Great Artist

Chapter 1870: black and white

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After the Joker released Dante, he blew up the hospital where Dante was. At the same time, Reese, who had gone through all kinds of hardships to escape from death, fell into the hands of the clown. The clown once again announced to the people through Reese that after dark, the city was his, and everything remained in Gotham City. Residents are required to abide by his rules. If you don't want to play this game, leave Gotham City now. But there will be surprises in bridges and tunnels.

At this time, the threat of terror has begun to radiate into everyone's heart. This is a choice of life and death, and no one wants to die. And Dante started his own revenge. He first found the policeman who drove him into the clown's hands. The policeman was also Manoni's informant. Dante rotated the coin in his hand. On the one hand, then it is death, and if there is a clean human head, he will spare him a death. As a result, the policeman was executed, and then Dante began to question and execute all the corrupt policemen and gang members one by one. Two-faced people began to show their power.

Wayne turned into Batman again. He developed a sonar device privately, and used the mobile phone devices of everyone in the city as a signal tower to monitor every resident of the city. As long as the Joker talks through any mobile phone in the city, this The device is positioned precisely to his position. It's an invasion of personal privacy, but Batman is willing to go out of his way to capture the Joker. Fox was set by Wayne as the only person who could use the device, and Batman wanted Fox to help him, but in desperation, Fox agreed to the request. But at the same time, Fox said he will not stay with the company as long as the device remains at the company. To this, Batman responded, "When you're done, enter your name."

Because of the clown's bomb threat, the government began to evacuate the people by ferry, and the whole city experienced a great migration. The spectacular scene was ten times more spectacular than the rush hour. The first two ferries, one carrying people and the other carrying prisoners, made city dwellers stranded on the docks complain because they believed law-abiding citizens should be on the ferry first, and prisoners had to stay last.

At this moment, the selfish nature of human nature is revealed again. But soon, the people who got on the ferry were not happy anymore. The ferry stopped by the river, and the clown's voice rang at this moment. It turned out that he had placed bombs on both ferries, and the detonating device of the bomb was on the opposite boat. The way for them to save themselves was to use the detonator on their own boat to detonate the opposite boat. Otherwise, both boats would be detonated. Detonated by remote control at midnight.

In the end, are the criminals occupied by the evil in their hearts and preemptively follow the detonation device to survive; or are the law-abiding citizens "executing" the prisoners on the opposite side according to moral principles?

This is the ultimate challenge of human nature! At the scene of the movie theater, the audience can clearly hear the sound of the audience taking a deep breath. The clown's arrangement is too precise and too scary!

The law-abiding citizens first became confused, "We shouldn't die, those people have already had a chance." Even if the soldiers responsible for the transfer were suppressed, the soldiers did not want everyone to be shaken, they would not actively press the detonating device, but All the citizens at the scene began to object, and the awareness of survival prevailed, not to mention that the ship on the opposite side was full of criminals, and the usual words of "equality of human rights" and "abolition of the death penalty" became irrelevant at this moment. It was the most important thing, even if it was at the cost of the other party's life, what's more, they didn't have this trust, and the people on the opposite ship wouldn't press the detonator. Human nature exploded out at this moment, and no one could tell whether what they did was right or wrong. "We should vote!" was the last word of law-abiding citizens.

Under Batman's instructions, Gordon found the building where the Joker was located. The snipers were already in place. They could shoot the Joker at any time, not only to save the people on the ferry, but also to get off Dante. The Knight of Light in my heart. But what they don't know is that Dante is not in the Joker's hands at all, Dante has completely become a two-faced person, fell into madness, and took Gordon's wife and son away. Batman, who was standing with Gordon at the scene, thought the Joker was definitely not that simple, and he wished he had five minutes to investigate. In the face of Batman's toughness, Gordon decides to give the Joker two more minutes.

After Batman arrived at the opposite building, he found that the people who were standing at the window wearing clown masks, who were considered targets by Gordon and others, were not enemies at all, but hostages. Their mouths were covered with tape and masks were on. There was also a pistol wrapped around his hand, a target that was deliberately erected. But Gordon didn't know, and neither did the SWAT team. So, before Batman can find the Joker, he must save the hostages from the SWAT team.

While Batman was looking for the Joker, the vote on the ferry had come out, and the law-abiding citizens chose to press the detonator, but no one wanted to be the murderer, and no one wanted to press the detonator with their right hand. There were only five minutes left until midnight, and the Joker had said that at midnight he would press the detonator himself. The law-abiding citizens were quieted by the words of a crew member, "We are all still alive, which means they didn't press the detonator."

On the prisoner's ship, the atmosphere became even more tense. The prisoners all stood up, and no one wanted to sit and wait to die. A strong prisoner stood up, walked up to the hesitant police officer with a detonator in hand, and said cruelly, "You don't want to die, but you don't know how to take someone's life. Give it to me." The prisoner's tone was extraordinarily gentle, as if facing his lover, "Otherwise these people will kill you, and you will die too."

A middle-aged man among the law-abiding citizens said, "No one wants to get their hands dirty.

Okay, I'll do it. "He stood up and walked towards the soldier holding the detonator. "The people on the opposite boat have already made their choice. They chose to steal and burn and kill us. We have no reason to die. "He picked up the detonator with awe

Although the law-abiding citizens and prisoners said nothing wrong, no one in the movie theater was willing to admit that: this is right. In the face of life-and-death decisions, the selfishness and ugliness of human nature are fully exposed. Although the audience was reluctant to admit it, they all knew that the Joker won, and the Joker played with human nature and clapped with Batman so easily.

