God of Destruction

Chapter 4245: Festival World Fusion (3)

Chapter 4251: World Fusion (3)

Patience, for any giant, this is also huge pressure, heavy pressure has a great impact on their souls, if it weren't for these giants' hearts are extremely firm, I am afraid that under such terrible pressure, they will all Crash, after all, no one wants to face death, no one can maintain a calm mind under the threat of death!

Patience is just a helpless choice for many giants. If they have the opportunity, they will never sit back and let this threat be added. They will definitely try their best to find a solution, but now they don’t have time. The current situation makes They feel extremely dangerous. All they can do is to be more vigilant and be prepared for the worst. Once the power of the avenue and the sea of ​​chaos is about to strangle themselves, they can counterattack, which can give themselves a ray of life.

"Perhaps we should give up some persistence, let go directly to those marginal places, and concentrate our greatest efforts to protect the safety of ethnic civilization. Only by gathering all people together can we have greater strength to guard and cohesion. Only with a lot of power can we truly master the luck of the civilization of the entire race, and can condense the sword of humanity at the most dangerous moment like the human race, fight against the enemy, and protect our own safety from external threats!"

give up! For any giant, this is a heavy topic. They are not Humans, they are not as crazy as Humans, and they do not have the forbearance of Humans. They can complete the virtual world and have a powerful world. It can protect the entire racial civilization. If they are allowed to give up the boundaries of their own racial civilization, even if it is only the outermost edge, it is also a heavy pressure for them and will not be recognized by the people. Abandoning their homeland is not an easy task. Even if the current situation is very dangerous, it is also very difficult to do because the people at the bottom do not know the dangers of this big environment. They only know that they will lose their homeland. !

People living in the marginal areas are naturally the lowest-end existences in ethnic civilizations, and their emphasis on their own interests is not comparable to those of those in the core regions. It is not for these people at the bottom to give up their own interests. It’s an easy thing to convince them that even if they have a good eloquence, it’s difficult to succeed, and a careless person is likely to make these low-level people resentful, make the situation more dangerous, and make ethnic civilization more dangerous. !

As the top existence of racial civilization, these many giants naturally understand the sinister heart of the people. If the people at the bottom are resentful because of their interests, if one is not careful, the entire racial civilization is in danger of splitting, and they are also Doing bad things with good intentions will not only fail to preserve the safety of racial civilization, but will also be backlashed by luck because of the split of racial civilization.

"It's difficult. Under the current environment, it is very difficult to do this. We don't have the strong cohesion of the human assholes. It is very difficult to get the people to agree with our proposal. After all, not everyone can. Let go of our own interests, even if we are willing to give them some compensation, it may not be recognized. Under such a general environment, once we fail, the consequences will be disastrous, and no one can afford it!"

Yes, for the giants in the entire supreme chaotic world, they all understand how dangerous their situation is, and how chaotic the racial civilization behind them is. When there is interest, naturally some people will listen. , There will be no accidents, but when there is no interest, naturally everyone will not recognize their proposal and give up their own interests!

"But now we have no choice. If we don't do this, we will only have greater pressure and loss of greater benefits. Once our strength cannot fully protect the safety of the people, once someone perishes, I am afraid that the evil thoughts in the hearts of the people will completely explode. At that time, we will face greater doubts and even opposition!"

"I understand and understand all of what you said, but now it is really difficult for us to make a choice, and we can't act rashly. After all, the power of the Great Dao and the Chaos Sea exists. If they attract their dissatisfaction, the consequences will be even more dangerous!"

"Oh! I knew it would be like this long ago, maybe we shouldn't stay and let ourselves be in a dilemma. Not only can we not get the recognition of the people, but we will plunge ourselves into such a crisis. This is a big joke. Kindness eventually brought such a big trouble and crisis to myself, and plunged myself into such a danger! "Sorrow! remorse! This is the true thoughts in the hearts of some giants. They really regret it, and they really feel sad and disappointed with their people! It's just that now they can't advance or retreat, they can only bite the bullet and continue, just hope that the collision of this world can end soon!

The giants of the Supreme Chaos World are looking forward to the end of the collision of the world, and Dadao and Chaos Sea also have the same idea. They also want to end the fusion of the world as soon as possible and speed up the fusion of the two worlds, even if it pays a little bit. The price is no hesitate, because as accidents happen again and again, Dadao and Chaos Sea are worried that the situation will worsen, and they are worried that the ultimate chaos world will not be able to adhere to the fusion of the two worlds and will be destroyed by the collision of the world!

