Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1080 Ye Feng

Ye Feng has just entered the second grade this year. Both teachers and classmates have a very good impression of him. The main reason is that this child is polite to everyone.

He went to a private school, a so-called aristocratic school. He is also the only member of the Ye family who attends an aristocratic school. It can be seen how much Meihua loves this grandson.

Various facilities in the school are of professional grade. Even lunch is up to the standard of a star hotel. There is no way, how else can the tuition of 100,000 US dollars a year show its superiority?

After arriving at school, Ye Feng told a few close friends about the insurance. In the end, a few little guys didn't take it seriously and just paid him to be the host. As for the pets, what were they like? Ask him to fill in whatever he wants.

Ye Feng naturally didn't want such a result. After thinking for a while, he went to find the teacher. This class is a reading class, and the teacher is drinking coffee on the podium.

Many Chinese people don't know much about American primary schools and think there are few primary school courses. This is actually wrong. Don't think it's just an elementary school. The curriculum is very rich and focuses on cultivating students' practical creativity.

Primary schools mainly learn some basic courses, including English reading, writing and understanding, mathematics, humanities and social sciences, science, music, art, physical education, etc.

Teachers do not focus on students’ grades, but rather examine children’s participation in class, daily practical ability and service spirit, etc.

The biggest difference between American elementary schools and institutional elementary schools is the emphasis on reading. Children will be encouraged to read a large number of books of various types, including novels, non-fiction, celebrity biographies, etc.

This kind of extensive reading will be of great help to children in developing critical thinking in the future and developing the habit of reading from an early age.

Generally, students will read a new book every week. In class, the teacher will explain the content, ask everyone's thoughts and start a group discussion.

Every day when students go home, they need to read for 20 to 40 minutes and write their own reading reports. Persisting in reading is very helpful to improve your critical thinking ability. It not only improves your Chinese language level, but also improves your thinking ability in other subjects.

American elementary schools have requirements for the types of books to read. According to the Common Core State Standards CCSS syllabus, the proportion of reading types in elementary schools is required to be half and half of non-story and story books. As the grade increases, the proportion of non-story (popular science, information) books will increase.

Most of what they cultivate in primary school is children's interest in reading, but as they get older, teachers will ask students to read some less interesting documentary books, which also trains and improves children's thinking.

There will be writing on a fixed theme at least twice a week in primary schools. In the classroom, the teacher will spend half the time introducing grammar and the other half allowing students to create independently.

The topics of writing courses are diverse and rich, they may be imaginative articles or practical articles. The teacher will not grade students' content, but will only look at their grammar and make corrections and notes on errors.

Generally speaking, the first and second grades of American elementary schools focus on accumulating vocabulary. Students must learn to write fluent sentences with correct use of punctuation marks, and then practice writing about some scenes in life to lay a solid foundation. Elementary school students in grade 3 and above need to practice writing on different questions. Including narratives, expository essays, argumentative essays, fables, poems, etc.

Primary school mathematics in the United States is relatively simpler than in China, because their primary schools pay more attention to the cultivation of children's interests and independent thinking. In addition to the regular four arithmetic operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, the course also includes integers, fractions and decimals, weights and measures, probability and statistics.

Students need to complete after-school homework, but generally the homework is not large, only one page, and its main function is to allow children to review and consolidate the knowledge they learned today.

Their social science courses are also very rich, but they are all relatively basic courses to guide students to find their own learning interests.

Humanities and social science courses cover American history, world history, American geography, world geography, economics, civic literacy, etc.; science courses cover earth sciences, life sciences, physical sciences, etc. In addition, there are also some interest courses such as computers, speech, etc.

Courses such as humanities, social sciences and sciences have a spiral structure, that is, each grade will cover these courses, but as the grade increases, the knowledge becomes broader and more difficult. This course learning structure allows students to learn the course content from shallow to deep and firmly grasp basic knowledge.

In addition to academic studies, American elementary schools also arrange physical education, music and art courses. After school, students in American primary schools can participate in basketball, baseball, football and other sports activities to enrich their extracurricular life.

There is no concept of a class teacher in primary school classes. Each class has only one general teacher who teaches almost all courses.

This is different from the way teachers in the system teach single-subject courses. Primary school students usually finish school at 3pm, so they have a lot of time to do extracurricular activities.

Many American primary school parents will send their children to extracurricular classes, ranging from after-school tutoring to sports and arts. Tutors will supervise their children to complete homework and carry out interest courses. The American language curriculum cultivates critical thinking through extensive reading.

After reading an article, the teacher likes to leave open questions. Students will mostly think critically based on their own experience, rather than thinking about the author's intention.

The curriculum system pays more attention to students' ability to analyze and solve problems in life. Many people think that primary school mathematics in the United States is easier than institutional mathematics, and this is actually true.

Their computing power is indeed not as good as that of Chinese students, but the observation, comparison, conjecture, analysis, synthesis and other training they received during their studies have improved their logical reasoning abilities, which many Chinese students lack.

In fact, there is one biggest difference in teaching between the two countries, and that is calculation. Chinese students are not allowed to use calculators, while American students require calculators for exams.

What is there that the author can't judge in this regard? Because they all have their own opinions, but according to their logic:

"Since I have already researched this thing, why do I still ask students to do written calculations and mental calculations? Isn't that a waste of time?"

The teacher is a young girl in her twenties, very beautiful. Mainly because of her easy-going personality, the children like her very much.

Seeing Ye Feng coming, the teacher immediately asked with a smile: "Our little cutie is here, let me guess, have you finished the puzzle?"

Ye Feng nodded. To be honest, this puzzle was a bit simple for him. It was something he could complete with his eyes and not his brain. But he was still very happy when the teacher praised him.

"Very good, my little boy is great! Everyone can take a look at Ye Feng's works." The teacher raised his voice.

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