Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1318 Love does not need to be bound

Dasha walked over and sat next to him and tangled her fingers in his hair. Yang Geyong's hair is thick and curly, and it is difficult to comb it with a comb.

Dasha's favorite thing to do was to comb his hair with her fingers. At this time, Yang Geyong was the most honest and would lie there motionless with his eyes closed. Like a cat being petted.

After a while, Yang Geyong suddenly said: "Dasha, let's get married."

Dasha shook her head: "No, dear. I don't want you to be bound by anything in any way, because you are a person who likes freedom."

Yang Geyong opened his eyes in surprise: "Don't you love me?"

Dasha lowered her head and kissed him: "You are my life. I can do anything for you, even die for you. Why do you still ask this question?"

Yang Geyong was a little touched. In the blink of an eye, the two of them had been together for so many years. This woman has been accompanying him silently and without any regrets, without any demands.

Even knowing that she was getting married, she just didn't show any frustration or disappointment. No matter how stupid he was, he still understood how sad she was at that time?

"Then why don't you marry me?" Yang Geyong still asked.

"Because I'm not worthy of you, but even if you don't want me in this life, I will wait for you silently here until I die. When the time comes, you can come to the cemetery and send a bouquet of flowers, and I won't be lonely in another world. ”

Yang Geyong pulled Dasha into his arms and hugged her tightly: "How can I bear to let go of you? You are my life too!"

Yang Geyong was telling the truth. Even though he was not very touched by the loss of Zhao Ling'er, he really didn't know what to do with the loss of Dasha?

Dasha stopped talking, because on certain occasions, actions are more powerful than words.

More than an hour later, Dasha, who was lying there, looked at Yang Geyong with charming eyes: "You are just a male bear. Why are you still so brave after so many years? Don't you eat meat when you go out?"

"Because I love you." Yang Geyong said it very naturally, directly blocking Dasha's other question.

He's not very good at lying, but that doesn't mean he won't be roundabout, but his psychological words are: "Hey, labor and management are so talented, what can we do about this?"

Yang Geyong came to Russia this time to arrange business here. He likes Africa and plans to stay there for a long time.

Dasha is now able to take charge of her own business here. Not only are they famous rich people in Moscow, but they are not unknown people in Russia as a whole.

Of course, compared with those energy tycoons, it is naturally worse. After all, everyone has a backing and is inextricably linked to the government.

And she is just a pure businessman. Although she has some connections, they are just normal interactions.

Of course, she also has Angela as a friend. Her father has been promoted again. Not to mention that the two of them are friends, even if they have a relationship with Ye Yuze, he will not ignore her if something happens.

"By the way, why doesn't Yuze come over? Angela is already complaining." Thinking of this, Dasha couldn't help but ask.

Yang Geyong also had a headache when he thought about the women of his brothers, all of whom were at the boss level, but Angela was really a problem here, and that Ivana, if she was always so unfavored, there would be problems.

Thinking of this, Yang Geyong made a phone call. Ye Yuze patted his head and felt a little regretful. He almost forgot about these two people.

Ivana doesn’t care, they just use each other. But Angela is really not, that little girl really loves herself. He told Yang Geyong to come over tomorrow, but he was not allowed to notify Angela.

Angela still works at the bank, but she is already the vice president and has more things to do. It's just that they are used to clearly dividing work and spare time, so they are only busy when they are working.

She often thinks of her little Oriental boyfriend. Very gentle and considerate. Sometimes violent.

At first glance, he looks quiet and even a little weak, making it easy for people to ignore him. But only she knows best how powerful this man's energy is.

She knew Ye Yuze was married and didn't blame him. Because the marriage partner is someone's lover for many years.

According to Angela's character, a married man will never talk to her again. With her family background and her own conditions, what kind of man can’t be found?

It's just that feelings are never controlled by reason. Even though I reminded myself ten thousand times to leave him, I still couldn't help but miss him.

It was the limit of Angela's ability to control herself from calling him.

However, as soon as that guy leaves Moscow, he often ignores her existence, as if she is a tool that others put here and will only use it when he comes. Once he leaves, it has nothing to do with him.

Therefore, Angela spent the past few years deciding to forget, but finding it difficult to forget.

As time goes by, Angela becomes more and more beautiful. If she was still a little girl before, she is now a mature and intellectual beauty.

When walking on the street, people often strike up conversations. After all, people here are not as reserved as the Chinese. I only dared to peek.

She got off work on time at five o'clock. Today, Angela wore professional attire, a small black suit and a skirt. Stockings, high heels. As I walked down the marble steps of my unit, I received envious and jealous looks along the way.

A black Mercedes-Benz drove over, and a smile appeared on Angela's lips. This was Dasha's car. This best friend came to eat with her again.

Without being polite, Angela opened the car door and got in. What greeted her was a large bouquet of bright roses.

Angela screamed excitedly. Russian women like romance. You don't have to buy a house or give a bride price to marry her, but you must have a little romance in your life, otherwise no girl will fall in love with you.

"Dear, what day is today? Why do you want to give me flowers?" Angela asked as soon as she took the flowers.

But before he finished speaking, the face behind the flower had already been revealed. Looking at Ye Yuze who was smiling mischievously, Angela threw the flowers into the back seat and rushed up to Ye Yuze, kissing him wildly.

As they kissed, Angela shed tears. Then he bit Ye Yuze hard on the shoulder.

Ye Yuze didn't move and let her bite him. He could feel that his shoulder clothes were wet, not from the bite but from Angela's tears.

At this moment, Ye Yuze was filled with guilt. This girl had never accepted a penny from him since she followed him. Even the gifts I got were all worthless.

Ye Yuze understood that others loved him. It's not anything else, but I'm so busy... sometimes I really can't take care of it.

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