Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 104 The insidious Xu Monk

Mom and dad also comforted the old couple. Grandma's mood finally stabilized. At least the whole family came out. Otherwise, we still don’t know what the consequences will be?

"Grandma, when the house here is built, we will go to Tangcheng to build a house. It will be open to traffic by then."

As an ordinary person, Ye Yuze has no ability to change anything. All we can do is keep the family safe.

House building is still going on. Ye Yuze encountered something worrying. That's that's the roof.

The houses in the village have mud roofs. Just use wheat straw mixed into the mud. Apply to the roof. It's just that you have to do it every two or three years. Otherwise, it will leak.

When Ye Yuze asked this question. Dad interrupted. "If that doesn't work, why don't we get asphalt stones?"

Grandma shook her head. "That won't work. The asphalt will soften when exposed to the sun. A lot of grain in rural areas has to be dried on the roof!"

"Can you buy furnace ashes here? The kind left over from burning coal?"

Ye Yuze suddenly remembered the coal ash piled outside the brick factory where he went to buy bricks yesterday.

"Yes, there are many over there at the brick factory. Grandpa, what do you want that for?"

Grandpa smiled. "You just buy the complexity. How to use it is my business!"

Unexpectedly, the old man even started a lawsuit. But that will happen after the cap is reached. Don't be in a hurry.

By dinner time, the wall was half up.

If the foundation is not dug too deep. I guess it will be almost done today.

It looks like the main house will be ready tomorrow. The south room must be made of adobe.

Originally, it was according to Ye Yuze's intention. Forget it all with bricks. As a result, no one in the family turned to him.

As a minority, he could only surrender.

Dinner was not reduced at all. Ye Yuze planned to use up all the eighty kilograms of pork in three days.

There is no bittern in the pig head or offal. I plan to put it into the vegetables and stew it together.

Ye Yuze finally put the four pig trotters away.

He was planning to have several elders in the village gather together. There are also days to choose when going to the beam. You need to find a professional Feng Shui master for this.

Although in this era, those were attributed to feudal superstition. But people will still believe it.

In fact, I don’t necessarily believe it. At least it can give yourself some psychological comfort.

Since tomorrow is almost the day, this matter should be put on the agenda.

Grandma went to find Mr. Ma. Ask him to ask a Feng Shui master early tomorrow morning.

In fact, Feng Shui masters don’t dare to come out anymore. Because as long as he is caught, it will be enough for him to drink a pot.

Therefore, only those who are very familiar with each other or have a certain status in the village will come out to invite others.

Ma Ye agreed. Everyone also took a rest. The family also had a busy day. I basically fell asleep when I lay down.

At this point, two people of the same age, the old uncle and the old uncle, didn’t know where to go to play. Probably went to the river to take a bath.

Ye Yuze originally wanted to follow. But was firmly stopped.

No matter how evil he behaves. But Ye Yuze didn't even think about these things.

The family soon fell asleep.

Early the next morning, people consciously started working early. Mr. Ma got up early and went to the town of Linxian to invite a gentleman.

He held the compass around the house and muttered for a long time. Then he stopped and counted with his fingers for a while. Finally said:

"Eight o'clock tomorrow morning is the best day to go up. The time must be precise. Prepare a rooster then, and I have to draw the talisman. Make sure to arrange a quiet room for me tonight!"

Seeing how serious this guy was, Ye Yuze believed him. One afternoon. The whole family is waiting on this guy.

One moment I buy cinnabar, and the next I prepare wolf hair. I’ll ask for peach branches later. The most important thing is that the big cock must have red hair.

In this era, families are not allowed to raise things. Violation of policy. This big red-haired rooster is a troublemaker for a whole family.

Finally, we mobilized relatives and friends, and finally found a big red-haired rooster in a nearby village.

The people who work are really fast, and not only the main building is ready in one day. Even the south room and the courtyard wall were fortified.

Everything is ready now, just waiting for the beam tomorrow morning. Then the roof is processed and it's done.

As for some odd jobs. Then you have to do it yourself and your relatives in your spare time. Anyway, after a new house is built, it needs to be left to remove moisture for a while before it can be lived in.

Early the next morning. The uncle prepared a few firecrackers early. Prepare for the Feng Shui master to go up to the beam after finishing the ceremony. As a result, Xu Seng suddenly appeared.

He said to Mr. Ma with a serious expression: "You are an elder, I can't control you. But my members are not allowed to participate in such feudal superstitious activities.

It’s not difficult for me to help the Ye family build a house. Didn't you give me three days off?

Today all the members went to work in the morning. Wait until you finish all this mess.

Let them come over to work again in the afternoon. It took me half a day to check and I will make up for it tomorrow morning. "

Xu Seng's words are true and righteous. Completely selfless branch secretary style.

Master Ma suddenly turned his face. "Seng Xu! Do you dare?"

Who would have thought that Xu Seng, who had never dared to challenge Master Ma directly, was determined today.

"I have nothing to fear. If anyone disobeys me today, I will go directly to the commune! I don't believe there is no king's law here!"

His words frightened people. At that time, grassroots leaders were still very powerful.

Once something breaks out, the commune will send down militiamen. Things can't be fixed.

Everyone looked at Mr. Ma helplessly. Obediently followed Xu Seng to work.

In fact, Xu Seng really didn't prevent the Ye family from building a house. Just to make them sick.

Look at this pile of floor slabs. How can we get it on the wall without a dozen people?

Now I get people away. The auspicious time for them to come back in the afternoon has passed. I think your family is awkward?

Liang Liang is scheduled for eight o'clock in the morning. It's seven o'clock. He will definitely not let him back within an hour.

In fact, it may not be possible for him to relax. He was waiting for Ye Wancheng to surrender to him. Say something nice. The matter is over.

After all, it would be unwise to make such a grudge against someone in the countryside. This is called a deadly feud!

But he didn't expect that no one from Ye's family would come up to say anything nice to him. And everyone glared at him!

And none of Ma Ye's seven sons followed him.

He really didn't dare to mess with these people. Seven strong men. If he really forces it. I guess I'll get beaten today!

At this point, he has no way out. He gritted his teeth and took the people away.

After all, he is also the leader of the team. If you lose face today, how can you still hang out in the village in the future?

Master Ma looked at Ye Yuze's family guiltily. Said to grandma:

"Sister-in-law, I am incompetent. I have ruined your family's good things!"

Grandma was so angry that she was trembling all over. I have long been speechless.

Only Ye Yuze was calm and relaxed. No worries at all.

Please collect, recommend, vote and invest.

Guys, please throw your votes at me! I feel itchy all over. It would be uncomfortable if I didn’t get beaten!

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