Great Perfect Anchor

Chapter 819: Tube logistics

"I'm not sure these girls, I have to rely on you."

Most jokes and ridicules are not without any practical reasons. Director Feng has been using the absolute core of a female No. 1 these years. They are also relatively familiar or newcomers. He started several popular actresses at once. I just dozed off and filmed with them.

Being popular means that there are too many 'things' and it is not easy to serve the crew. I am used to telling stories instead of small steel cannons with big names. When I am not using actors I am familiar with, I would rather choose a newcomer.

It is the big name used, that is, Andy Lau alone in "A World Without Thieves", leaving Li Bingbing and Fan Bingbing, who did not have a big deal when they cooperated with him. In the past two years, the value of entertainers has also been promoted, and the big-name phenomenon that followed has become more and more. The small steel cannon is willing to approve two sentences. How would he be willing to use it under normal circumstances?

Baby and Dilireba are currently the most commercially valuable red stars. Zhou Dongyu is also very red during the upswing of her career. Jiang Shuying's several TV series have also made her a hot red star. This group of people can work hard together. ?

This big question mark, less than a few days into the real practice, the small steel cannon will not believe it anyway. This is a deliberate way of joking, first to explore the bottom, and also hope that Chen Hao can make a guarantee, he is convinced that Chen Hao can really hold down if he really wants to press the field.

Tourists in the live broadcast, the meaning they heard was in that respect. Director Feng teased Chen Hao about the woman's fate. When the film crew started shooting, the genuine and Hei-wen came together, which was a lively one.

"Director, we are all professional actors."

A word that had already spoken to the extreme seemed on the surface to be confused.

With "Fanghua", the news of Chen Hao's production of "The Great Tang Shuanglong Biography" became unimportant and nobody paid attention to it. The next day was covered by news of Chen Hao's new drama, and the director of the small steel cannon finally got it right. Carry out an all-round cooperation.

It's all about the news of "Fanghua", which made the pressure on Datang a lot less. Huang Kailun took the crew to have enough time to re-shoot. Every day, he had a lot of pressure and temper on the set, and a lot of anger. The whole crew. There were also many remakes following it over and over, and no one dared to complain. Lin Xinhuan and Li Yifeng did the same. Sometimes they had to remake the supporting role three or five times with other supporting actors. I ’ve changed actors, how can I make the supporting role frequently delay the starring of the filming? I ’m the center of the play. I ’ve been born in a big show with great emotions. It ’s great because your performance is not good. Everyone will be angry.

In the crew of Datang, this phenomenon disappeared for a short time. Didn't you see that the staff at the top of the crew didn't bother to keep improving? Have you seen the progress of these influencers? Didn't see Chen Hao, the big supervisor, do logistic support for everyone at the scene every day?

Huang Kailun's previous worry did not happen. Chen Hao never pointed his finger at the director's job. He is a mascot and is there every day, letting you see me, with awe and hard work.

Everyone knows that if you don't work hard and you don't make rapid progress, then you should leave. This role does not belong to you. In today's crew, such a killing decision will not be occasional. Once the performance is not good enough, It's not surprising that it happens every day.


In the morning, after the crew performed more than two hours of training with Chen Gang and Kang Yan, the people who set off to the nearby market returned in the morning, and the van used to pull the goods also drove back, and a newly killed whole cow was pulled. Back, today is a location drama. Not far from the river, Chen Hao set up a fire and staged a scene for the crew to solve the problem. The cattle will be simply handled, and the details will be divided. Kang Yan And Chen Gang also helped, with two chefs, the meat from each place went into the pot in turn.

There are stewed, grilled, and fried.

The three large pots of beef, potatoes and persimmons made the cast members swallow saliva, and the rehearsal caused a remake of the show. Looking at Huang Kailun's cold face, everyone took a breath and took the picture seriously, otherwise this whole cow feast It is likely that you will not be able to eat fresh.

The crew's progress is faster every day. By mid-December, normal shooting can be entered. The anchors have been training round after round. The N machine on the scene is not afraid of re-shooting. Every day is a system under high pressure. The toughness of the anchors-beyond imagination, professional actors feel that the crew is too tired. Instead, they are anchors, and they are happy every day. This is really a chance for them to have access to fully formal film and television shooting. Before, they were either to others. The two crew members made a guest appearance for two days, just to play, or to make some crudely crafted online dramas, relying on the expected value of fans to get the movie's profit. Here is the real big production crew, Lin Xinhua and Li Yifeng hanging Weiya shooting The pain and suffering of eating, they all look in their eyes, and their bodies are blue and purple, which confirms the sentence: "If you want to be prominent before others, you must suffer from behind."

