Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1281 The stimulated Erhong and Martha

LIDL's business idea was changed by Erhong. In fact, both Ye Yuze and Dieter Schwarz thought she was right at the time.

But with the success of Meihua, Erhong and Martha were stimulated. It’s really not a sales method of the same level at all!

LIDL China is taking a high-end route, opening large stores like Wal-Mart, and focusing on large and medium-sized cities. But Junken Supermarket is as pervasive as the wind, and is even tighter than LIDL’s layout in Europe. There are simply no blind spots!

This can be done, and the two of them agreed on this point of view after a brief exchange. Well, let’s take the United States as a pilot!

The two flew to Boston, which has almost become Ye Yuze's base camp. All companies related to him basically start here.

The living style in the United States is different from that in China. In China, the rich live in downtown areas, while the poor live in rural areas. Of course there are exceptions, but that's generally the case.

But in the United States, the poor live in downtown areas and the rich live in the suburbs. This causes shopping inconvenience.

Because supermarkets in the United States are relatively large, they are not suitable for opening in small residential areas because the cost is too high. But the Junken supermarket model is most suitable for such convenience stores.

The two flew to Boston, but Ye Yuze was not at home. It turns out that he is learning to fly a plane right now. As long as you have a driver's license, this thing is just like a car. You can drive it and play at will.

Erhong and Masha are familiar with this family. Except for being slightly uncomfortable with Yu'e's identity change, everything else is fine.

The family had a lively meal together. Erhong expressed their thoughts and the whole family was very supportive.

Yu'e made a suggestion. Relatively speaking, the prices of small commodities and daily necessities in China are very low. For fresh food, we can set up a base here, but other things can be imported from China.

In this way, these convenience stores that penetrate into residential areas will not only be very popular, but will also quickly gain a foothold.

Because American people are realistic, they never care where things are produced when buying something. As long as it is practical and the price is low, they will choose it without hesitation.

This is related to the national conditions of this country, because it is a country of immigrants, and there are people from all countries and ethnic groups. It is difficult to get them to have any cohesion and national spirit.

But this also determines that they are easier to accept new things and don't have so many feelings.

For example, on the battlefield, there will never be any tragic stories, because once their lives are threatened, their first choice is to surrender.

Once things are settled, it's natural to do trivial matters such as selecting goods and renting a store. Both Lao Si and Ye Feng can help with these matters.

Erhong and Masha only need to find a firm to register the company.

This thing is easy to do, just spend money, and the company's business license was issued within half a month. As the boss, in addition to selecting several capable people from Europe and China, he also had to work in Boston. Recruit some employees. From now on, these people will be LIDL’s team in the United States.

At this time, Ye Yuze was flying in the sky. After entering the driving school, he realized that airplane driver's licenses are just like cars. There are many types of driver's licenses. There are different types of driver's licenses for various types of aircraft.

However, people like Ye Yuze who have their own planes only need to take a private license. The cost is about 300,000.

Is Ye Yuze the kind of person without ideals and ambitions? He chose to live on campus for the sake of this man whose driver's license was several decades old. You have to get a business license and fly a Boeing 737 or something, otherwise you can't afford the hard work these days.

Of course, that kind of driver's license must be expensive, costing 800,000 yuan. But is Ye Yuze the kind of person who is short of money? It's money well spent.

Ye Yuze called Yang Geyong and asked him how he chose? In fact, he knew without asking him that, like him, that guy must have chosen a business photo.

But when he asked, he was shocked. His brother actually chose a fighter pilot's license. This kind of driver's license is difficult to apply for, but it can be obtained not only by spending money.

The key price is quite annoying, it’s only 1 million rubles. Not to mention it is several times cheaper than Ye Yuze. After getting this driver's license, you can basically drive various models.

Ye Yuze was so angry that he just wanted to give up here and fly to Moscow. It's just that after paying the money here and studying for so long, they won't refund the tuition.

When their careers have reached this level, what they pursue has nothing to do with money. Most of the sentiments of businessmen began to develop at this time.

When doing things, the direction of consideration and interests only account for part of the reason.

However, Ye Yuze and Yang Geyong have already passed that stage and are now considered successful.

In fact, neither of them are ambitious people, and they are more casual in everything they do. Most of the time, I was pushed by others, so there was no specific direction.

Even these companies today, the reason why they have reached this point is not actually to make a lot of money for themselves. This is what is called unintentional insertion.

Otherwise, with their net worth reaching this level, how many wealthy people would be able to support themselves in learning to fly a plane? If you have the time to do something, you can earn the salary of dozens of pilots.

"Yuze, let's go traveling when we get our driver's license?" Yang Geyong said on the other side of the phone.

"Okay, you have the final say when the time comes. But before I leave, I have to make arrangements for my senior sister. She is not young anymore and is not suitable for black boxing anymore."

Ye Yuze felt a little worried when he thought of the careless senior sister. In the past few months after coming to the United States, Zhou Guihua has become a major player in the club and has easily stopped letting Harry play.

And the club is happy with it. Women and men are a huge gimmick. The key is that this female tyrannosaurus has not yet been defeated.

"What's black boxing?" Yang Geyong really didn't know what Zhou Guihua was doing here? I can't help but ask.

Ye Yuze introduced the situation. Unexpectedly, Yang Geyong became excited as soon as he heard it and complained:

"Why didn't you tell me earlier? Are there such interesting things in the United States? I graduate in a month. I'll be there then!"

Ye Yuze burst into tears when he heard this. He had completely forgotten about this brother's temperament. He seemed extremely excited when he was in Hong Kong Island. He loved the days of fighting and killing.

As much as you like it, you are already in your thirties, and you won’t be able to do it for a few more years no matter how hard you try.

"Hey, Tyson, let's go have a drink." A black classmate greeted Ye Yuze.

Ye Yuze nodded, this guy is the prince of a tribe in Tanzania. The name is lighter, actually the word is lighter.

Ye Yuze never understood why their tribe had such random names. Can this be called a person's name?

But this has little to do with him. People like to call him that.

The third update is delivered, applause

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