Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1339 Kidnapper Vasily

Because Agassi mentioned a name named Vasily when he said he wanted to kidnap him. This shocked Ye Yuze.

Could it be Yang Geyong’s former enemy? The key is that that guy is now a partner of the brother company, and he is now supplying many of the raw materials coming from St. Petersburg.

If this guy got involved in these things, it would be really troublesome.

"Which Vasily? Are you from China?" Ye Yuze lowered his face and asked Agassi.

Agassi shook his head: "I don't know. He just helped them do a few things, but he didn't even show his face. Why didn't he call me and ask me to participate in an operation tonight? He drove to pick up someone and then locked him up." stand up."

Ye Yuze thought for a moment, stopped Angela who wanted to call the police, and said to Agassi:

"You can go if you should go tonight, but you are not allowed to tell anything about your arrest, otherwise we can call the police and arrest you at any time. Just because you robbed me, it is not a big problem to sentence you to a few years."

Agassi opened his big eyes and blinked a few times, not understanding what Ye Yuze was trying to do? Do you think you are stupid or am I stupid? Dare I tell anyone about this?

Seeing Agassi's confusion, Ye Yuze explained: "I have a grudge against this Vasily and I have never been able to find him, so as long as I follow you and find him, it will be none of your business."

Agassi finally understood now. Think about Ye Yuze's skills, and then look at those wolf-like security guards. Agassi nodded in agreement without hesitation.

Ye Yuze did not make things difficult for Agassi anymore, and arranged for the two of them to have a meal. The wine must not be given to them. After drinking, who knows what will happen to these two people?

When Agassi received the call, it was already midnight. Ask him to pick someone up at the door of his brother's company in the suburbs at two o'clock. Just stop on the side of the road and wait.

The group of people were all stunned when they heard this. What are these guys going to do? Could it be that he is here for his brother company? Dasha also knew Vasily, so she reached out and picked up a gun: "I'm going to kill him!"

Ye Yuze told everyone to calm down and get ready. Everyone was loaded with guns and ammunition. Angela wanted to call her father for help, but was stopped by Ye Yuze again.

His intuition told him that this matter should have nothing to do with the company, it was just because they were easy to recognize here and served as a meeting point.

When it was almost two o'clock, everyone was ambushing near the entrance of the company, but there was no movement. When the time reached two-thirty, and everyone was about to retreat, two cars came speeding towards them.

There was a jeep in the front and a bread truck in the back, with more than a dozen people getting out of it.

Agassi and his accomplices also got out of the car, with flattering smiles on their faces. They saw a thin man walking in front of them, but his face was covered and his appearance couldn't be seen clearly.

"Hello Agassi, this is Vasily. When you drive the jeep away, be sure to watch the people inside. If you let it go, you will die." Vasily spoke in a gentle voice, but the coldness in his tone made Ah Gacy shuddered.

Ye Yuze, who was hiding not far away, felt relieved. This person was definitely not the one from St. Petersburg. The size is wrong, and the sound is even wrong.

Vasily gave a few instructions, got in the jeep and left, and Agassi's taxi was also driven away.

Only the van remained in place. Agassiz and his companions walked up. Vasily left behind five people and one person who was tied up with a hood on his head.

The van started, and Ye Yuze and the security guard followed. Angela was also in the car. There was no way, this girl wanted to be with him to death and couldn't be driven away.

Ye Yuze didn't have time to talk to her, so he had to take her with him and save one security guard.

There were four security guards crammed into the back seat, and the gang across from them all had guns. When encountering this situation, ordinary security guards would be scared to death. But there was a hint of excitement in the expressions of these people.

Especially the captain, who kept rubbing his hands as if attending a banquet. Ye Yuze couldn't help but shake his head secretly. It seems that people are really different. Shouldn't we be afraid now?

When she turned to look at Xiao Nizi beside her, she was shocked. This girl was playing with a revolver. Looking at the speed at which she loaded and deloaded, she was already more than just proficient with this gun. .

Angela had a pistol. Ye Yuze was not surprised, his identity was there. But this sophisticated technique is not surprising. How many years of practice can this speed be achieved?

Agassi drove all the way west. It turned out that his companion had several wooden houses. It's not far from Ye Yuze's company.

The cabin is also located on the edge of the forest, some distance away from the road. It's just that these two wooden houses are a bit dilapidated, and it seems that no one has lived in them for a while.

The door was not locked, so it was pinned with a wooden stick. Agassi reached out and took off the stick and walked in.

As soon as we entered the house, the temperature inside was colder than outside. Agassiz shivered and urged his companions to light a fire. Was this going to freeze people to death?

There are chopped wooden traps outside the house, just find some twigs and light them. When the fire is started, the room will be warm immediately.

The hostage's hood was taken off, and he was a young man in his early twenties. The childishness on his face had not faded away, and there were some freckles on his cheekbones.

With curly blond hair and lake-blue eyes, if it weren't for those freckles, this man would be even more delicate than the woman.

The hood and the stuffing in his mouth were taken out, and the young man cried and begged softly: "Let me go and give me the phone. I will ask my father to give you money, any amount?"

The young man was obviously frightened, with snot and tears streaming down his face.

At this time, someone's phone rang in the room. After he answered the call, he hummed a few times and then wrote down a phone number.

Then he walked up to Agassi and asked him to call the hostage's father. A ransom of one billion rubles was demanded.

Ye Yuze and the others outside were shocked. Who is this boy's father? Why do you ask for such a huge amount?

The most frightening thing is that they agreed without any hesitation and just asked to hear their son's voice.

The hostage shouted with a cry: "Dad, I am Lev. Please save me quickly."

Lev said this directly, and the phone was taken away. Then Agassi told him as he was told to wait for notification after the money was raised and he would be contacted soon.

Agassi also realized at this time that something was wrong, because the whole thing actually had nothing to do with him. The hostages were all tied up, and he just called to ask for money. Anyone could do this?

"How much of this billion can I get?" Thinking of this, Agassi naturally had to ask, otherwise his work would be in vain.

Hearing his question, the man smiled contemptuously: "You still want to share the money? It's no use to you. When the time comes, if each of you gives you a thousand rubles, you will be getting a big deal."

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