Great Artist

Chapter 1869: torture humanity

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Dante, who has always hoped to achieve justice through legal means, also encountered a big test of human nature at this time. He began to walk on a dangerous tightrope. He took out a coin again and said, "If you face the head, you will save your life; On the flip side...that's not so lucky. Now, do you want to talk to me about the Joker?"

The atmosphere at the movie theater was already tense to the point of breaking out. If the fear brought by the clown came from inner desire and cowardice, then representatives of justice like Dante began to lose their minds, which made people feel the horror of human nature. The sense of excitement that everyone is in danger is challenging everyone's limits.

However, if someone is very sensitive to the details of the movie, they will recall that when Dante took out the coin for the first time, he said that he did not believe in luck, and the coin appeared head-on, so this time, from Dante's words It can be concluded that although he has fallen into madness, reason still holds the wild horse in his mind.

Dante threw it once and it was a human head, but he said, "One more time." He backtracked. The clown in front of him also collapsed, shouting "I don't know anything" frantically, but Dante ignored it and tossed the coin again. This time, the coin did not fall, Batman appeared, caught the coin, and kept the suspense of the answer in Batman's palm forever.

Batman told Dante that the Joker he caught was a patient with delusional schizophrenia, and it was impossible for him to know anything about the Joker. But Dante is reluctant to give up because the Joker kills Gordon and he will kill Rachel next, leaving Dante in despair.

Batman still insisted on his point of view, "You are a symbol of hope, the first light of Gotham City in more than ten years. If anyone sees your actions, then everything will be in vain. All the criminals you catch will be arrested. Release, and Jim Gordon will die in vain!"

Batman asks Dante to hold a press conference tomorrow, and he has to turn himself in in front of everyone and reveal his identity. The Joker finally won, and he used his own means to force Batman to submit! The so-called justice and evil, morality and law, will become clouds in the face of true humanity.

The next day, Dante held a press conference where he expressed his support for Batman, but the reporters were condemning because the presence of Batman made the situation worse. Dante said, "It's always darkest before dawn." Then he declared himself Batman, and he chose to take the "crime" of Batman on himself before Wayne, thus keeping Wayne free body, you can go catch the clown.

Dante was arrested, the police wanted to transfer him to the central prison, Rachel was too worried and talked to him personally, Dante told the plan, he thought that the clown would definitely come out to destroy during the transfer, and the activity was outside Batman will catch the Joker. Dante confidently took out the coin and said, "If it's a head, I'll succeed." Then he tossed the coin to Rachel, who saw that the coin in her hand was a head. But when I turned it over, it was still a human head. This is a coin with heads on both sides.

On the way to the transfer, the clown really appeared. The Joker created a flaming truck as a barricade, and drove the transport team to his predetermined route. Then, the transfer team was divided into several parts by large trucks, and the police cars that transported Dante were separately distinguished. The Joker then starts attacking the vehicle transporting Dante. Batman shows up in his car, and he goes after the Joker!

After a fierce road chase between the two sides, Batman forcibly used the cable to turn the Joker's vehicle over, and the Joker got off the truck that turned into a turtle and stumbled towards Batman with a submachine gun. Like a madman, facing Batman on his motorcycle at the speed of sound, he whispered excitedly, "Come on, come on! I want you to do this! Come on, come on! I want you to do this, I want you to do this!" Hearing the vicious and awe-inspiring tone of the clown, he stood in the middle of the road calmly, and greeted the impending collision with a longing attitude.

No one can be calm, and none of the audience can keep calm enough. In the voice of the Joker shouting "Bump me! Hit me!", Batman couldn't break through his bottom line after all, and turned around at the last moment. At the front of the car, the whole person rushed out due to excessive acceleration.

The Joker half-bent his body, looked at Batman who fell into a daze with disappointment, then walked towards Batman with brisk steps, humming a little tune, as if he was about to go. Like a child who got a beloved toy, he walked towards Batman excitedly, ready to unveil Batman's mask.

But at this moment, a policeman pointed a gun at the clown's head, which made the clown very depressed, "Please, can you give me another minute." Death does not seem to be a problem for the clown at all. Being so addicted to the game, the adrenaline rush throughout seemed like his best reward. The policeman's face is revealed, it's Gordon! It turned out that he cheated to death!

After capturing the Joker, Dante immediately became a national hero. He is Gotham's Knight of Light.

However, Dante did not immediately join Gordon, but got into the car of a police officer who was Gordon's subordinate, who was threatened in the elevator by the clown who had been coerced by the clown to the fundraising party. police officer. Because Dante and Rachel still have a date, he has to meet Rachel. The camera was left on the face of the female police officer who sent Dante into the car, which was very meaningful. The female police officer is Gordon's most capable staff.

At the same time, the clown was imprisoned in the detention center. He was like a king, sitting on the prison bench without any rush. The corner of his mouth was slightly raised to the left, showing an evil smile, but his eyes It is a lake that is calm to the limit, as if everything around him cannot affect him. All the surrounding policemen are fully armed, but they dare not approach the clown at all, for fear that if they get closer, they will be torn to shreds. Even the other prisoners in the prison are also far away from the clown. No one wants to touch such a thing. a lunatic. A vacuum formed around the clown, and the powerful aura was revealed without words at all. The Joker was even in the mood to applaud Gordon when the mayor announced Gordon as the new police chief.

After Gordon returned home, he visited his son James after the reunion, but before he could get ready to wash up and sleep, he rushed to the police station again, because Dante and Rachel were missing!

