Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1356 Complete Victory

The Lion King mercenaries occupied two barracks in total, and Mike occupied a large room. After discovering that his men had lost another part, Mike was completely furious.

It's just that he was beaten so badly just now that all the heavy weapons were left outside. His subordinates now all have automatic rifles and pistols in their hands, and they are obviously a little weak in fighting.

Seeing the delay in taking action from Mai Rui, Mike gave up hope and ordered everyone to gather the grenades and throw them out together at his command, blasting a bloody path.

Now there are only about thirty people left in the house who can fight, and many years of hard work have been ruined. The regret in Mike's heart was beyond words.

However, he is confident that as long as he lives, no more than three years later, the name Lion King will still be the mercenary overlord in East Africa.

Just as he was about to order his men to drop bombs, fierce gunshots came from outside. Mike felt happy and knew that Mai Rui was coming.

With Mai Rui's attack, the pressure on Mike's side dropped sharply. He took the opportunity to order his men to rush out and join Mai Rui.

Sadly, his hesitation ultimately cost him his life. Because the bayonet warriors came out, Yang Geyong personally led the team.

A few soldiers rushed to the roof, and then several grenades knocked off the safety and paused for a few seconds before throwing them into the house. This kind of throwing method basically exploded before they hit the ground.

After a period of howling, Mike and the remaining people had just regained their sight when bullets rained in from the windows and doorways.

The gunfire stopped, and the room was completely silent, except for the heavy breathing of the bayonet warriors. This Lion King mercenary organization that has been crazy for more than ten years has been completely wiped out.

Without a moment's hesitation, Yang Geyong led the men and rushed to the front yard again. Without Mike's restraint, all the soldiers moved forward like unsheathed bayonets with a cold light.

The security guards of Baishui Company who had been suppressed and beaten turned around and ran away. However, as the commander, Emairi had already turned the armored vehicle and ran away quickly.

At this moment, only half of their men could run. They climbed into the car one by one and ran back with Mai Rui.

This is because Mindray left a way out and didn't stop the car. The driver didn't get out of the car either. Otherwise, how could he have escaped?

Even so, how could Yang Geyong let them go? The mercenary soldiers with bayonets also started their trucks and started to pursue him. When Ye Yuze ran out, they were all gone.

Ye Yuze ran back and started the helicopter, leading several people to chase him in the air. After flying for twenty minutes, they saw cars from both sides. They threw grenades in front of the enemy cars, forcing them to stop.

In the end, only Mindray's armored vehicle escaped because of its thick shell. But how could Yang Geyong ask him to go out of tune? The losses today are too great. It is impossible to spare this kind of culprit?

In the end, Mai Rui, who ran back to the company, was still held prisoner. After some interrogation, Mai Rui even confessed to spying on his neighbor's bath when he was a child.

But Yang Geyong will definitely not forgive this person. The men who had trained hard for so long suffered so many casualties, and Yang Geyong couldn't get out of this tone even after killing him a hundred times.

After killing this person, Ye Yuze asked Lewis to use the phone here to call the African headquarters of Whitewater Company, explained the situation here, and asked them how to solve it? If they don't care, they will announce this to all the media tomorrow!

After some negotiations, they apologized and were willing to compensate them US$10 million. He just asked them to release the prisoners, but Ye Yuze hinted that they would have to pay an extra ten million US dollars before releasing them, and they finally agreed. He also stated that he would completely withdraw from the Mara District and no longer be an enemy of them. This matter has been completely resolved.

As for the ivory, Ye Yuze hasn't figured out what to do yet? This bastard's game is too unreasonable.

But after all, his identity is there. If he is killed directly, he will really be against the Tanzanian government. He can only be let go temporarily, but this revenge will be avenged sooner or later.

When he returned to Marseille City, Ye Yuze couldn't help but sigh secretly when he saw Dasha and Angela standing at the door holding an AK47.

Let's take them away quickly. How dangerous is it tonight? I accidentally explained everything here.

However, the two women were extremely excited. When they saw Ye Yuze and the others coming back, they ran over and gave them a big hug.

And Lev also gained a lot tonight. At this time, he was wearing a body armor, carrying an automatic rifle on his back, and a pistol in his waist, which made him look quite majestic.

The first thing Ye Yuze did when he came back was to ask someone to register the fallen soldiers. After the bodies were buried, pensions were paid to their families. And focus on taking care of families lacking labor force.

In fact, the families who lost their loved ones were not as sad as Ye Yuze imagined. The main reason is that people here have experienced too many such things.

War, hunger, and disease claim a large number of lives every year. The number of people who died in Marseille City can basically be ignored, not to mention such generous compensation.

Therefore, more young people are actively signing up to join their own teams. This battle has given them confidence. They have been bullied by outsiders for many years. This time they were finally eliminated on their own land, and every Maasai person felt excited!

Ivory, who was hiding in the area, soon learned the news. Pretending to be a phone call, he also angrily condemned the brutality of these mercenary organizations.

He also said that the district must provide certain compensation and assistance to Marseille County for this matter. But there was no mention of the White Water Company. Lighter didn’t mention it either, so many things were tacitly agreed upon.

However, after this war, Ye Yuze believed that Ivory would not dare to have any more ideas about Marseille City. As for Baishui Company, would it? He couldn't guarantee it. After all, I suffered such a big loss.

According to this company's consistent style, it should be impossible not to retaliate. We just have to wait for the right opportunity.

After receiving the compensation from Baishui Company, Yang Geyong purchased another batch of weapons, and the Maasai army directly expanded to 3,000 people.

Of course, this is just an ordinary army. What should they do in normal times? But maintain a certain number of training days each week. Must have minimum fighting ability.

After finishing all this, the equipment ordered by Wei Yuxiang also arrived. These equipment were all imported from Germany.

After the equipment is installed and put into production, the output and quality will become the largest steel plant in Tanzania.

Of course, this is a joint venture between Masai County and Junken City. Each share holds half, but the initial investment is advanced by Warrior Steel Factory, so naturally it must be recovered first before the share will be shared.

After finishing all this, Ye Yuze took a few people back to Moscow. Dasha and Lev were unwilling to leave, but they were forced to leave.

Lev shouted as the plane closed the door: "I'll be back."

I'm Mike from Lion King Mercenaries. Take out the tickets.

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