Anchors who can almost survive have a big heart and a good attitude. It is common for them to be scolded and taken rhythm on the Internet. In this way, everyone ’s awareness of frustration and dilemma is the same as ordinary people. There are differences, which can also be regarded as a benefit of anchor.

The crew can get better day by day. The positive forces of the anchors' competition, resistance, anticipation of fame, etc., make the whole crew always be in a better position than others to see each other. Previously, the actors who felt that the anchor was dragging their feet. If the anchor was chased somewhere, it was them who had no face and were chased by a group of little guys behind, forcing them to work harder.

After Chen Hao came, the crew's working atmosphere was extremely tense and high, but the living atmosphere became much better. Every day, he ate deliciously. Chen Hao became the logistics minister. No matter when he was filming, all crew members were able to Drink at least hot water and hot drinks.

Occasionally, the filming progress is good. He will propose to the director that he should stop working early today. Let's drink a little wine together to relieve the fatigue. After drinking, go back to the room and have a good night's sleep. The fatigue of a few days will be swept away.

The beef is done, and the filming of this part of the location scene is finished. Huang Kailun is at the end. Everyone was planning to eat and rest quickly. Huang Kailun announced: "The afternoon is off. I wo n’t shoot today. The weather is pretty good today, Haozi. I also prepared a full cow feast for everyone. I do n’t drink too much wine when it ’s out. Drink it. Go back to sleep. Starting tomorrow, there will be a continuous large group of dramas. I hope everyone will cheer up. ”

Everyone celebrated the afternoon break in a cheering way, and as a reaction to the support of the director's wise decision, one by one began to gather next to the rising fire and enjoy the warmth. At this time, the temperature here can reach 0 to 89 degrees at noon. Sooner or later, it will be minus zero. If there is some snow, it is likely to be even lower. Rare weather is good. There is a winter picnic next to the river.

Lin Xinhuan and Li Yifeng went to the makeup van to remove makeup and change clothes. Huang Kailun has found Chen Hao here. He is leaning on a chair to cook fire, chewing the most authentic beef jerky sent by the elder brother Shen from the grassland, holding a delicate Small jug, drinking leisurely, roasting on fire, one second is really comfortable.

On sunny days, there is enough sunshine, and there are so many fires burning around, I can't feel the cold at all, the small wine is drinking, and the face can still drink red. In this environment, the wine can taste and squint. , In the winter, enjoy the sun and relax.

"Haozi, discuss something."

Seeing Huang Kailun coming, Qiu Yu moved a chair and handed a tea pot to Wuliangye. This was all during the Chinese New Year. Brothers from various places moved to Chen Hao, not a gift. Brothers have made us money, and we will get you some popular products in the New Year, and you will also try something new.

Specially offer cigarettes, wines not sold by the winery, some special teas, etc. ~ ~ In addition to leaving a part of the house, the rest do n’t give gifts or anything, just enjoy it by yourself, whoever If you run into it, enjoy it together.

Light up a special cigarette from Chen Hao and take a sip of wine. Huang Kailun also straightened his mouth and said, "Shu Tan, or Hao Zi, you will enjoy it. Tell you something, let's see how, I want to be the concubine. Let ’s also play in the sunny day. She plays two roles by herself. As long as the dress is changed, the visual impact will be very strong. Her temperament can be displayed at both extremes. Compared to the current role, no one is suitable. I Instead, she feels more appropriate than asking some stars. "

Chen Hao had an idea for a long time. However, the young lady wo n’t listen to others: “Guide Huang, you have to say it yourself, she promised it, and she did n’t promise me. There ’s nothing she can do. If she wants to be an artist, she may She became famous years ago. She takes the lead in her life, and has no restraint on her.

Huang Kailun frowned, but also a bitter gourd face, take it slowly, that sunny day is really not ordinary, and even Li Yifeng, a just-loving little fresh meat, has such a young and youthful state in front of her. It really needs to happen What, when he came, he wouldn't care about his open relationship.

"Huang Dao, it's the most important thing to keep her interested. Don't think about anything else, what fame and fortune, there are clouds in her place, rich at home, and assets at home and abroad. She is the same, really. When encountering the kind that can't be irritated anyway, she can leave Huaxia and never come back with a bag anytime, anywhere, so ah, fun is the only place to talk to her. I still do n’t mix it here. The end of the year is coming, my schedule is busy, and the crew is still relying on you. I may leave in a few days. If I tell you, this grandma would think that I would pull her into the pit. I was able to pick picks directly, and now I can stop playing this role. "

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