Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 820: Comfortable and quiet

Disdain it.

These four words were felt by Huang Kailun from sunny days, and he also learned about the girl's background from the side.

His father was a local upstart, rich, and a tide of the big age. His net worth of more than one billion yuan is enough to ensure that he lives a free-spirited emperor in his hometown. He has several people who can provide 18 million yuan each year. Business is the kind of business where even if the business fails collectively, there is still enough capital to find a place to continue to be a rich man's retirement.

The sunny day is even more incredible. She made enough money early. Her parents got her an investment trust fund early. Her fathers and mothers fought back in that era. Mainly, the sunny family is a family alliance. All of them started in that era, and the brothers separated in order to avoid disputes over money in the future. Everyone supported each other but developed their own. The worst of these years has hundreds of millions of assets. The power that this family gathered together, even if Yanjing ’s grandchildren are unwilling to die with him, this is a group of weeds. You can come to a wave of harvesting, but you must not be clean at a time. The one who greets you is These guys fought back.

Die with them, not worth it, the juniors of the sunny family are not the kind of publicity, either to enjoy themselves in a small city in their hometown, or to live a rich and happy life abroad, what kind of The days when the second generation and the second generation fought with each other all day, they felt ridiculous in their eyes. What did they do? Millions of vineyards were made in Europe to make wine. Little ones didn't make much money. Enjoy life in advance, it was a lot more comfortable that day.

Sunny has no special ambitions on her own, and Wuyu just said that this kind of person can persist in the life she wants. What star or actor is just an experience of life for her. I like to play if I like it. Play, don't talk to me about what good prospects to be a star. I make a few million a year myself. I can earn millions of smart family shares. I can live my life if I want to play.

Huang Kailun had been exposed to the sunny day and was hit hard. People are not princesses in the ivory tower. After struggling in the circle of anchor for several years, she can still live in her own way without forgetting her original heart. Anyone who adorns both corners must The proposal of fire and packaging is the hottest new star, and she can't touch her at all.

Huang Kailun didn't know her relationship with Chen Hao, but just vaguely felt that the two were very close, so she deliberately stimulated her with Xiaodi, saying that with her qualifications, she could be more popular in the circle than she is now. .

What left him was a slight smile on a sunny day, then raised his hand and patted his shoulder: "Lao Huang, get together if you want to drink in the future."

Even if you are ignored and rejected by disdain, you still ca n’t have a slight feeling of disgust on the sunny day. This is really a girl of the woman-level. The disdain is more tolerated by her. Latitude thinking attitude is responding, rejecting your behavior will not refuse to get along with your friends, all you have to do is to cut off some of the ideas that are called absurd to her.

Rejected by Chen Hao, Huang Kailun could only sigh. There was nothing he could think of. He could give the new people those blueprints for the future. On sunny days, there was a pile of waste paper. He finally knows why until now, such a well-qualified sunny day has not been excavated. It is not her qualifications that others cannot see, but she herself is disdainful to be a showman and can see this circle. There is also insufficient interest.

Maybe as Chen Hao said, it does n’t matter if you are not a celebrity, what she wants is just freedom. I ’m fine to be an entertainer, but I have to be free. My schedule is full to work every day. That kind of life is not She wants it.

Looking at Huang Kailun with a gloomy face, Chen Hao could only sigh in his heart, not embarrassed, not wanting to help, but such a **** man who has cultivated himself to a certain level, there is no need to fall in the big dye tank Go for a walk.

On a sunny day when I changed my clothes, I wore a hat and came out. I rubbed my hands and glanced at Chen Hao: "When is it going?"

"The day after tomorrow."

"It just so happened that my drama is about to finish, let's go together."

"it is good."

This is the sunny day. Although she hasn't had a lot of drama, she promised that Lele should try to focus on shooting in addition to her own styling. She didn't plan to throw herself in here to experience filming.

In the eyes of some people who do n’t know her, she is special and a big name. Why should the crew let her, but after you really enter the group and contact her, you will find that she only wants what she wants When you get things in advance, and then pay your own labor, there will never be a slight discount.

