Great Artist

Chapter 1893: Everyone is in danger

The fifth update today, please recommend, please subscribe!

Evan Bell knew that the final battle brewed by Sean Hall had finally arrived. It all happened so quickly and so quickly that the News of the World was not prepared to resist, and was overwhelmed by the overwhelming scandal. But even so, Evan Bell was still angry. When he saw the blood and tears of the "Guardian" accusations, the cold in his heart could not be controlled at all.

Not only for Millie Dawler and other girls who were victimized, but also for the current state of the entire press.

Due to his identity as a reporter in his previous life, Evan-Bell's feelings about this incident were even more profound. Looking back at the outbreak of the slander incident at the beginning, it was actually because of the media's discriminatory treatment of public figures.

When it comes to news about public figures, news ethics becomes very weak, and the authenticity of news and the privacy rights of people take a back seat. Gossip, breaking point, and insider become the first among people's curiosity and voyeurism. an element. Therefore, all-round disclosure of the privacy of public figures has become an effective means for major newspapers to make money; regardless of the authenticity of the news, news that takes stimulation as the first criterion has also become a frequent visitor in the entertainment pages of newspapers and magazines. Reading pictures to tell stories, random guessing and interpretation, unfounded revelations... These seemingly completely ridiculous news concocting methods are no longer important, as long as it is news related to public figures, it has become a special existence.

Even in the law, there are loopholes to follow, because in the case of public figures, when the parties' privacy rights and the public's right to know collide, the law is mainly to protect the freedom of speech of the news media, which leads to Therefore, public figures are always at a disadvantage in the confrontation with the news media.

Recalling the beginning and end of the slander incident, there was no definite evidence of training, one-sided remarks, and pressure from negative remarks. Under the guidance of the media, the public condemned Evan-Bell in an all-round way, but no one would sympathize with Evan-Bell. No one wants to think about what happened to Bell from the perspective of Evan-Bell. Look at the journalists who even harass Catherine-Bell and Teddy-Bell. This can be said to be the radical behavior of journalists in order to obtain news. But at the same time, it can also be considered that the public's thirst for negative news stimulates, laissez-faire, and even encourages journalists to do so.

When the same thing happened to an innocent girl like Millie Dawler, the public began to feel the crisis. Because it is no longer only public figures who will be bullied by the media, any ordinary person may become a victim of the spotlight. The reporter who became the uncrowned king is Batman in "Batman Prequel: The Dark Knight", but now the weapon in the hands of the uncrowned king is no longer aimed at the clown, but at all civilians. This kind of fear from the heart is enough to make everyone Everyone shivered. But why does the Uncrowned King turn his sword on the commoners? Is there a catalyst for the indulgence of the commoners?

This is the fundamental reason why Evan-Bell felt cold in his heart. He was angry and helpless at the same time.

This is also the fundamental reason why Evan Bell is willing to help Sean Hall, not only to fight the "News of the World", but also to make the entire press realize how powerful the weapons in their hands are. The boat can also be overturned, and the cameras, voice recorders and typewriters in the hands of the uncrowned kings can bring people countless information, but at the same time they can also bring people endless harm.

Evan-Bell originally planned to stand up on the 24th to say that he has been suffering from eavesdropping, but the rapid development of things obviously exceeded his expectations. Many people always think that the power of the media is a very illusory word. Even with the grandeur of the slander incident, people still feel that it is too incredible to be turned upside down by a few messages overnight. But in fact, in an era of information explosion in the 21st century, the energy of information is more powerful than any other era. When Evan Bell returned to London on the 26th, the development of the wiretapping scandal had been turned upside down.

Evan Bell was spotted by reporters in a parade outside the Houses of Parliament, planned today by members of Thirty-Eight Degrees, a UK-based organisation working for social change, who demanded an investigation into the phone-hacking case. A public hearing was held, and the parade eventually attracted more than 1,000 citizens to participate.

After Evan Bell arrived at Heathrow Airport, he went directly to the Parliament Building to join the parade. Today's parade has won support from a large number of public figures, including Hugh Grant, who has been at odds with Evan Bell, Martin Freeman, who once had an affair in "Love Actually," and the wiretapped The haunted Jude Law and Sienna Miller. But even if there is more focus, Evan Bell's appearance easily won the attention of all the media. As soon as the reporters rushed up, they drowned Evan and Bell in an instant. The microphones stretched out around him like a block of bunkers, and they surrounded Evan and Bell. Any sound of Evan and Bell would be recorded by the tape recorder through the microphone. Not only do I want to know if it's true that Evan-Bell refused the Queen's honor, but I also want to know more about Evan-Bell's views on the whole wiretapping scandal. Of course, Evan Bell personally appeared at the parade organized by Thirty-Eight Degrees, which was enough to clearly express his position.

