Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1125: Start annexing

At this time, Wei Yuxiang was also busy. Based on Ye Yuze's concept of development and growth, the steel factory also began to develop chain enterprises. After all, the output of the Warrior Steel Plant is there, and it also has to take care of the smelting tasks of a large number of special steels. The output of ordinary steel will naturally be affected.

And Wei Yuxiang's first target was the Shencheng Iron and Steel Plant. The main reason is that the factory has strong technical strength and no shortage of ore resources. The main weakness is the lag in blast furnace and refining technology.

The reason why I focused on this factory was because of Ye Yuze. Ever since Ye Yuze went to Shencheng, companies there have come to learn from their experience, but Hu Dali and Wei Yuxiang, the directors of Shencheng Iron and Steel Plant, hit it off immediately.

The main reason is that this guy has a bold personality and a good drinking capacity, so he can compete with the people from Northern Xinjiang.

A few days after the visit, Hu Dali called Zhang Zhizhi and took the initiative to talk about the joint venture with Warrior Steel Factory. Zhang Zhizhi had no objection.

However, after mentioning this idea to Wei Yuxiang, Wei Yuxiang rejected it. Because in Wei Yuxiang's theory, there is no concept of joint venture, only joining.

In other words, you want to join the Warrior Steel Factory system and obtain technology. Then the only condition is that everything has to be decided by Warrior Steel Factory. Otherwise, there is no need to discuss anything.

This is not because Wei Yuxiang is overbearing, but because he has seen too many intrigues in state-owned enterprises, and the officials are more enthusiastic about fighting for power and profit than they are about production.

In fact, many state-owned enterprises were not destroyed by the market, but by their leaders. He doesn't have time to sort out this complicated interpersonal relationship. He can only ask for one right, which is to be fired or transferred if he disobeys.

In fact, Shenyang Iron \u0026 Steel Co., Ltd. is currently enjoying good profits. This is due to the general environment. Even steel companies like Lao Wang can get along like a fish in water, not to mention Shenyang Iron and Steel Group Co., Ltd. which has a profound foundation.

But there is a strange phenomenon, that is, the supply of products exceeds the demand every year, but there is no money in the account. At the worst time, in order to pay wages, I have to go to the city for help.

Hearing Wei Yuxiang's refusal, Hu Dali was not surprised. He smiled bitterly and asked, "Xiao Wei, what do you want to do?"

Wei Yuxiang did not hesitate: "The only condition is that you must become a branch of Warrior Steel Factory. The main factory has the final say on personnel and technical issues."

Hu Dali smiled awkwardly, he was hit at the gate of life all of a sudden. As the factory director, why doesn't he know where the problem lies?

But he really has no choice. First, state-owned enterprises are not allowed to fire employees at will, let alone those cadres.

All kinds of relationships are brought in, and there is no work and only a salary. This is nothing, the most annoying thing is that they use the power in their hands and like to dictate production.

Especially when it comes to product sales, there will be people who trust them, and these people will sell according to internal prices, and they will pocket the benefits.

As the factory director, Hu Dali has long hated these people. But there was nothing he could do. Although he had the final say in the factory, how could he not take into account the various relationships in the city?

He is also a human being, and he has many relatives and friends who need to ask for help for many things. If all relationships are blocked, Hu Dali will be scolded for eight generations.

"I can't make the decision on this matter. I have to report it to the province." Hu Dali hesitated for a while before giving the answer.

"Okay, after you ask for instructions, we will discuss the follow-up matters, otherwise there will be no need to continue the discussion." Wei Yuxiang would not give in at all.

After returning to his residence, Hu Dali hesitated for a long time before calling Zhang Zhengzhi and told Wei Yuxiang what he meant.

The reason for hesitation is that if he really becomes someone else's branch factory, although he will issue the instructions, he still has to do the specific things.

In other words, Hu Dali has to bear the responsibility for anything that offends people. Otherwise, why would they want him as the factory director? These are things he wanted to do but didn't dare to do before, but now he has to face them.

Zhang Zheng hesitated for a while after receiving the call. He didn't expect that there was such a big appetite. Not only does it require 30% profit, but it also requires personnel rights.

This issue is very sensitive. Although the central government has proposed reforms, its purpose is to protect the interests of workers. Otherwise, if a contractor comes in and replaces all his workers, what will happen to those workers? They also have to eat.

If the whole country is filled with fired workers, social order will be completely disrupted. No one, let alone Zhang Zhengyi, can afford this!

"How many workers do they plan to replace?" Zhang Zhengzheng thought for a long time before asking the key question.

"They don't want to lay off a large number of workers, but they want to clean up those cadres who don't do anything and those people who don't work." Hu Dali told the truth.

Shenyang Iron and Steel is a provincial enterprise with more than 5,000 employees. If it really reforms, there will be no small changes.

"I need to hold a meeting to discuss this matter. Please don't come back for the time being and wait for the province's reply." Zhang Zhengzheng hung up the phone after saying this.

Zhang Zhengzhi personally presided over the meeting. As a local leader, he is naturally sensitive to changes in the general environment.

Nowadays, a large amount of policy funds from above are tilted toward the coast. This is to strengthen the pace of international trade. As a result, the survival of these traditional industries will naturally become a problem. Because planned economy and market economy are completely two concepts.

Most enterprises in western Liaoning rely on production quotas to survive. That is, if they complete the production tasks assigned by the above every year, they are good enterprises, and if they exceed the quota, they are advanced enterprises.

As for the source of raw materials and product sales, that is not something they need to consider at all. After all, the national allocation is there every year, and it is their task to spend the money.

Although the state now also provides support to Liaoxi Province, it is completely different from before.

With the rapid development of southern coastal cities, this kind of support will definitely become less and less, until it is completely gone. Then all their businesses will have to fend for themselves.

If you want to survive, you have to make your own way. Otherwise, why do we need local leaders like them?

As soon as the meeting was held, Zhang Zhengzheng directly stated the conditions of Warrior Steel Plant without any nonsense.

Everyone looked at each other and understood that this condition was right to the point. But as leaders, if they support it, it also shows an attitude and is likely to usher in a big backlash.

You must know that the number of corporate cadres is not large, and every factory must have more than a dozen useful or useless departments. It was obvious that they were going there for these people.

Zhang Zhengzhi carried out reforms in Tangcheng, but his original reforms were not thorough, and most of them were contract systems. It only temporarily stabilized people's hearts, and companies only managed to raise minimum wages, but there was no major development.

The conditions at Warrior Steel Plant are obviously not like this.

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