Great Power Army Reclamation

Chapter 103 Bad News

"How can you build such a good house just because I gave birth to a son?"

The woman shouted unconvinced.

The looks of these two couples match well. Xu Monk is not short, but his lips are not good. No matter how you look at it, it looks like a hare lip. But it didn't crack.

In this way, the entire face shape looks surprising.

His wife's facial features were fine, but she had a birthmark on her face. Still black.

The entire left side of the face was not affected except for the eye. The rest became black.

He and Ye Wancheng are just growing up. We had a pretty good relationship when we were kids.

It’s just that after decades of not being together, that little bit of affection has faded.

In addition, he gave birth to three girls in a row. But they gave birth to three sons. As a result, he had a feeling of jealousy in his mind.

As time passed, although the two of them could meet occasionally, the taste had changed.

Originally, his homestead could be sold to the Ye family. But he just refused to sell it.

But I didn't expect Master Ma to come forward and directly pad the vacant land at the entrance of the village.

He really didn't dare to say anything about this. After all, they paid for it with their own money.

The Ye family will build a house tomorrow. Logically speaking, it doesn't matter whether it's because the two of them grew up together or because he is now the party secretary of the brigade. The Ye family should all go out of their way to call him.

But now there is no one coming from the Ye family.

The anger in his heart is getting bigger and bigger! He is the brigade branch secretary. In fact, he can prevent the members from helping during working hours.

But he really didn't dare, because that would be a big taboo. rural environment. One is for weddings and funerals, and the other is for building a house. People from the same sect must participate!

Even if you go and do nothing! But you must also stay there. Otherwise, if something happens in the future, people will still not support you.

But he already had an idea. He would definitely not let them build the Ye family's house so happily!

That night, people slept soundly. The room suddenly shook a few times.

Some people are awake, and some people don't know at all. Then there was nothing to say all night.

Early the next morning, people came to Yejiafang base one after another.

Master Ma divided the work among the people. The Xu family has many bricklayers. There are more than a dozen of them. There are six houses in total, which is equal to two people occupying one room.

Building a wall with bricks is much faster than building a wall with adobe. This one is lightweight. That kind of thick adobe wall is really tiring.

The foundation is not particular, it is basically just sand, cement and bricks. At that time, there was no such thing as floor beams and column angles.

Just make all the walls up with bricks. Don't say it's not strong. There were many buildings in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. There was no cement at that time. Have you ever heard that someone's house collapsed?

After the foundation is built, the custom here is to lay a layer of reeds on the wall. Because the soil here is more likely to produce salt-alkali.

However, this was rejected by Ye Yuze long ago. Because the foundation is covered with reeds, the foundation is useless.

It is completely divided into two parts with the house above.

So, when digging the foundation. Ye Yuze asked people to lay plastic sheets in the foundation trench. This way the moisture in the soil will not corrode the wall.

They are all our own people, and it is not because of wages. So the construction progress is very fast. By lunchtime, the wall was already as tall as one person.

Two large pots were filled with stew for lunch. Ye Yuze calmly added another ten kilograms of meat without noticing.

The angry grandma chased Ye Yuze for a long time with a broom. But I didn't catch up.

During the meal, men, women, old and young came with bowls.

This is also a rule, not only those who work eat. Even the women and children had to eat together.

However, the amount given by adults and children is different.

Naturally, it’s not easy for this owner to get ahead. Grandma Ma, Mr. Ma’s wife, is responsible for serving the dishes. As much as you give is what you give. Not enough to eat and deserve it.

Of course, this is just a description. There is no one who will not keep others fed. Just be wary of those who eat and take it.

Of course people who work are not included in these people. They have enough control.

Two buckets of vegetables were placed on the construction site. Add a large box of cornmeal tortillas.

The vegetable is full of oil. A layer of big fat meat slices on top. It makes people drool. Not to mention eating, they have never seen such meat and vegetables.

Add tofu and vermicelli. Looking at it, they wanted to swallow it all with their tongues.

Mr. Ma knocked on the iron bucket with a big spoon. "My master is kind and righteous. You must also show kindness and righteousness to others. Not only do you have to work fast, but you also have to do it well!"

A group of people responded to Master Ma noisily. Then he picked up the spoon and put vegetables into his bowl.

Then they all squatted on the ground and started eating. I guess I didn't even taste it after half a bowl. Eating too fast.

Monk Xu and his wife sat on the kang with gloomy faces. There were several pieces of pickles and sorghum flour pancakes placed on the Kang table.

Although his family has more food than others. But only if you can eat enough. It’s impossible to eat well.

After all, there was a big difference between the cadres of that era and the officials of later generations.

His eldest daughter took a big bowl and went out. This is really not what they ordered.

The little girl is used to having trouble in every family. So when I saw something delicious, I took my bowl and went there. Because she is only nine years old.

Grandma Ma frowned when she saw it was her.

"Xiaofeng, did your father ask you to come and fetch food?"

Grandma Ma is also an upright person. She is not afraid of Xu Seng.

Xiaofeng shook his head. "Grandma, I took out the bowl by myself after smelling the fragrance."

Grandma Ma shook her head. If her father had asked her to come here today, she would have refused!

But when the child came out on her own, she really couldn't bear to beat her.

So Grandma Ma gave her a spoon and asked her to go. That’s half a bowl of food!

Xiaofeng returned home happily.

"Father, mother! There is meat, eat it quickly!"

Xu Seng's brows suddenly wrinkled. When you pick up the bowl, you throw it to the ground.

His wife snatched it away. "What are you doing? My child has some delicious food brought to you. You still have the shame to fall, right?"

My wife put the bowl on the table. Invite the three girls to have dinner together. Don't talk to Xu Seng anymore.

Everyone was rubbing their bellies after eating and couldn't drink any water. It was really not easy to have such a full meal in those days.

After a short rest, everyone started working again.

At this time, Ye Yuze's grandma and her family were panicked. Because the small speaker in the room is broadcasting the news.

It turns out that Tangcheng suffered a huge earthquake. The entire city was razed to the ground in an instant.

PLA commanders and medical rescue teams from all over the country are rapidly gathering towards Tangcheng.

Grandma instantly collapsed on the kang unable to move. Calm down a little. Put on your shoes and go home.

Ye Yuze quickly grabbed her. "Grandma, there's an earthquake over there. It's definitely not open to traffic. How do you go back?"

Grandpa is relatively calm. When this old man was young, he traveled from Shandong to Guandong and went to Northeast China.

Later I went to Tangshan from Northeast China. I have experienced all kinds of storms.

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