"Evan, did you really refuse the Queen's award?" Such questions are endless, and almost every media starts with this question.

Evan-Bell didn't plan to raise his hand to answer the microphone at all, because there were too many microphones, so he naturally put his hands in the pockets of mint green shorts, "Do you think this is the key point to be concerned about?" Evan Yi Bell's light-hearted sentence was an answer, and some reporters wanted to speak out, but Evan Yi Bell directly interrupted, "Now there are reporters who use illegal means to steal news, which is beyond the bottom line of morality, and even more so. Undermining the basic human rights of every citizen, you are caring about other trivial topics, why?"

The scene was not a press conference, it was just a gathering of reporters, so the questions were very chaotic. Every time Evan Bell spoke, a reporter wanted to raise his voice to ask questions, but he heard Evan Bell say " "Why", almost all the reporters had a bad warning in their hearts.

"Because if I do reject the Queen's Medal, then this is a flashpoint, then this is worth the hype, then this can make the newspaper sell sales, right?" Evan Bell's series of words is like a waterfall. It poured out, and the reporters on the scene were stunned, "This is the reason why the eavesdropping scandal will break out, because you are willing to hype any possible focus for the sake of breaking points and sales, because you are willing to use various methods to grab more attention. All kinds of methods have turned the news into alarmist. You only see a topic like 'I refuse the Queen's Medal, but you don't see' News of the World, by what means did I know such news, whether it was me or The royal family, this all shows the disgrace of their means; you have not seen how creepy the fact behind the so-called eavesdropping is that no one is safe, what about the human rights that the country and the government have been advocating? Where? All What about the privacy of ordinary people?"

The reporter was blocked by the long series of words from Evan-Bell, but they were all whispering in their hearts. Reporters were then ready to ask questions about the wiretapping scandal, which was the real focus after all.

But no reporter dared to refute, because Evan-Bell was right, and the reporter immediately focused the question on the matter of "refusing to be awarded an honor", although the original idea was that this matter was the outbreak of the eavesdropping scandal A trigger point, but why don't you have the idea of ​​digging deeper into the revelations?

"Have you ever thought about why the wiretapping incidents broke out twice last year and the year before, and they didn't get enough attention? Whether it's the media or ordinary people, it seems that they are just watching the so-called 'eavesdropping' with the mentality of watching a good show. "Evan-Bell continued to speak. Even if no one asked questions, he easily took the initiative to take over the entire interview. This time, Evan-Bell's muzzle was not only aimed at reporters, but also at all Ordinary people, this made the citizens who participated in the demonstrations behind them quiet down, "Because you think that the people who were tapped were members of the royal family, those who were tapped were public figures, and those who were tapped were the people who lived under the spotlight, not Yourselves, so it doesn't matter. Why? Because their privacy is always open to the Because their life is originally exposed to the spotlight, because they are locked in the aquarium for people to watch animal!"

Evan-Bell's language was very radical, which quieted all the noise at the scene. Not only the reporters, but even the people nearby stared at Evan-Bell in stunned eyes, "You think that the spotlight is a part of the life of public figures. , so it doesn't matter if our privacy is exposed, because it's our choice. But do you realize that living in the limelight is our profession, but it doesn't mean that I need to put my bed, all sex, The details of life are all told to you! But you just want to see these, don't you? Gossip, scandals, privacy, insider stories, breaking news..." However, you didn't expect that, but the weapon in the hands of the media has been out of control, no longer just Targeted at public figures, and even included ordinary people into the scope of the attack, so everyone became a potential victim, and everyone felt the danger of secrets being exposed. "

"What I'm trying to say here is that when you're worried about whether someone's listening to your phone and listening to your secrets, you don't want that, and I don't want that, neither do royals, actors, singers, athletes.

The wiretapping scandal is a devastating disaster for the entire news media, because the weapon in the hands of the uncrowned king is no longer a weapon for public opinion supervision, but a butcher's knife that reaches out to everyone! "

Evan Bell's voice is powerful!

Outbreak to ask for double monthly passes! [To be continued "This text is provided by the breaking dawn update group @that touch of tenderness5566". If you like this work, you are welcome to ◣First Release◥ to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. 】

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