Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1195 The tour guides who ruin the scenery

Ye Yuze suddenly became nervous. If it were him and Yang Geyong, he would definitely not be afraid of anything. But are you taking your wife with you? Naturally, I don’t dare to take any risks.

After observing the road surface, a car would definitely not be able to pass through such a thick tree trunk. Even if the impact could pass, the occupants in the car would definitely be injured.

The only entrance is where the few people are standing, so there is no problem in passing the car.

Ye Yuze's heart skipped a beat, and he turned the steering wheel and hit those people. However, the speed of the car was not fast, but definitely not slow, leaving them little reaction time.

"What are you going to do? Are you crazy?" Yu'e shouted in fright. When she saw those people blocking the way just now, she was so frightened that her face turned pale. Now when she saw Ye Yuze's actions, she was about to cry.

Ye Yuze didn't care to explain to her at the moment, he stepped on the accelerator and rushed towards the crowd with a calm expression.

Those few people probably had done this too much and didn't pay attention to Ye Yuze's actions. One guy actually stood provocatively and took a step outside, hooking his fingers at Ye Yuze.

That sneer look seemed to say again: "Come on, bump into me?"

When Ye Yuze saw this situation, he knew he couldn't be kinder. Press the accelerator and the car roars forward.

"Oh my god, what the hell!" A burst of chaotic shouts rang out. Only the guy standing directly in front was frightened and stood there motionless, unable to move.

Ye Yuze braked hard the moment he got close to him, and then let go. The man was hit lightly, and his whole body fell on the front of the car.

At this time, the car had passed through the tree trunk. Ye Yuze refueled, and the speed of the car suddenly increased again, driving forward like lightning.

The guy lying on the hood screamed in fear. Don't know what you are holding? Ye Yuze ignored him at all and continued to drive his car.

"Put him down quickly, someone will be killed!" Yu'e shook Ye Yuze's arm anxiously, tears streaming down her face.

Ye Yuze sighed and began to slow down. Then stop. The man's legs were probably weak, and it took him a long time to climb off the hood.

Ye Yuze stretched out his head and cursed: "I'll teach you a lesson this time. You won't be so lucky next time. Stop doing immoral things all the time, can't you do something serious?"

The man didn't dare to say a word. He lay down on the roadside and started vomiting. I don’t know if it’s a fright reaction or motion sickness?

The car drove forward again, and now it was almost approaching the city. I saw two men in uniform standing there to block the car.

To be honest, Ye Yuze had some psychological shadow. I wanted to rush over directly, but I stopped thinking about it.

"Comrade, are you here to travel? Welcome. I am from the Municipal Tourism Bureau, and I am responsible for receiving foreign tourists like you. Please open the car door and let us get in. We have special hotels and tour guides, and the prices are absolutely low. It’s twenty yuan cheaper for us to book a room in a good hotel than it is for you to go there yourself.”

One of the fat guys introduced with a smile on his face.

Only then did Ye Yuze notice that there were no cars around them. How could anyone from the tourism bureau accept someone without a car?

Besides, their clothes are wrong, right? Ye Yuze thought for a long time about what to wear at the tourism bureau? Didn't even think of it. So he didn't say anything, just stepped on the accelerator and left.

This damn thing is definitely a fake again. What’s going on with this place? Will anyone dare to come if this continues?

Zhangjiajie is not a big place, so you can drive around it in a circle. We chose a hotel that looked the most magnificent and stayed there.

It's not because he doesn't care about money, but the experiences along the way make Ye Yuze a little worried. Larger hotels are relatively safer.

When checking in, the lady at the front desk was a little curious and looked outside the door for a long time.

Ye Yuze asked: "What are you looking at? We are the only ones here."

The young lady stuck out her tongue: "People like you who drive here usually have someone to lead you. How did you get here?"

Upon hearing this, Ye Yuze knew that this place was a bit chaotic, and some people were doing whatever they could to make some money.

But he's not from here, and he can't care about other people's affairs. It's just that after this torment, I felt a little awkward.

Yu'e has no interest in playing anymore. No matter how beautiful the scenery is, how can she still be in the mood to play when she encounters a series of such bad things?

The two of them took a break and went out to eat something. To be honest, the food here in Hunan is quite suitable for the taste of two people, and the appetite is a bit larger than usual.

Although the appearance of each dish is not very good, it is really delicious. Yu'e didn't allow Ye Yuze to drink, so he could only eat more to relieve his hatred.

When you get here, it’s natural to go to the scenic spot. According to the instructions of the lady at the front desk, just don't talk to those who want to take you to the scenic spots.

Generally speaking, they will pester you to no end if you talk to them. If you buy tickets properly and find a tour guide at the scenic area service office, there will be no problems.

At this time, Ye Yuze couldn't help but sigh: "You really rely on mountains and rivers to live on! If you open up the place where people live into a scenic spot, they have to find ways to make some money, right?"

With experience this time, the two of them ignored those who came over to strike up a conversation. In fact, if you don't have any intention of taking advantage, they won't be able to do anything to you.

But honestly speaking, the scenery here is really spectacular, especially the mountain peaks that grow out like trees, which are really invisible elsewhere.

After walking around in wonder for a day, although the two of them were still in good physical strength, they were both tired. Yu'e, in particular, got tired very easily these days. Once she was tired, she had no intention of shopping anymore, so the two of them simply returned to the hotel.

For dinner, we went to a small restaurant with the name Straw Hat Noodles. This was also recommended by the lady at the front desk. It tasted pretty good, but it was nothing new for people from the north. Isn’t it just hand-made noodles? Is it so novel to roll your own noodles here?

But Yu'e really liked the sour radish here and chewed a whole plate of it.

Ye Yuze naturally couldn't eat such a vegetarian diet, so he ordered a three-pot meal. It is a fragrant pot made of fat intestines, pork tripe and beef tripe. It's just that this fragrant pot has no soup, and is oily with a layer of chili. It looks very good with rice.

Moreover, Hunan people are generous. Although the staple food is rice, they will put a bowl directly on the table for you. If it is not enough, you will fill it up. This made Ye Yuze very satisfied and saved him the embarrassment of serving rice.

The two of them were about to leave after eating, but they found a five or six-year-old girl staring blankly at the things left on their table.

Yu'e squatted down and asked, "Little sister, are you hungry?"

The little girl took a step back in fear, but maybe the smell of the food on the table made her unable to move, so she finally nodded hesitantly.

"What do you want to eat? My sister will buy it for you." Yu'e then asked.

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