Great Artist

Chapter 1892: Suddenly

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After the peak matchup of men's tennis at Wimbledon on July 6, people once again lost sight of Evan Bell. Some people said that Evan Bell was seen at Heathrow Airport, not sure if Evan Bell flew to Helsinki, but even if the destination was Helsinki, the media could not capture Evan Bell again, he was very Soon disappeared in the Nordic continent.

It was not until the world premiere of "Batman Prequel: The Dark Knight" on July 18 that Evan Bell made a connection with the New York premiere, and people discovered Evan Bell again. After the premiere, many people went to analyze the place where Evan-Bell was connected, but unfortunately, it was estimated to be the study room of a private residence, so no clues could be detected at all. The only thing that can be determined is Evan-Bell It should be in Northern Europe, which can be confirmed from the details of the design and furnishings of the house.

On the following July 23rd, even the popularity of the premiere of "The Dark Knight" could not hide the weight of this news. "Evan Bell strongly refused the award of Elizabeth II!" Everything was just as Evan Bell and Sean Hall agreed, the news broke out, and then the east wind of "Dark Knight" strongly attracted everyone human eyeball.

In fact, the reason why Sean-Hall didn't release this news until the 23rd was to use the "Dark Knight" wave to attract more attention, but it was more to cooperate with "The Guardian" , they need more evidence, more and more evidence, and strive to bring down the "News of the World at one time." Because Rupert-Murdoch will not give others too many chances, even the first There will be no second chance. So, this is the only chance.

After the "News of the World" gossip broke out on the 23rd, William Wood's doubts about the source of the news were actually partly due to his own perception, and then he contacted Teddy Bell for confirmation. Originally, Evan Bell planned to take the initiative to question Sean Hall's source in a few days, but now that William Zender has noticed it, he will use William Zender's hand to throw the doubt out first, and then The promotion effect will be better.

So Teddy Bell went along with the flow and told William Wood that Evan Bell suspected that someone had tapped his phone and house, and this was the report on William Wood's questioning of news sources in "Entertainment Weekly".

Then various investigations were launched. Thanks to the news in advance, the first to make progress was "Entertainment Weekly". William-Wood had the evidence within twenty-four hours, and Sean-Hall bought private investigators to wiretap Evan-Bell's cell phone; not only that, in addition to Evan-Bell, Sienna-Miller, The news that Juyi De Law, Leonardo DiCaprio and other mobile phones were tapped by the "News of the World" was also discovered. In an instant, the entire entertainment industry was in chaos.

In addition to "Entertainment Weekly." "Los Angeles Times" also obtained exact evidence that Sean Hall's eavesdropping objects also include David Beckham, football star quarterback Tom Brady, who is now developing in the United States. And NBA Kobe Bryant.

In less than thirty-six hours, the whole incident changed from a simple gossip anecdote to a spy war highlight. Originally, people were still lamenting Evan-Bell's toughness in rejecting the Queen's award, but it soon became a new focus.

As time went on, more and more revelations went on, and the "Guardian" carried the banner of revelations. More than 17 entertainers and politicians all had reason to believe that they had been eavesdropped. According to the data currently held by the "Guardian", the number of victims of "News of the World" wiretapping may be as high as 3,000! This is a new round of media scandals after the wiretapping broke out last year. In May 2005, the "News of the World" published the news of Prince William's knee tendon injury. Although the news was not surprising, the royal family kept the news secret, so the first "News of the World" broke out. Round wiretapping incident; in April 2006, 'News of the World' published the news of Prince Harry lingering in strip clubs and restored Prince William's e-mails mocking Harry, which directly led to the outbreak of the wiretapping incident. A reporter and a private investigator entered After serving four months in prison, then editor-in-chief Andy Solson resigned.

In the past two wiretap incidents, the police have sold more than 10,000 pages of records from private investigators, confirming that they had wiretapped the communications secretary and aide-de-camp of Crown Prince Gilles, as well as the private secretaries of William and Harry. The number of times is as high as six hundred and nine. They also hacked into the voicemails of Crown Prince Gilles and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall. Andy Coulson, the editor-in-chief, has set up a special fund in order to obtain eavesdropping information from the Royal Guard, the police, and private investigators.

In the midst of the first round of media scandals over the past two years, the public has not expressed much of a plan for the News of the World to wiretap the royal family, as it is not closely related to their lives.