Following the director's arrangement, when filming was extremely serious. Among the non-professional actors, Huang Kailun's only fault was sunny. She was not good at acting, she was able to completely liberate her nature and allow herself to be integrated into the role of 绾 绾. She said she liked the role, so she was willing to let herself enter her state. In addition to filming, they obviously brought their RV and had a bodyguard assistant, but they always set a standard for everyone in the shooting every day. In this regard, they won the approval and praise of many cast crew members.

In the afternoon, everyone was cooking by the river, the sun was setting, and the sky was getting cold. Some people who had n’t drunk enough, took the rest of the ingredients to the restaurant of the hotel, and continued to enjoy this rare rest time. Many anchors returned to the room. Start the live broadcast, talk to you about the shooting, and talk to the logistics minister Chen Hao. No one will mention that they and others have experienced the re-shooting. As a shame, everyone is engraved in their hearts, and they are fully aware of their thoughts. To gain a foothold in the performing arts circle, we have to work harder. This is the latest time. They are so close to the performing arts circle.

Under the night, the 'big nail' RV quietly left the crew, followed by a sunny RV behind it. In the 'big nail', it was located on the bed at the back of the car. The skylight above is opened to admire the beautiful night sky while traveling. At this time, the charm of some sports is not as good as two hearts sticking together to enjoy the quietness of the moment.

The improvement of emotion comes from the soul communication and the closeness of the heart in some special atmospheres. Not every couple has such an opportunity.

When Chen Hao and Sunny are together, they never think about any extra things. It is simply to enjoy the time of two people. He knows that Sunny wants to be the same as himself. Otherwise, it is impossible for two people to do such a thing. A special couple that is counterintuitive.

I do n’t want anything, I do n’t care about the past, I do n’t look forward to the future, I always enjoy the present, I just want to enjoy everything that men and women should enjoy when I ’m together, I will continue to live a life of freedom when I ’m not together. The **** of the world, asking each other, is the eight words: "Comfortable, clean."

Drive all the way back to Yanjing. In the service area near Yanjing, it was clear from the ‘big nail’ that I got off and returned to my RV. The two RVs were announced apart.

Take the plane back to Qiuyu of Yanjing in advance, and have arranged the next trip for Chen Hao in the company. The US side will not go for the time being. The role of the clown, if it is a classic, let it be clean without any publicity. trace.

The recent reunion era here is extraordinarily lively. A New Year's Eve party let the CEOs of the reunion era take calls from the leaders of various TV stations every day. Now there is more than Chen Hao. Jiang Shuying and Zhou Dongyu are being punished. The sequence of the invitation, whether you are a singer or not, as long as you are popular, Xiao Di is still a Jiangsu and Zhejiang Satellite TV New Year's Eve party.

To Chen Hao, there are several big satellite TV quoting competitions and additional commitment conditions. This year's Hao Zi is even hotter than last year ~ ~ Oscar, Grammy, and the awards of various global roads At the party, MOUSE figures from Huaxia, Clown and "Reappearance of Yesterday" are still available, but there are still not many works to win, but this character and a song are enough for Chen Hao to eat for a year.

International superstar.

These four words are now hanging on Chen Hao, and it is no exaggeration. No matter what senior artist in the country must acknowledge the fact that Chen Hao's influence in the world is growing, it can be compared to At that time, the international chapter had much influence. The three words of international chapter may be more people recognized in the country. On the world stage, she is just an actor from Huaxia and has some fame.

MOUSE is completely different. Three songs that can leave a strong mark in the history of world music. One is destined to become a classic villain in the history of world cinema. All his fame does not require us to 'brave and brag'. Okay.

Twenty minutes, five million.

The price has already reached such a high price, surpassing Liu Tianwang's New Year's Eve party appearance fee at Mango Taiwan, and this is not the final price, it is still rising, not only pure money, but also private commitments, these Commitment is, in a sense, even more valuable than money.

This year's New Year's Eve Party, all satellite TV have a common understanding-who can invite Hao Zi, who can laugh proudly.

Some time ago, the Huanju Times released a sentence in private, which made the current situation a big dogfight. Everyone was digging out of the ideology to come up with enough chips to attract Chen Hao, and even this quotation has been As conditions in private continue to stack up, personal relationships have become one of the important criteria.

"If Haozi attends the New Year's Eve party this year, he will only go to one."

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