The police, the police handed the detonator to the prisoner, which means that he also compromised his inner survival. He didn’t want to make his own decision, so he gave the detonator, a weapon that could decide the life and death of another boat. Prisoner, what's the difference between this and the equivalent of murder? But then, the prisoner just threw the detonator out of the window.

At this moment, no one can tell whether human nature is good or evil. Who says prisoners are mad? At least on the prisoner ship, it was not the police who claimed to be righteous who finally made the right choice. The shock brought by this scene, there were tears in his eyes. No one can be so calm, everyone knows; and the tears that came out at this time were guilt, panic, regret or sadness, but no one could tell.

On the other hand, on the ship of the law-abiding citizen, the middle-aged man shook his hand, picked up the detonator, and held the key to detonate, but he couldn't make up his mind. He looked at the clock that kept going to twelve o'clock. , and finally put down the detonator. No one on the ship spoke, even after they voted just now and thought they should press the detonator, but the truth told them it wasn't that simple. Whether it was self-detonation or there was no movement on the prisoner's ship, it all showed that the struggle of human nature was far more painful than imagined.

Batman finally found the Joker and started a fierce fight. The Joker who had the upper hand stopped his movements. He was looking forward to the fireworks brought by the detonation of the ship, but he was disappointed. At this moment, the confident and unruly clown had a hint of panic on his face, and he miscalculated. It was twelve o'clock now, and the Joker decided to detonate the two ships himself.

"What on earth are you trying to prove, to prove that everyone is as ugly as you are at heart? You have no other kind." Batman struck the Joker's confidence.

"If you can't rely on others, you have to do everything in person, don't you?" The clown lost his first match, and he took it out a little angrily. The detonator in the bag, "This world is ridiculous, do you know how I got these scars?"

Just when all the audience thought that the Joker was going to tell a story again, Batman activated the hidden weapon on his wrist, and then overturned the Joker who was pressing on him in one fell swoop. The clown fell directly from the high building. The clown without any protective measures had no fear at all. On the contrary, his terrifying and sharp laughter kept echoing in the air. Batman couldn't break through his bottom line after all. The clown fell to the ground, and rescued the clown, hanging in the air.

"Oh, you, you just can't let me die, can you?" The Joker looked disappointed. "You're not going to waver, are you? You're not killing me because of your wrong self-righteous sense of justice; I It won't kill you either, because you're too funny." The clown was hung in mid-air like this, with his arms outstretched, like a free-flying little crow, enjoying the joy of the gust of wind passing through his arms," ​​the residents of the city said. Sooner or later they'll go mad until their minds are completely broken and they see the real Harvey-Dante!"

Even though he was hanged in mid-air, the Joker still turned Batman around, "Don't you really think that I will put the success or failure of Gotham's Soul Battle on the fight with you? I put Gotham's Knight of Light, Pulled to our level. You see, madness is like gravity, all it takes is a light pile.

"The clown's terrifying laughter reverberated in the night sky, causing everyone to break out in cold sweat.

In the ruins where Rachel was killed, Dante kidnapped Gordon's wife and children and knocked Gordon to the ground. At this time, Dante had been completely swallowed by anger, and he blamed Gordon for not cooperating with the resistance. Internal investigation, which led to the infiltration of informants in his team, which led to Rachel's death and his becoming a two-faced person.

Trapped in a frenzy, Dante begins flipping a coin to decide the lives of himself, Batman, and Gordon's son James. "It's not a question of whether I think about it or not, it's a question of fairness or not. You think we can be decent people in an age of immorality? But you're wrong. The world is cruel, and the only morality in this cruel world is Just chance. No prejudice, no prejudice, fairness!"

Dante flips a coin and decides Batman's life, he shoots Batman in the stomach; Dante then flips a second coin and decides his own life and he survives; finally, Dante a third time Flip a coin to decide James' life and death, but at this moment, Batman knocked down Dante and James, and the three of them fell outside together. The coin fell to the ground, luck was on James' side, and it was a head. But no one will leave fate to chance and luck, Batman saved James, and Dante fell directly, and then Batman fell off because of his strength.

Batman survived because of his equipment, but Dante died because of it.

The so-called justice, in the face of the clown's plan, is precisely in the face of human nature. In fact, it is not worth mentioning at all. The justice that people usually talk about is only built on the basis that it has nothing to do with themselves. When they become part of the event, Human nature is bound to stand at the highest point of morality. Selfishness is not a derogatory term in many cases, but everyone's instinct. In the plot of the Batman, Dante, Gordon, and the people of the two ships, including all the residents of Gotham Town, are facing the struggle of their own nature, and no one can Accidentally, this is where the clown is at its best.

"The Joker wins, Dante's whistleblower, everything he's up against, is in vain." Gordon knew that everything was irreversible. "Any hope you gave Gotham would die with Dante's demise. We all put our hope in him, but the Joker took him and destroyed him. People will lose hope" That's what the Joker is for, all the chaos, but it's just the beginning.

"No," Batman finally knew what to do. "You'll never know what he did. The Joker can't win!" The side that has become a good image, "Gotham needs a real hero either to die as a hero, or to live to witness himself being forced into a bad guy" Batman chose to fight all of Dante's murder charges in order to keep Dan The image of the "Knight of Light"

At the same time, Fox, who had completed his mission, entered his name according to Wayne's request, and found that the entire monitoring program had self-destructed, which made him smile.

At the end of the story, as a last resort, Gordon issued Batman's hunting warrant, smashed the bat signal, and gave Batman the title of "Dark Knight".

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