Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1081 Convincing the Principal

Many students expressed their admiration and praised Ye Feng for his greatness. In fact, children of this age need praise the most, and praise is their most reliable motivation.

Ye Feng politely expressed his gratitude, and then said to the teacher: "Teacher, I want to see the principal. There are very important things that need to be discussed with him."

The teacher's eyes narrowed and he examined Ye Feng's eyes. Children of this age will have many strange ideas. Not to mention meeting the principal, there are many who want to meet the president.

As a teacher, you need to guide at this time, but you cannot beat the children. Of course, we can't trouble the president, he is busy.

"Okay, but if Ye Feng has anything to do, can you tell the teacher first, and the teacher will analyze it for you. If you are not in a hurry, we can write a letter to the principal. If you are in a hurry, we will call him to make an appointment."

Ye Feng hesitated for a while, but still told the teacher: "Teacher, my eldest brother has just started working. He is an insurance company for pets. Even if the cats and dogs are sick or lost, after buying the insurance, their company will provide them with insurance." compensate."

The teacher listened quietly without interrupting him. It's just that I have given up on letting him see the principal. I guess the principal would be unhappy about this kind of thing.

Ye Feng continued: "I think the school can mobilize everyone to buy pet insurance, and my mother said that if you buy one, you can get a commission of two dollars. We can use this money as scholarships for students! In this way, the school can save part of it. Money.”

The teacher's eyes lit up instantly. She knew the backgrounds of the students in the school. Almost every home of these children has pets, and they are all kinds of strange.

If we really mobilize, the scale will definitely not be small. It wasn't that she was interested in the money, but because Ye Feng was an eight-year-old child, she felt the need to encourage him.

After pondering for a while, she smiled at Ye Feng and said: "Okay, classmate Ye Feng, I will call the principal now to ask if he has time. If so, I can take you to see him. But whether the principal agrees or not depends on you." Let’s convince him.”

Ye Feng nodded and agreed very solemnly, with an expression like a soldier about to go to the front line.

After a brief communication with the principal, the teacher took Ye Feng to the principal's office. The principal was a fat old man in his fifties, very kind. When he saw Ye Feng, he squatted down with a smile and asked:

"Dear Sir, I heard that you have something very important to talk to me about. I can give you twenty minutes to convince me, because in twenty minutes, I will go to a meeting."

Ye Feng nodded in agreement and went straight to the point without any nonsense: "Mr. Principal, we all have pets in our homes, but because they can't talk, we don't know when they are sick."

"But now there is a kind of insurance that can solve this problem, that is, after purchasing it, a specialized pet doctor will be waiting for us at his hospital, who can conduct regular physical examinations for the pet, and if any problems are found, he will be treated in time."

"In this way, pets will experience less pain, and for every insurance we help sell, we will get a rebate of four dollars. This money can also be used as our scholarship feedback to everyone to encourage those with outstanding academic performance. classmate."

Ye Feng finished talking about the matter in one breath, and the nervousness he had just felt had eased. It's just that the chest is rising and falling a bit.

A big smile appeared on the principal's round face, and he gave a thumbs up sign of approval:

"Dear Mr. Ye Feng, you have successfully persuaded me to agree to your initiative. However, the school cannot do this. You can only persuade your classmates. Can you do this? "

Ye Feng nodded firmly: "I promise I can do it."

The principal patted him on the shoulder with satisfaction: "During lunch, I will give you half an hour in the restaurant to convince them, and no matter how many insurance policies can be sold, the money will be used as a special fund for you to decide. What do you think about the usefulness, we can call it Ye Feng Fund?"

Ye Feng's face turned red and he immediately bowed to the principal: "Thank you, Mr. Principal, for giving me this opportunity."

The principal shook his head: "You are wrong. I should thank you for allowing me to see the birth of a fund."

Next, Ye Feng is going to prepare a speech. Of course, this time it wasn't him. Back in class, his dearest teacher Hannah helped him promote it in the class, and he immediately got unanimous approval from his classmates.

Then everyone helped Ye Feng prepare his speech, while Teacher Hannah took a pen to summarize everyone's opinions and summarized them. Complete a complete manuscript.

The school has a special auditorium, but the principal did not hold a meeting on this matter. Instead, he waited for all students to take their meals and sit down, then spoke with a microphone:

"Gentlemen and ladies. Today a second-grade classmate made a suggestion to me that sounds very good, but I can't make the decision for everyone. Today we will give him half an hour and let him put it into perspective. Let me make it clear to everyone that the decision is your own business and the school will not interfere."

Everyone looked at the principal curiously, wanting to see what suggestions the second-grade brat had. The bodies of primary school students are very different. From first grade to sixth grade, the difference in height is really from a bean to an adult.

Ye Feng took the microphone from the principal's hand, but he was too short, so the students couldn't see him standing there.

Hannah quickly called a male teacher, brought a table over, and placed Ye Feng on the table.

Ye Feng took the microphone and stood on the table with a calm expression. He didn't hold any manuscript, he just glanced at everyone and started to speak.

"I have a cat at home that I picked up from outside the yard. When I saw it, it was so hungry that it couldn't crawl. After I took it home, my mother taught me to feed it with a bottle..."

Ye Feng's tone was very emotional. He had experienced this personally, so he didn't hesitate when talking about it.

"In this way, under my feeding, it became healthier day by day. It liked to surround my feet and climb on my shoulders during the day. When sleeping at night, it liked to lean against my pillow. When I came to school, my mother He said that he often doesn’t eat well, and when he sees me after school, he will look at me while eating his dinner.”

The United States itself has the habit of keeping pets, and they often treat pets as their own family members, so many people have encountered what Ye Feng told, and they all resonate with it.

"When the kitten grew up, it liked to play outside, until one day I noticed that it seemed to be uncomfortable and thought it was tired from playing. But I didn't care about it."

Is it still possible? It gets cold every few days. It’s so difficult for a dog author to write. Hurry up and subscribe. good

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