Under the clown's hint, Gordon realized that there was indeed Manoni's traitor in his jurisdiction, and he was his most trusted subordinate. He took the unsuspecting Dante and disappeared. Dante and Gordon's long-standing insistence finally came to fruition: Dante was right.

Gordon can't fight the Joker, he knows that only Batman can get the Joker to speak, so Gordon leaves. Batman did not know when he had appeared behind the Joker, and suddenly smashed the Joker's head on the table, and the shocking sound reverberated throughout the interrogation room.

The clown raised his head, he subconsciously touched the aching forehead with the back of his hand, and exclaimed, "Oh..." But it didn't sound like it hurt at all, because the clown then said seriously To, "Never hit the head first. The victim will be dizzy and can't feel the rest..." as if discussing a serious academic issue.

Batman raised his right fist and smashed the Joker's right hand on the table, as if nailing the palm to the table. This violent impact directly interrupted the remaining words of the Joker.

The Joker paused, as if savoring how his right hand felt, and said calmly to Batman, "Look!" The subtext was: Look, I don't feel anything at all.

This kind of cold-blooded and cruel face-to-face makes people shudder.

"Why are you killing me?"

To the Joker, Batman's words seemed to be the funniest joke in the world, and he couldn't help laughing, and the **** mouth fully burst out, "I, I don't want to kill you. What can I do without you? Go back and blackmail you. Those gangsters? No, no!, you made me whole."

"To them, you're just a freak, like me." The clown pointed to the police behind the glass and even all the worldly people, "They need you now, but when they don't, they Throws you straight out like a leper. Their morals, their code, is a bad joke, throw it all away when you get in trouble. Their strengths are limited, I'll show you, here you go In an emergency, these so-called civilized people will devour each other."

In the clown's **** mouth, the torture of human nature is flogging everyone's moral bottom line. Whether it is "in the beginning of man, nature is inherently good" or "man does not kill the world for himself", to what extent will the selfish nature of human nature itself be magnified, and in what way will it be presented in the face of danger.

The Joker's words, like a heavy hammer, hit Batman's heart and the audience at the same time.

No one will forget the joker's "I'll let you see", so what will the clown do next? The test of human nature has only just begun to code?

Batman begins to lose his senses under the pressure of the Joker, and when he learns that Rachel is also in crisis, he is completely insane, he uses the chair against the iron door, and then punches and punches He swiped towards the clown's face, and the muffled sound made the viewer frown involuntarily, as if the punch was hitting him in the face, but the clown made a sound of incomparable enjoyment and said intermittently. To, "killing is actually making a choice, is it Dante, or his shy fiancee."

In the face of the Joker's maddening ridicule, Batman has nothing to do except waving his fists. At this time, Batman's force can hurt the body with the Joker, but his spirit has become the Joker's grasp. Batman, who has always insisted on his bottom line, was also dominated by emotions at this time, and smashed his fist at the clown like raindrops. And in the Joker's joyous laughter, Batman's force is so weak, so insignificant.

"Don't worry, I'll tell you where they are and where the two of them are. The key is who you choose to save." Even at an absolute disadvantage, the embarrassed clown still seemed to be in control of all the situation.

Batman immediately set out to save Rachel, while Gordon led the police to save Dante, but when Batman arrived at the scene, he discovered that the Joker had deliberately reversed the positions of Rachel and Dante, and let them save them. The object is staggered. Batman successfully rescued Dante, but Gordon, who was slightly inferior in transportation equipment, missed Rachel and watched helplessly as the entire building exploded and Rachel died. Rachel left nothing but the coin Dante threw her, a coin with heads on both sides, but one side had been blackened and blurred.

The clown who was left in the interrogation room successfully angered the guards guarding him, then backhanded the guards, walked out of the interrogation room, and used a series of threats arranged before to successfully hold Mr. Liu away from the police station. It turned out that all of this was part of the Joker's plan, and he was deliberately arrested to push both Dante and Batman to a new limit - the limit of humanity.

The whole city was in chaos. The clown who found all the money of the gang through Mr. Liu, could get half of the money according to the agreement, but he burned all the cash and Mr. Liu, and took the power of the gang. , because "this city needs more mature criminals, this is my city", the gangsters realized that they had messed with people they shouldn't mess with. Manoni also found Gordon and offered to help capture the clown.

Reese, who originally worked in Wayne Company, decided to accept an interview with a TV station for his own selfishness, exposing Wayne to be Batman's true identity, in exchange for his fame and fortune. But the Joker changed his mind, he called directly to the live broadcast, UU reading rejected Reese's move to expose Batman, and threatened, "If Reese is not dead within 60 minutes , I will blow up a hospital." This sentence immediately made all the hospitals in the city busy, and began to prevent the patients from evacuating.

Dante was rescued, but half of his face was burned by the fire. He saw the coin left by Rachel whose back was indistinguishable. Because of Rachel's death, Dante fell into madness. The boundaries between righteousness and evil in his head have begun to blur, and the shackles of human nature are loosened again.

The clown came to Dante's bedside. He wore a burgundy wig and a nurse's costume. He calmly came to negotiate with Dante, who was in a frenzy. The Joker convinces Dante that he must take revenge on the police, gangsters, Gordon and Batman, which will never be achieved by legal means. The Joker even handed Dante a pistol and pointed it at his forehead.

Dante was completely devoured by the evil of human nature. He abandoned the coin whose back had turned black to decide the life and death of the clown. In the end, the coin decided that the clown could survive. With the reversal of the coin in the air that reappears on both sides, Dante becomes a double-faced man.

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