Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1522 Unexpected Disaster

Ye Yuze asked coldly: "He stayed up so late drinking with us last night? How did the goods enter our cargo yard?"

Peter scratched his head, as if he was also wondering about this question, and just thought about it for a moment: "He came back with me last night, and then he talked about it. I said that I had a batch of goods to be sent this afternoon, and there happened to be half a truck idle. , I asked him to transport it as soon as possible, and also called the station dispatch. I didn’t expect him to be able to transport the goods overnight? "

Ye Yuze stopped nagging him and took him to the customs. This was the only witness. If he didn't go and figure things out quickly, things would be really troublesome.

Unexpectedly, the two people arrived at the customs but failed to see Yang Geyong. The answer given by the customs was that Yang Geyong was taken away by the police because he violated the law.

The three people didn't dare to stop for a moment and rushed to the police station. But when they got there, they didn't see anyone. Instead, Peter was detained and asked to assist in the investigation.

Ye Yuze knew that the matter was serious and did not explain to the police. I called Angela and Lev respectively. This matter would definitely not be settled based on his connections, so we would have to rely on local cowards like them.

After a while, both of them called back, and Ye Yuze was shocked. It turned out that this batch of goods was not just pure copper, but also contained drugs. The nature of this was very bad.

Naturally, Liu Xiangyang couldn't stay in the house and not come out. He had long since disappeared. Ye Yuze quickly called Ma Guoping and told him what happened. Ma Guoping cursed angrily to comfort Ye Yuze. As long as Liu Xiangyang was still in Russia, he would dig up the ground three feet and he would dig him out.

It's simple to say, but how can such a big Mosley defeat someone? Yang Geyong was already in the detention center at this time. As the boss, regardless of whether he is involved or not, he must bear his share of responsibilities.

As for Peter, nothing happened, which was also related to the fact that he was a Russian resident. Just after having a drink with the boss, the boss's friend asked him to help carry the goods. How could he not agree to this?

As for what kind of goods were imported and whether there were any violations, these had little to do with him. Instead, Yang Geyong was suspected of being involved in making profits.

The Moscow Detention Center is very dirty, and every cell is filled with all kinds of inexplicable smells.

There were five people in the room where Yang Geyong was locked up. Among them, a bald man nearly two meters tall was obviously the leader.

As soon as he entered the room, Yang Geyong nodded to them. They didn't look at him at all, and he didn't care. He just found a place to sit down. He needed to think about how to deal with today's affairs.

But he obviously didn't have this opportunity. The youngest of the five people came over and kept pressing the finger link, making a "clucking" sound.

Looking at the looks of these people, Yang Geyong knew that they were skinheads. Skinheads are a group that emerged after the collapse of the Soviet Union. This group worships Nazis and is extremely hostile to foreigners. They even target people of other nationalities in their own country.

After confirming his identity, Yang Geyong knew that this conflict was inevitable. But how could he care about this?

It turns out that his fighting ability is strong, and after training in Africa for so long, the mercenaries practiced all kinds of killing moves, which made his fighting level reach a higher level.

He didn't have the patience to put on a show to show off, but stood up directly. Before the kid could get close to him, he kicked the kid in the neck with his legs.

The guy couldn't even cry out in pain, so he fell to the ground like a sack.

Yang Geyong raised his eyes and faced the big man. The guy was also walking towards him, but Yang Geyong's kick just now clearly made him scruple, and he was obviously hesitant in his steps.

However, Yang Geyong had no intention of giving him a chance to hesitate. He had already arrived in front of the big man in one step. When the big man punched, Yang Geyong's left fist was as fast as lightning. He directly connected with the big man's right fist, and then dug his right fist into the big man's weak ribs.

"Ah, ah!" After two screams, the big man didn't fall down, but he couldn't get up from squatting there.

The punch he had just collided with had already fractured his right wrist, and his soft ribs were so damaged that it was difficult to breathe.

Yang Geyong did not stop, but continued to walk towards the three people. Two of them looked at each other, and the colleague rushed towards Yang Geyong.

Yang Geyong also increased his speed. At the moment when the three of them came into contact, Yang Geyong's body suddenly dwarfed, making the two people's fists empty, and his two fists had already hit the chests of the two people at the same time.

Yang Geyong's fists were so heavy that the two people they hit just grunted at the same time, then covered their chests and couldn't move. Yang Geyong's punches hit their temples one after another, and the two people fell to the ground without any resistance.

When Yang Geyong walked towards the last one, the guy looked frightened and knelt on the ground with a "pop". How could he dare to resist?

"Coward!" Yang Geyong cursed and turned around and sat down again. He wanted to think about what to do about this matter. How can I have time to practice boxing with these guys?

The big man stood up slowly at this time, his face full of fear. Is this a human being? They were simply humanoid monsters. He asked himself that there was no one he and his men could not beat. Most professional boxers were afraid of them.

Because they never have any rules when fighting. The only purpose is to knock down and maim the enemy. And those boxers who have become stupid through boxing training will definitely not be able to do this.

The big man was stuck there, not knowing what to do for a moment? He definitely wouldn't be able to defeat him, but it would be too embarrassing to give in like this.

However, it was more comfortable to give in for a long time than to be beaten, so I stopped worrying about it. But looking at Yang Geyong’s frown, he doesn’t know what to think about? I didn’t go over to bother him, I’ll wait until I finish thinking about it.

At this time, Yang Geyong was thinking about how to completely remove Dasha and Ye Yuze?

This matter is a bit big, and it actually involves drugs. However, Russia's penalties for drug trafficking are much lighter than those in China. There was once a guy from Central Asia who hid fifteen kilograms of drugs in his boots. After he was caught, he was only sentenced to six years in prison.

If Yang Geyong went in on his own for this matter, he would only be sentenced to a few years, but nothing could happen to Dasha and Ye Yuze.

Dasha has been fully responsible for the work here. Without him, Yang Geyong would have nothing to do. If Dasha was gone, it would be really chaotic.

Not to mention Ye Yuze, with such a big stall, if something happens to him, it will be in complete chaos.

Having made up his mind, Yang Geyong also settled down. He reached into his pocket to take out a cigarette, but when he found an empty bag, he smiled bitterly and it was all taken away. Kabuto is cleaner than his face right now.

The big man came over and handed him a cigarette. As soon as Yang Geyong put it in his lips, he lit it almost immediately.

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