Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 1067: Take things as they come

Many people complain that they have no opportunities in life, but this is not the case. Our lives are full of opportunities, it’s just because we can’t grasp them.

For example, Lao Si, if placed in China, his cooking skills may not be as good as any higher-level professional chefs, but how many professional chefs can develop their cooking skills like him?

Dieter Schwarz is grinning from ear to ear these days. He is happier than when he started his own business, mainly because he got such a huge advantage without any effort.

The popularity of the Chinese fast food branch in Hamburg proves the success of Laosi’s dish transformation. The next step is to fully roll out.

Not long after, Regens, a well-known German company, approached Dieter Schwarz to buy the recipe for garlic-flavored ice cream.

Dieter Schwarz did not hide his secrets and directly called the fourth child over. This is Laosi's exclusive invention, and he will not take advantage of it.

However, because the fourth child was too young, he helped negotiate. In the end, the garlic ice cream formula was bought by Regens Company for a high price of 10 million US dollars. But there is a caveat, that is, LIDL still has the right to produce Chinese fast food, but it no longer has the right to charge patent fees.

In the following days, Laosi, accompanied by several professionals from the company, began to inspect Chinese fast food throughout Europe.

Where the turnover is not good, the dishes will be adjusted appropriately according to local tastes. Soon, Chinese fast food became famous throughout Europe.

There is no way, LIDL chains are everywhere, and Chinese fast food can be said to have borrowed the east wind. It is developing faster than the United States where it originated.

Seeing this, Cindy naturally accelerated her pace and began to expand. It's just that she doesn't have the convenience of LIDL, and her speed is much slower than Dieter Schwarz's.

This comforted Dieter Schwarz again, and he pulled Martha to brag about her skills.

Martha has been getting closer to her grandfather recently because she found that he was completely different from before. These are all changes that have occurred since returning from China last time. The desire for fame and fortune is gone, and people are much more pure. And often more like a child.

What she didn't know was that this was all the result of Mr. Wuhe Zheng. The two old men successfully transformed this old German capitalist with Chinese Confucian and Taoist ideas.

By the time the fourth child was about to return to the United States after his vacation, the handover work between Dieter Schwarz and Martha was almost in progress.

On this day, Dieter Schwarz came to say goodbye to Martha wearing Chinese clothes, saying that he was going to live in China for a while. Martha was stunned for a moment.

The main reason is that my grandfather is over sixty and can’t speak Chinese. How can he live here? She quickly called Ye Yuze, who was still in Ukraine at this time.

After hearing what Martha said, she couldn't help but laugh: "Don't worry about this. Just call the second sister and ask her to pick him up. Then send him to Na Wu. She doesn't have to worry about it."

Martha felt relieved after hearing how relaxed he said it. Put grandpa on the plane. The main reason is that there are still people from the company in Beijing, and the translator has not come back. Several supermarkets of LIDL's Chinese branch were arranging to open, and her grandfather was there to take charge, which made her feel more relieved.

After Ye Yuze and Yang Geyong arrived in Moscow, they saw that the situation had not changed. Although there are many treacherous men in the country, they are not a threat to their supply of goods.

However, there are more and more large companies with backgrounds bearing the prefix "国", and they have a huge appetite. They want everything from Russian steel, including copper, aluminum and other non-ferrous metals.

Moreover, in order to obtain goods, these companies often create troubles with each other. Ye Yuze couldn't help but shake his head when he saw the price of finished goods rising out of thin air. But what can he do about these things?

At present, there is no shortage of raw materials in Warrior Steel Factory, and the backlog alone is enough to last for several years. The main reason is that there is no problem with the supply channel, which makes Ye Yuze completely relieved.

After making out with Angela for a while, they flew to Jeep. To be honest, Ye Yuze was always less confident about Ivana than Angela.

Although Angela doesn't want a penny of benefits, Ye Yuze understands that if the company encounters trouble, Angela will be the first to rush forward.

Even if Ivana holds shares, if there are problems in those steel plants, she will definitely weigh the pros and cons.

Ye Yuze also wanted to give Ivana more shares, but after careful consideration he gave up. After all, there are bigger temptations at any time, and a relationship maintained by money can never be firm.

It's better to go over and stay with her. After all, the relationship between people is also a very effective way to maintain cooperation.

Besides, Evana still likes Ye Yuze very much. It's just that Ye Yuze's feelings for others are relatively complicated. This is a natural disaster. The main reason is that Ye Yuze has too many emotional connections and cannot devote himself to one person.

When he flew over this time, Ye Yuze brought a lot of specialties from Northern Xinjiang, mainly to express his condolences to the staff working here at Warrior Steel Plant.

After these people return to China, they will definitely become the elite of Warrior Steel Factory. Although Ukraine currently does not have the energy to innovate, its heritage from the Soviet era cannot be underestimated. That means you dare to fight the United States to the point of existence.

Several steel plants are also affected by the presence of China, a major customer. It has been operating at full capacity, and the living standards of workers have always been very good at Jeep.

People everywhere are the same. As long as their lives are stable, they will live a down-to-earth life. Especially when Jeep's economic situation is so bad right now. Such a job is really hard to come by.

Several factory directors are also working very hard, because Ukraine's privatization process is very fast, and a large number of state-owned enterprises have turned into individual industries at an alarming speed.

And workers, a once proud group, have completely become workers. And those factory directors who once had a prominent status in the system have also withdrawn from the stage of history and been lost in the long river of history.

These factory directors also understood their final fate and began to get excited. After all, since their fate has been decided, why not give it a try? If they can take over the factory, they will also become the boss.

Even if they can't succeed, their income is much higher than that of ordinary workers. With some accumulation in the past, it is not a big problem to become a small boss.

The environment will never change for humans. Only by adapting to the environment can humans survive better. There was a movie. Tell Moscow not to believe in tears. The result of not working hard is to be abandoned by society.

Of course, most people are content with the situation, but under the current situation, it is not easy to be content with the situation.

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