Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1355 Attacked

Because the distance between the two places was only 80 kilometers, and the car could travel at night for more than an hour and a half, Mike decided to set off at ten o'clock in the evening.

The team got up at eight o'clock and took a break to eat something. Mike's men are basically from special forces, and there are also some criminals wanted by various countries.

His mercenary organization has been in existence for almost ten years. In ten years, he has become famous in East Africa.

When it comes to the Lion King, almost everyone does not know that it can be mentioned at night, and crying children will immediately dare not make a sound.

Although Mike looked down on the strength of Marseille City, he did not act carelessly. When the car drove five kilometers away from Marseille City, he asked all his men to get out of the car and sneaked quietly in the night. A team of more than a hundred people marched , there was no sound at all, which shows how high the fighting quality of this team is.

Although there are generators in Marseille, they are not very powerful, so only the military camp and the places where Lighter and the others live have electricity. Everything else was dark. But this also directly pointed out the target for the Lion King mercenaries.

Mindray's intelligence mapped out the target very clearly. Mike checked the map and saw that the armed forces that had been lined up in a column suddenly dispersed. Each of them kept changing their cover and sneaked into the city.

The residents were sleeping, and a group of them came outside the military camp like shadows without any hindrance.

This is a large courtyard. The Maasai Volunteer Army lives on the outermost side. In the middle is the residence of Lighter and others, and behind it is the station of the bayonet mercenaries. All vehicles are parked in the yard.

There was a watchtower in the middle of the courtyard. Two soldiers were patrolling it, and searchlights were constantly scanning around the courtyard.

Mike observed the yard in the shadows and frowned. If the watchtower was near the gate of the yard, he would be sure to knock out the two sentries with a crossbow. But it’s out of reach in the middle of the yard.

A sniper saw him in trouble and suggested: "Boss, they are all asleep at this time. Jerry and I will shoot together, kill them directly and then rush in. We are completely sure that we will hit them before they react." Kill everyone in the hospital."

Mike thought for a moment and nodded. As soon as he made a gesture, a lion's roar came out.

Lions are animals that don't shout easily. Usually, when they bark, they are in danger. The continuous roars of lions woke everyone up, and the two sentries also shined their searchlights in the direction of the gate.

Two gunshots rang out, and one guard fell down from the watchtower, while the other had already hid behind the bunker and blew his whistle.

"Damn it!" Mike cursed, and then led the people to rush into the yard. By this time, the machine guns on the watchtower were roaring.

With a burst of fire like a storm, twenty or thirty of the Lion King's mercenaries were knocked down. The rest had already rushed into the yard to hide.

At this time, all the lights had been turned on, but in a hurry, some Maasai volunteers were knocked down in the house by the Lion King's people before they could rush out of the house. The battle was stalemate from the beginning.

Ye Yuze and the others also got up, arranged the women first, and then asked the bayonet soldiers to be on guard nearby and not to go to the front yard for the time being, while a few of them went up to the roof to observe the situation in the front yard. Lewis and others rushed out directly.

There were 120 Lion King mercenaries. They lost more than 20 people at the gate, and lost another 30 people in the yard. The remaining sixty people were now forced to stand at the base of the east wall of the courtyard, occupying two houses as bunkers to fight back.

The volunteers also lost more than twenty people, but by this time they had fully reacted and had completely surrounded the Lion King mercenaries.

"Fuck! These bastards!" Mike cursed and spat out a mouthful of blood. A bullet grazed his cheek and half of his teeth moved.

"That bastard Mai Rui lied to us. How can this be an indigenous team? This is the fucking regular army. The deputy also cursed."

Mike shook his head: "He didn't lie to us. The other party is indeed aboriginal, but they are well trained. It seems that they were really trained by traitors from Whitewater Company."

"Boss, let's rush out? If people in the backyard rush over in a while, we won't be able to get out." One of his men shouted while firing.

Mike shook his head: "Don't worry, if I guess correctly, Mai Rui must be leading someone behind us. If we fight for a while and there's still no movement, we'll rush out. Find a way to seize two cars."

Mike's guess was correct. Mai Rui and his men had been following the Lion King mercenaries, and they arrived within ten minutes of the battle starting. But he didn't rush in.

He didn't know much about the situation in the yard, so he didn't act rashly.

Then an assistant reminded him: "Mr. Maire, I think we should rush in at this moment. We have 200 people, and Mike has more than 100 people. The total number of indigenous armed forces is only 400. Even if we fight head-on, we have the advantage." "

Mai Rui was shocked, and then he realized that he had made a fatal mistake. This should really be a battle of annihilation. In this way, those who hide their heads and show their tails will lose the opportunity.

"Charge!" Mai Rui was holding an automatic rifle and was about to take the lead and rush in. As a result, his assistant grabbed him and dragged him back to the armored vehicle.

Yes, they brought an armored vehicle, which was stronger than an infantry vehicle.

"Mr. Maire, you are the commander. It is not your job to charge into battle. Just command from the car and we will do the rest."

The two hundred people brought by Mai Rui were as good as any mercenary team in terms of combat quality. However, the shortcomings were the same as the bayonet mercenaries. They were just well-trained and had not experienced real war.

I was supposed to kill the sentry on the watchtower while he stuck out his butt and beat the Lion King mercenary inside, but instead he forgot about it and rushed in screaming.

When the sentry heard the shouting, he turned his gun and fired until all the bullets were fired, then threw down a box of grenades desperately.

The White Water Company team suffered greater losses than the Lion King mercenaries. Fifty or sixty people were killed by one person.

When Lewis rushed into the front yard, Mike and his gang were hiding in the house and shooting wildly. He rolled forward and came to the window of a house. He knocked open a grenade and threw it into the room. After an explosion, there was a burst of screams in the room and the sound of gunfire stopped.

As soon as the soldiers stood up and rushed forward, the guns inside rang out again, and several soldiers fell to the ground with a muffled groan.

Lewis cursed a few times and threw a few more in succession, only to be thrown out again. He was injured more than the people inside.

There was only one that a guy picked up and exploded before he could throw it away. There was another scream in the room.

During this gap, the soldiers also threw grenades into the room. This time, the inside was completely chaotic. Several guys who were desperate for their lives rushed out with guns crazily, and they were all knocked to the ground without any accident.

Then there was a violent explosion in the room, and then there was no movement at all. It is basically certain that there are no survivors.

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