And this time when the second round of wiretapping broke out, the target of wiretapping was still an artist who lived under the limelight like Evan Bell, and he still could not win the real attention of the public.

Even if the eavesdropping incident becomes more uproar, people will feel that it is too far from their own lives, because public figures are eavesdropped, although this is immoral or even illegal, but people's weak understanding of public figures' privacy rights determines the They are easy to forgive "this kind of behavior of the News of the World, if not forgiven, will not be severely condemned, at most just muttered in a chat with friends" This is not right. "That's all.

But this time, the situation quickly got out of control.

Then, on July 25th, before the sun had fully risen in London, the "Guardian" published the latest news. Their headline reported that the "News of the World" illegally wiretapped the missing girl Millie Dawler in 2002. and his family's phone, interfering with the case. As soon as the news came out, the entire British Isles were in an uproar, and as more depth charges were detonated, the "News of the World" wiretapping incident was completely ignited, and the incident turned into a scandal. The scandal drowned the entire UK like a flood. And set off a storm.

The Millie Dawler incident is the same as the process that Evan Bell remembered in his last life. On March 21, 2002, in Walton-on-Thames, Surrey, England, thirteen-year-old Millie Dawler went missing. The girl's family called her anxiously, but the phone kept on leaving messages, and when they could do nothing, they called the police.

But the case has no clue! Millie Dawler's relatives and friends kept leaving messages on her mobile phone, begging her to practice at home as soon as possible, and soon, the information on the mobile phone was full, and people's hopes disappeared little by little. But it didn't take long for relatives to unexpectedly find that Millie Dawler's voicemail box was able to leave messages again, which made the whole family overjoyed, because it meant that Millie Dawler may have deleted some of the messages herself - she is still alive!

On April 14th of that year, the "News of the World" even published a message saying: "A girl named Millie Dawler was looking for a job at a recruitment end, and what she offered to the agency was Millie. 's real phone number. Termination then dialed that number and left a verbal message. This happened six days after Millie disappeared."

This not only gave Millie Dawler's family back hope, but also misled the police's judgment. In the month that Millie Dawler disappeared, the police did not have much suspicion of murder. The Dowlers even gave an exclusive interview to the News of the World, Millie's mother said, "If Millie walked into the house, we would be speechless and just wipe away the tears of joy. , give her a big hug."

Then things didn't go as well as people expected, and six months later, Millie Dawler's body was found in the woods. However, due to the passage of time, the police lost the opportunity to find the murderer in the first place, and the case entered the detention period. Although after hard work, it took the police several years to confirm at the beginning of this year that Millie Dawler was kidnapped and murdered by a nightclub guard, but the murder suspect was still reluctant to plead guilty. And the police don't have enough evidence to bring criminals to justice

This time, the "Guardian" released the news because they got definite evidence. They can confirm that the "News of the World" hired private detective Glenn Moore Kell to eavesdrop on Millie Dawler's long after the girl disappeared. Phone voicemail. When Dowler's family and friends filled the voicemail with messages, Glenn Mulkel deleted some of the messages without authorization, which led the victim's family to believe that the child was still alive, and also interfered with the police's detection work~www.wuxiaspot .com ~ News of the World, documenting every word of the girl's parents begging her to come home. "This sentence from The Guardian made everyone chill. What a terrible thing, just for the exclusive news of the newspaper, to brutally hurt the Dowler family. What's even more terrible is, "The World "The News" not only fabricated news about the appearance of Millie Dawler still alive in the newspaper, but also took the opportunity to conduct an exclusive interview with the Dawler family, which is outrageous.

The matter was not over, and the House of Commons then confirmed the latest news that just four months after Millie Dawler disappeared, the News of the World wiretapped the families of two 10-year-old kidnapped girls who died in 2002. He was kidnapped on August 4, 2008, and was eventually torn apart.

This is really too terrifying. Innocent lives disappear like this, but the "News of the World" brazenly eavesdropped on all the information of the victims for the so-called news, and even affected the police's detection of the case. This behavior has been Beyond all the bottom lines of law and morals, there has been an uproar across the UK.

On July 26, James-Desborough, another Los Angeles-based reporter, was arrested in London along with Sean-Hall on suspicion of conspiracy to wiretap , the police expressed their position for the first time, and their arrest of the two journalists also officially announced the authenticity of the so-called wiretapping incident.

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[To be continued [This text is provided by the breaking dawn update group @人世秀罗6] If you like this work, you are welcome to ◤Starter◢ to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. 】

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