what help you need? Angela is your only daughter. As Ye Fei's father, I feel it is necessary to help you."

Russia has a special name for father-in-law. Since Ye Yuze wanted to play the emotional card today, he naturally called him father.

In fact, according to Chinese customs, it is normal to call father-in-law and mother-in-law mom and dad. Ye Yuze called out directly.

Unexpectedly, Ye Yuze's call to his father would move Anton. Anyone who has no son wants to have a son. Especially for a person of Anton's status, he can at least be his helper.

It's a pity that he only has one daughter, and he has been working in the banking system. Although he does a good job, he can't do anything to help him?

He doesn't dislike Ye Yuze. How can someone who can do such a big business be so simple? He just felt unbalanced because his daughter was not married.

Ye Yuze's words shocked him. If it was just Ye Yuze who said these words, he might not care much, but with Lev, it would be different. No one knows better than him what Lev represents?

So he nodded affectionately and solemnly, and then took the two of them to the study.

That night, a secret investigation against Petrov began. After so many years in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, how could Anton not have his own team? And they are definitely smart and capable.

Petrov is very greedy and does many things without scruples, so it is not difficult to investigate his affairs. Several major incidents were exposed in one day.

One thing is that this guy actually fished out a heinous death row prisoner, who is almost a household name in Russia. Everyone thought that Renren had died a long time ago, but unexpectedly he was still alive and well.

The reason for fishing for him was that this guy's wife and daughter found Petrov and exchanged them for themselves.

Another incident is Petrov's involvement in framing and persecuting officials of the Ministry of Finance, and the details were disclosed very completely. People will believe it once they see it.

The third case is the matter of the brother company. The facts of the case were not concealed at all and were completely exposed to the media.

As a well-known foreign-funded company in Moscow, Brothers Company has considerable influence. It is naturally shocking that its boss was locked up like this without any evidence.

As more and more media reported the incident, public opinion began to ferment. Some self-media giants and many influential people began to respond.

Finally, the police had to give a response, that is, they will take seriously the current rumors about Comrade Petrov, and will definitely give everyone a satisfactory explanation, and will deal with Petrov fairly and justly.

This statement is very official, and they will naturally not let Petrov fall easily. Who among those who have reached this level of the police force does not have some troubles? What would they do if Petrov fell down like this?

However, Petrov was temporarily suspended for the sake of public opinion. Naturally, the game also started within the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The reformists headed by Anton naturally did not allow such a moron to exist in the police.

The opposing party is also a deputy minister, ranking above Anton.

It's just that Anton has the advantage of public opinion and can add fuel to the flames. And this guy Petrov went too far, so the situation became increasingly unfavorable for him.

Because of these things, no one paid attention to Yang Geyong, who was in the detention center. No one was interrogating him, as if he had forgotten that there was such a person.

However, the situation has improved a lot. In the past, things could be delivered but no one could see them. But now, Ye Yuze and Dasha can't say that they come here every day, but they come to see him every three days.

Ye Yuze naturally told him not to take responsibility blindly, as that would be more troublesome.

As the number of visits increased, Yang Geyong's reputation in the detention center became more and more popular. With Vasily being such a powerful younger brother, almost all the prisoners had to say hello when they saw him.

And Vasily admired him even more, mainly because he knew that Yang Geyong actually had a mercenary team, which was more attractive to him who liked to fight and kill than anything else.

He begged Yang Geyong to take him to join this team, but Yang Geyong shook his head disdainfully: "You can't survive even a single move by me, aren't you looking for death if you go there?"

How could Vasily be convinced? So I started exercising, naturally under the guidance of Yang Geyong.

At this time, the battle outside was becoming increasingly fierce, and Petrov's resignation was a foregone conclusion. However, the forces on his side were naturally unwilling to lose a general like this and began to look for loopholes in Anton.

After a few things were exposed, I didn't expect that Anton was really not corrupt. There were a few mistakes made, but they were all errors of judgment during work and did not cause any adverse consequences. But his starting point is good.

Anton took the opportunity to counterattack, but his opponent quickly lost his armor. How could his former allies still dare to collude with him? Soon the tree fell and the hozen dispersed.

But on the day of his resignation, this guy made a shocking revelation. That is Anton's daughter Angela and the chairman of her brother's company had a son out of wedlock, and their son-in-law jointly embezzled national property.

This is a big deal. If it is not handled well, not only Anton may collapse, but the business of the brother company here will also be seriously affected.

At the critical moment, Angela and Dasha stepped forward and announced the operating conditions of the brother company in detail, causing everyone to be in an uproar.

At that time, Russia did not accept steel scrap, and the actions of the brother companies undoubtedly solved some troubles for them. In particular, those steel mills came forward to testify that it was precisely because of the sister companies that their industrial waste did not have to occupy cultivated land and be discarded everywhere.

Angela told everyone a story about a Chinese man who stepped forward to fight a black bear when she was in danger and rescued her from the black bear's mouth.

Along with her story, a video was released, that is, Ye Yuze fought with a black bear, and finally beat the black bear until it lay on the ground and never dared to move again.

Because the video is real, the shock caused by it is naturally unprecedented. There are many bears in Russia, and everyone knows how strong an adult male bear is. But we didn’t expect that such a thin and small Chinese man could subdue a black bear with his strength.

As a result, the term Chinese Kung Fu also began to spread in Russia.

Angela fell madly in love with this Chinese man and was willing to bear children for him. Not only was she not criticized, but she was sought after by countless women.

The fighting nation worships the strong and advocates love. In their eyes, love has no conditions attached.

Therefore, no one cares about Ye Yuze's marriage in China at all.

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