Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1319 Brothers

Ye Yuze touched Angela's shoulder lovingly. At this time, Angela also let go of her teeth, opened Ye Yuze's shirt and looked at it, and then shed tears again.

"Yuze, I'm so bad, I even bit you open, why don't you hit me?" Angela blamed herself with tears.

Looking at Angela who was in tears, Ye Yuze's eyes were also red. He could tell how much this girl missed him? But what can he do?

After driving all the way back to the company, the two of them didn't bother to answer other people's greetings and went straight into their room.

Starting from the door, shoes, tops, and pants began to be thrown on the ground one by one. Then there was the squeak of that Simmons bed.

I don’t know how long it took, but the food on the table was getting cold. Dasha looked at Yang Geyong, go and ask, why is it not finished yet?

Yang Geyong shook his head: "It's over long ago. I guess he's talking. He's not as good as me in this regard."

Martha snorted: "Angela said Ye Yuze is amazing!"

Yang Geyong smiled and said nothing, I just won’t tell you. He can only be good with one person, but I am a group.

Angela lay on Ye Yuze's chest and kissed him bit by bit with her lips. It seems that I want to fill up the thoughts of these days.

Ye Yuze stroked her hair: "Angela, if you find a suitable boy, just marry him. I can't give you a marriage."

Angela shook her head: "I won't marry anyone because they are not named Ye Yuze. My heart has been stolen by this person."

Ye Yuze wanted to say something else, but his lips were blocked again.

"I'm hungry, shall we go eat?" It's always men who wake up from this kind of thing.

"I'm full and not hungry." Angela looked at him with a smile on her face, a look of satisfaction on her face.

"Let's go now. I've been drained by you. If I don't make up for it, I'll be a grown man." Ye Yuze pulled her up and started to get dressed.

The two of them walked out of the room, and Dasha started to heat the food for the second time. When he saw Angela, he smiled and said, "You are a greedy girl, and you are not afraid of starving Yuze."

Angela was in high spirits: "He deserves it, who kept him from coming for so long?"

Then he came closer to Dasha and asked: "Is there any more deer penis? They Chinese people say that it is a great supplement."

Dasha pointed to a plate in the oven. It was almost dry. If you don't come out, aren't you afraid that he will become like that?

Angela pinched Dasha: "That's what your family is like!"

This meal Ye Yuze ate was very delicious and there was a lot of it. It seems that appetite and combat effectiveness are really directly proportional.

There was no alcohol during the meal, and the two women did not allow them to drink, saying they had other business to do in the evening.

After dinner, a few people took a walk in the woods next to the company, and then went back to their homes.

This time, the two of them stayed here for half a month and settled everything before leaving.

Yang Geyong went to Tanguo, while Ye Yuze went to Jeep.

Compared to Moscow, Jeep's business is much simpler. It means sending the steel away and bringing back the small commodities from the port for exchange.

Ivana is becoming more and more attractive. Once a woman has money, the first thing she does is dress herself up.

She is beautiful to begin with, plus she has a lot of cosmetics and clothes from big brands. It’s hard to think about people.

Of course Ye Yuze is the man she wants to completely possess, but she understands that she is just one of his women.

But everything today was given by others. Even though she complained, she was doing her best.

Ye Yuze is not worried about things here. Now there are two people from Junkencheng in the company. They came to the factory and were left here by Ye Yuze after their study period expired.

It’s not to monitor Ivana, but to prevent anything from going wrong.

Calculating that the contract period was already halfway through, Ivana felt a little melancholy. Pouting his little mouth, he asked: "Yuze, what will I do after the contract is completed?"

Ye Yuze didn't hesitate at all: "Buy all these steel mills, and the price will probably not be high by then."

"But why buy it? The market is not good." Ivana was obviously reluctant.

"Don't worry, as long as I'm here, there won't be any left of your product." Ye Yuze quickly gave her medicine, An Xin Jianpi Pill.

"Really?" Ivana jumped up like a little girl.

Ye Yuze was upright: "When have I ever lied to someone?"

"Should I buy it now? Anyway, no one wants the goods except us." Ivana was impatient.

Ye Yuze quickly shook his head: "Haste makes waste. We must take advantage of the moment when they are most helpless to strike."

Ivana looked at her with a complicated expression and couldn't help but cursed: "Old fox."

Ye Yuze thought deeply: "You are a vixen." The two of them laughed together.

In fact, this country has a lot of mineral resources, and Ye Yuze has long wanted to establish a stable base here.

But there are many things that a businessman cannot intervene in. Without a strong background, even if you work vigorously, you will be cut off in the end.

But Ivana is a suitable candidate, and her family's power here is not small. Ivanovic's promotion speed is also getting faster and faster. This is also related to the political unrest.

It only took five years to be promoted from chief to deputy director of the National Police Service.

However, it will definitely take some time to get a full-time position. What is missing is not only qualifications, but also strength. Ye Yuze decided to help this friend.

The two have known each other since childhood and are definitely congenial. If he holds real power, it will definitely be good for Ye Yuze's business.

The two of them ate alone during dinner and did not ask Ivana to accompany them. Mainly talking about topics that are inconvenient for others to talk about.

In fact, the turmoil in Ukraine is caused by two factions. They all have their own political opinions and opinions, and they don't give in to each other.

Ye Yuze is a businessman, so he is not very interested in these things. In addition, he doesn't know much about politics, and he has no inclination to be right or wrong.

However, as a Chinese, he still understands the principle of not allowing others to snore on the side of the bed.

Although he will not participate in politics, there is no problem in providing some help to Ivanovich.

The two people didn't talk much, they just told him that if he needs money, just go to Ivana and withdraw it, no matter how much it is, there is no problem.

Ivanovich looked at him in surprise, wondering what he wanted to do?

Ye Yuze naturally understood what he meant and patted him on the shoulder: "Brother, we have been brothers since childhood. All I have left is money. If you need it, use it. Otherwise, why would I need so much money? You just need Well, I will naturally be well."

Ivanovich was silent for a long time, and finally nodded: "Brother, I remember your words."

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