Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1194 Change of itinerary

After making an appointment for a while, the landlady picked them up at the hotel, and then they separated. They had to go back to the hotel to change clothes, and they were all wet.

After returning to the hotel and taking a shower, Yu'e washed and hung up their clothes. Ye Yuze suddenly became lustful when he saw Yu'e's slim figure.

Then they just fell into love and were thrown into the red waves. After finishing their work, they rested for a while, then the two of them got dressed and went downstairs. Yu'e's personality is relatively introverted, and she belongs to the type that refuses to give up. In fact, the more this kind of woman is, the easier it is for men to lose control.

Along the way, Ye Yuze didn't even bother to look at other beauties. This thing is just like being full and not interested in seeing delicious food.

After leaving the hotel, the landlady was already standing downstairs with a smile. Yu'e said angrily: "Why don't you come up to find us?"

The proprietress leaned close to her ear and whispered: "You are on a honeymoon trip. What will you do if I go up there?"

Just as Yu'e was about to defend herself, she remembered what they were doing ten minutes ago. His face turned red all of a sudden, like a cooked shrimp.

Yueyang City is not big, and the boss's wife lives very close to the lake, which is part of the city gate, so the three of them walked there for more than ten minutes.

The boat owner was busy in the kitchen alone. They also had a son who was in elementary school. He went to his grandma's house in Huarong County and didn't come back because school hadn't started yet.

There was a plate of peeled water chestnuts, water chestnuts, and some fruits on the table. It seemed that they really put a lot of thought into entertaining them.

Yu'e and Ye Yuze both like to eat water chestnuts, but they both find it troublesome and never buy them. Ye Yuze had a headache when he thought about having to bite off the skin of something so small before eating it.

But the peeled ones are different. Just throw them into your mouth one by one. They are crisp and sweet. Ye Yuze eats them to his heart's content.

The boat owner's meal was served shortly after. The dishes were simple and crude, dark in color, including stir-fried shredded eel, braised chicken, braised pork and a large plate of lotus root tips. It’s just that every dish is red and full of chili.

The boat owner chuckled and explained, "I know you northerners can't eat spicy food, so I didn't put in enough chili pepper today."

Ye Yuze counted the peppers in the dish suspiciously. There were both dry and fresh ones, but the number was too much to count. I really want to ask you if this is the truth or an irony?

But Ye Yuze is a good and polite young man, isn't he hot, I like it!

After taking down the chopsticks, Ye Yuze was shocked. He thought the meal on the boat at noon today was delicious. He didn't expect this dull boat owner to be so good at cooking.

The staple food here is always the same, which is rice. Speaking of which, there is a big gap in rice between the north and the south. Northern rice is soft and glutinous, while southern rice has clear grains. When it comes to pure rice, Ye Yuze really likes southern rice.

But when it comes to making porridge, northern rice is more delicious, because porridge is very sticky. It is difficult for southern rice to survive to that extent.

The landlady didn't buy wine, she drank home-brewed rice wine. Ye Yuze didn't like this stuff. It tasted like swill, and the alcohol content was still low. It tasted worse than beer.

However, the boat owner drank with gusto, and the landlady did not give in too much. A whole jar of wine was consumed by three people in one meal.

Nothing happened, but Ye Yuze felt dizzy. Walking was a little unsteady. Yu'e stopped drinking after drinking a little and helped Ye Yuze walk back.

The boss was worried, so he squatted down and carried him on his back, and took the two of them downstairs of the hotel.

After arriving at the hotel, Ye Yuze vomited soon after. After vomiting, he didn't forget to tell Yu'e. Don't tell others? I was drunk too much with rice wine, it was so embarrassing.

In fact, Yu'e didn't let Ye Yuze drink alcohol along the way. Ye Yuze asked her why but she wouldn't tell her. Ye Yuze had no choice but to be obedient.

But the worst thing is that Yu'e didn't let Ye Yuze touch her at night. How difficult was this fiery night?

But Ye Yuze is a good man, and a good man never violates his wife's will. When I woke up, it was already past eight o'clock the next morning.

We agreed to continue on the road today, but the weather in the south is too humid and the clothes we washed last night haven't dried yet. However, it was impossible to delay the trip for these clothes, so they just threw them in the back seat, and the two of them set off.

I accidentally met a water chestnut seller on the street. The vendor was peeling and selling them. Ye Yuze simply ordered a bag and ate them while driving.

According to the normal route, we should have gone straight to Changsha, then taken Hengyang, and entered Guangdong from Shaoguan. However, Yu'e wanted to visit Zhangjiajie, so Ye Yuze started driving northwest.

Along the way, there are more and more mountains. There are basically no highways in this era, so the entire journey is basically walking on winding mountain roads.

For Ye Yuze, who had just completed 219 and 318, this was just drizzle. But Yu'e is afraid. She was born and raised in the plains. Where has she seen such a road?

Especially the kind of blind curve in front of which you can't see. As soon as you turn the front of the car, you suddenly find a car passing you on the opposite side.

The key road was so narrow that Yu'e thought the car had collided with her, and she was so frightened that she closed her eyes.

After retreating several times, he begged Ye Yuze to go back quickly: "Why don't we stop playing? I can't stand this kind of stimulation."

But at this time, they had already walked half the distance. Ye Yuze smiled bitterly and said: "Honey, if we go back like this, aren't we going to take this road? Since we are here, we might as well go and have a look to save regrets. Maybe we will only come here in this life." What about once?”

At this point, Yu'e had no choice but to nod and do whatever she wanted with her eyes closed, since I couldn't see anyway.

The four-hundred-kilometer journey lasted nearly eight hours. At this time, Zhangjiajie had just begun to develop tourism, and the road conditions were not bad, according to the words of the small restaurant owner during lunch.

If you come before development, if you can drive to Zhangjiajie in two days, you will be considered a good driver.

When approaching ZJJ urban area, from time to time they would encounter people waving at the roadside to stop cars. Ye Yuze and Yu'e were both warm-hearted, so they naturally stopped and asked what was going on?

Unexpectedly, the person who stopped the car reached out to pull the car door up, and said that they could take Ye Yuze and the others to visit the scenic spots for free and explain them. Just pay some tolls.

Anyway, the back door was locked and they couldn't get in. And Ye Yuze and the others were not people who took advantage, so they drove away after refusing. If you encounter another traffic stop on the road, you will not stop at all.

At a sharp bend on the road less than ten kilometers away from the city, Ye Yuze suddenly found a tree trunk lying across the road, and several villagers standing on the roadside with their hands folded, staring in the direction of their car and giggling.

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