Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1338 Angela who loves to the extreme

Agassi had already rushed over at this time, mainly because he was confused by Ye Yuze's actions. Didn’t this Nima agree to rob? Why are you so active as a victim?

After knocking down the strong man behind him, Ye Yuze did not wait, but rushed forward to face Agassi.

Agassi was stunned for a moment, wondering why this little man always did things so unexpectedly. Shouldn't he just turn around and run away at this time?

Just when the two were facing each other, and Ye Yuze had already asked about the bad smell in Agassi's mouth, Ye Yuze suddenly dwarfed, and then hit Agassi's indescribable part with a half-step punch.

Agassi suddenly lost sight of his target. Just when he was about to lower his head to see what the little man was going to do, he felt a sharp pain in his lower body. Then he swayed a few times and fell to the ground and rolled over. It really hurts!

Ye Yuze muttered: "Who made you so tall? I wanted to hit my belly, but the size was wrong."

At this time, the strong man behind him also climbed up. His eyes were waiting like those of a cow, and he ran towards Ye Yuze while panting heavily.

Ye Yuze repeated his old trick, another half-step punch, but it still hit the same part as Agassi.

Ye Yuze shook his head: "Why the hell are you shorter than him? I've already raised you a few centimeters. It's really hard to control this size!"

Ye Yuze opened the car door and wanted to get the suitcase, but stopped again. He took out a hundred rubles from his pocket and stuffed it into the rolling arms of Agassi.

"As a taxi driver, you must have professional ethics. Although you can't drive currently, you still have the obligation to deliver the passengers to the place. I will drive the car and pay you the fare. You will go to the place 40 kilometers ahead in a while. Just pick up the car at the roadside.”

After saying that, Ye Yuze picked up Agassi and his companions and threw them into the snow on the roadside, mainly because he was afraid that they would be run over by a car.

It was just a robbery, and it shouldn't be punishable by death. Ye Yuze was a law-abiding citizen.

As for whether the two people would call the police, Ye Yuze was eager to do so. With his connections, these two people would definitely not be able to cope with how to call the police.

After dealing with the two people, Ye Yuze drove towards the company. The brother company was located on the roadside 40 kilometers away from the suburbs of Moscow. The big signboard can be seen from a few kilometers away.

In fact, Russians never make their signs so ostentatious, but Yang Geyong is used to being high-profile, lest others don't see it.

Of course, this is also related to the profession you are engaged in. If you are a rag collector and your sign is not eye-catching, where will people find you?

The car drove to the door of the company. Ye Yuze opened the car door and entered the company. The car parked there. The key was not removed either.

However, he still told the security guard at the gate. The brother company is no longer a shabby company, it is a big business. Even the security guards are from Russian special forces. This is called facade. The Chinese are most particular about this.

As soon as the security captain heard about this, he immediately took people to find Agassi. Ye Yuze stopped him. It was unnecessary. Mainly because they didn't take the initiative to cause trouble. There was no need to pay attention to them.

Dasha didn't come out to greet him, probably because she didn't see him and didn't know what he was doing in the house. Ye Yuze went straight into his room, put down his luggage and took a shower.

Looking at his watch, it was still a while before dinner time. Ye Yuze decided to take a nap before picking Angela up from get off work.

As a result, Ye Yuze was sleepy and fell asleep when he lay down. I don't know how long I slept, but my nostrils were itching in my sleep, and I sneezed several times and woke up.

When he opened his eyes, he saw that it was Angela teasing him with her hair. Ye Yuze hugged this girl, turned over and pressed her down and kissed her.

The two of them were kissing so passionately that they couldn't breathe, when a curse came from the door: "You damn girl, can't you hear me calling you to eat? It takes so long to change clothes?"

Then there was another exclamation of "ah", and Dasha said in surprise: "Yuze, when did you come?"

Angela stood up disheveled and pouted: "I'll change clothes. He is sleeping soundly here. Who knows when he will come?"

Ye Yuze felt embarrassed and said, "I wanted to take a nap and pick you up from get off work. But I overslept."

Angela got angry and complained: "I didn't go to work today, but your family still works on Sunday? I've been talking in Dasha's room, and you don't know to take a look."

Ye Yuze scratched his head. He didn't go to work, so he really didn't pay much attention to what day it was today?

The three of us went to eat. Russian people's diet is relatively monotonous, and they eat the same thing here and there. When they arrived, Ye Yuze liked to drink the red cabbage soup stewed by Dasha, and drank several bowls in succession.

After the meal, Angela didn't take a few bites and just watched Ye Yuze eat. This girl loves Ye Yuze to the core.

Ye Yuze is 33 years old this year, and this girl is also 32 years old. Although Russians get married late, at this age it is time to talk about marriage.

It was just the way this girl looked at Ye Yuze. Where is the room for others?

Before we even finished our meal, the security captain ran over and said, "Boss, we caught that Agassi!"

Ye Yuze was stunned for a moment: "Why are you arresting him? I just beat them up. Let him go away and stop doing immoral things in the future."

Dasha and Angela quickly asked what happened? The captain told what happened.

It turned out that after Agassi and his companions recovered, they stopped a car and drove towards the place Ye Yuze said. There was no way, he couldn't survive without the car.

After finding the car, they discovered that the company was so big. After some analysis, the two of them felt that this was a company run by a Chinese. The Chinese just now must be the boss, so they decided to do something big. He was going to ask someone to kidnap Ye Yuze and then demand a ransom.

They had completely forgotten that both of them were beaten into dogs when they dealt with others.

The security captain didn't want to talk to them at first, but the two people were sitting in the car and pointing in this direction, which made the captain alert, and he took the two people over and caught them.

Although Agassi and the others were tall and strong, they were not enough to watch in front of the captain and the special forces, and they were tortured into dogs within a few minutes.

After some interrogation, the two even confessed that they had secretly watched their neighbor's aunt take a bath when they were children. Not to mention the conspiracy just now.

Now the security captain didn't dare to let him go and came over quickly to ask for instructions. If such a person is released, it will bring danger to the boss.

After hearing what the captain said, Angela rushed out without saying a word. When Agassi came to them, he was kicked hard.

Angela was wearing riding boots with heels. Agassi's body was really scarred by this ravage.

Angela was really angry. It was okay to bully her, but if someone dared to bully Ye Yuze, she would really fight with them.

Ye Yuze held her back, not because he was soft-hearted, but because a piece of news the captain said just now made him alert.

The third update is delivered, I want it

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