Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1523 Yang Geyong prepares to go to jail

In fact, the more arrogant a person appears on the surface, the weaker they are on the inside. Just like this big man, I believe that very few people outside would dare to mess with him.

However, it only took Yang Geyong two strokes to completely destroy the arrogant heart he had cultivated for so many years.

What shocked those subordinates at this moment was no longer Yang Geyong's fighting prowess, but the servile appearance of their boss. The key is that in their minds, the boss is a master who bleeds but does not shed tears!

Yang Geyong blew out a puff of smoke and asked, "What's your name? How many years will you be sentenced for smuggling drugs here?"

The big man quickly smiled and said: "My name is Vasily, what kind of drug do you think it is? If it is marijuana, ecstasy or the like, the basic fine will be solved. What did the big brother smuggle?"

Yang Geyong shook his head: "How the hell did I know that someone else added stuffing to my goods. I was prepared to admit it in order not to implicate my friends."

"I can help you inquire about this. How many goods are there? What are they?" Vasily said flatteringly.

Yang Geyong nodded, he still had a certain understanding of this skinhead. Although this organization is violent, it only targets foreigners and other races.

And for real Russians, they rarely harass. It is for this reason that the police have always turned a blind eye to them. Otherwise, once the state machinery is activated, such gangs will be wiped out in seconds.

Populist sentiments can be found in every country, and people of every nationality have a certain degree of sympathy for such people of their own nation.

And those with ulterior motives take advantage of people's hearts to constantly stir up disputes between ethnic groups and countries, making the world full of gunpowder.

Although Yang Geyong didn't believe that this guy could do such a big thing, he couldn't contact the outside world at the moment, so he could only treat Sima as a living horse doctor.

In the evening, when the prison guards were doing their rounds, Vasily came over, pointed at Yang Geyong, and whispered something? The man nodded and left.

Early the next morning, Vasily received the news that the heroin that was framed on Yang Geyong amounted to one hundred kilograms. Yang Geyong would never have thought of this amount in less than ten years.

The company lawyer met Yang Geyong the next morning. He asked some questions related to the case with a serious expression and left. Lawyers have their own rules, and once they are violated, it is also a violation of the law. So Yang Geyong could not get any useful information from him.

Angela went home to find her father, but her father didn't have much contact with the police department, so he couldn't provide more help.

In fact, some things are more difficult to handle the higher the level, because the impact is too great. Once he personally intervenes in Yang Geyong's case, I don't know how many pairs of eyes below will be staring at him.

Once you reach this position, no one will have fewer political opponents. Officialdom is like a pyramid. The higher you go up, the smaller the number of people. Every step you take is to step on the shoulders of others.

When it comes to Lev, he is more powerful. He is known to people from all walks of life. He quickly gave Yang Geyong food, smoke and money. So that he wouldn't suffer.

He was on his way back, and Lev felt very bad this time, because usually if it was his own business, his friends in the police station would happily agree to it. But this time, several people were hesitant, which made him feel unsure.

In the past two days, Ye Yuze, Ma Guoping and others had been casting a net to find Liu Xiangyang, but this guy just disappeared out of thin air without a trace.

Helpless, Ye Yuze had no choice but to call Han Xiaojing and ask her to check if this guy had returned to China?

But Ye Yuze is not sure whether this name is true? So I can only look for it on a trial basis.

Han Xiaojing checked it out, and luckily there was indeed Liu Xiangyang's exit record. The destination happened to be Moscow. He retrieved the photo and sent it, and it was exactly the same person. But when he saw the address, Ye Yuze frowned.

"Xiaojing, didn't you say that the old Liu family was going to be finished? Why did you send people to come so far to trouble me?"

Han Xiaojing sighed: "Many things require evidence and must be verified one by one. But they are indeed rampant enough. I will find a way to contact this person here."

Vasily was originally a madman in the entire detention center. The reason why he was mad was not only because of his strong fighting ability, but also because of his wide network of contacts. After he came in, he never stopped eating, drinking or smoking.

But compared with what Yang Geyong sent in today, it was simply not on the same level. There is a characteristic of people like Vasily, either you will be trampled under his feet and let him ravage you.

Either you step on him and make him call you daddy. Moreover, once you convince such a person, he will be more loyal than anyone else.

Yang Geyong has never been a stingy person. To him, the high-end food, tobacco and alcohol sent in by Lev are no different from ordinary things.

He threw the things on the bed and said, "Get whatever you want. I can't finish eating or drinking."

Wherever these people dared to move, they all looked at Vasily eagerly. They were not afraid of Vasily, but afraid of Yang Geyong, afraid that he would tease them, because they had never seen these things before, let alone eating and drinking, they had only heard of them in legends.

Yang Geyong shook his head towards Vasily: "Go and share it with them. Labor and capital can't finish it."

Vasily agreed and gave everyone a little bit to taste, but kept most of it. He has experience in this, so he has to persist until the next time he delivers something. Otherwise, what should we do if we stop?

Since he didn't plan to go out, Yang Geyong just took things as they came. I started to inquire about various rules and taboos in the detention center and prison here.

He felt quite at ease inside, and was ready to stay there for ten to eight years before going out. But where can Ye Yuze feel at ease?

At this time, Yu'e took the whole family to Junken City because it was summer vacation. His mother kept calling him to urge him to come over, but he didn't dare to talk about what happened here, so he could only prevaricate and was scolded several times.

Just when he was at a loss, Lev finally came back.

After his father's death, Lev has grown up rapidly. You must know that he inherited not only his father's property, but also his influence. Behind every consortium, there is a huge force. Otherwise, with just one businessman, you will be as rich as the enemy, and you will be at the mercy of others.

Lev didn't waste a moment and quickly used all his connections to rescue Yang Geyong. It just ended up being stuck in one person's hands.

Speaking of which, the Russian police system is a bit chaotic. The police force is part of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, and its agencies include the General Directorate for the Protection of Public Order, Road Safety, Transport, Criminal Investigation, Counter-Extremism, Internal Security, Economic Security and Anti-Corruption, Immigration, Drug Control The General Directorate, as well as several departments and 20 police academies, plus 12 branches.

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