If the supreme chaos world is intact, the collision of the world will not bring the danger of destruction to the supreme chaos world, but now everything is different, such a danger already exists, once an outbreak occurs, it must be out of control. If you want to resolve it, the only thing The solution is to weaken the power of the collision of the world, and not allow the collision of the two worlds to accumulate greater strength!

"No, the origin of the world is fluctuating again. The collision between the Supreme Chaos World and the Chaos Sea is about to begin. The Chaos Sea and the Dao will accelerate the collision of the world and end nine collisions early, although this will make many creatures unable to prepare. Can die and die, but can preserve the vitality of the Supreme Chaos World. It seems that Dadao and Chaos Sea are to sacrifice the creatures in the Supreme Chaos World to ensure the survival of the world, and to nourish the world with the lives of the creatures in the Supreme Chaos World. The origin of !" In an instant, Xing Tian understood the true intention of the Chaos Sea and the Great Dao, understood that the situation had changed, and his situation had become more dangerous.

auzw.com This time, perhaps it is no longer the weak beings that fall, the strong may also die, and even the giants will face the threat of death. You must know that they are on the road. In front of the power of the Chaos Sea, all the creatures in the entire Supreme Chaos World are just ants, ants that are crushed by the Chaos Sea and the Great Dao at any time, and if a giant is killed, the source of the release is stronger than the destruction of a small race civilization. , If you want to ensure the vitality of the Supreme Chaos World, plundering ordinary creatures is far less than plundering giants, and those strong in the Supreme Chaos World come quickly!

Crisis, a great crisis appeared. When thinking of this, Xing Tian couldn't help but tense. When the situation reached this point, Xing Tian had to make the worst plan and was not prepared to rush to escape at any time. His own life and the perception of the world are not important. You must know that what Xing Tian bears is not just the life and death of one person, but the life and death of countless creatures. Xing Tian dare not risk his own "life" and dare not overestimate the road. With the benevolent heart of Chaos Sea!

A loud bang resounded through the heavens and the earth. Everything was just as Xing Tian worried. The collision of the two worlds was accelerating. In order to ensure the vitality of the supreme chaotic world, they were madly sacrificing the creatures of this world and devouring many creatures. The vitality of living creatures is to nourish the origin of the world, to strengthen the barriers of the world, so that the supreme chaotic world can withstand the backlash of world collisions!

"Damn bastard, this is crisis. Opportunity and crisis always coexist. Opportunity is bound to have crisis. I thought of chance before, but I forgot the horror of crisis. Now this crisis is beyond imagination. To this world, I still I was careless, I overestimated my own strength, and despised the madness of Dadao and Chaos Sea!" At this time, Xing Tian also had a trace of regret in his heart. He knew that this would happen, maybe Xing Tian would not choose to stay. If Xing Tian is given another opportunity to choose, I am afraid that Xing Tian will leave instead of staying in the supreme chaotic world to understand the great changes in this world.

Speaking of the World Avenue, Xing Tian’s heart is even more annoyed. Because of the acceleration of the collision between the sea of ​​chaos and the avenue, Xing Tian can feel that the time for the changes of the avenue is too short, and there is not enough time to understand the nature of the world avenue, the original great opportunity. Because of the changes in the sea of ​​chaos and the avenue, it has become a small opportunity, and it is still a small opportunity with death threats.

Xing Tian also wanted to stop all of this, but he couldn't do it, and he didn't dare to do it, because at this time, whether it was the avenue or the Chaos Sea, he would stare at the changes in the entire Supreme Chaos World. If you come out to block everything, you will inevitably be strangled by the Dao and Chaos Sea, just like the dead creatures before.

Hate, Xing Tian's heart also hates everything in front of him. He hates the Dao and Chaos Sea. This is completely killing people with a knife. With the help of the collision of the two worlds to clean up all hidden dangers, to change the origin of the Supreme Chaos World, even Xing Tian In doubt, this is a conspiracy. The Sea of ​​Chaos and the Dao have a tacit understanding. We want to take this opportunity to change the essence of the Supreme Chaos World again, to change this catastrophe of heaven and earth, and to change the world and the earth!

Regardless of what Dadao and Chaos Sea have thoughts, and no matter whether there is any conspiracy in them, what Xing Tian has to face now is how to retreat from this lore, and from this devastating blow New harvest, new perception!

Time waits for no one. After understanding how dangerous the current situation is, Xing Tian sighed involuntarily. Today's situation cannot be controlled by himself. All the overall situation is still under the control of Dao and Chaos Sea, and he is still dead. In the desperate situation, I still have to face the terrible death erosion and strangulation. This is the cause and effect that I have to bear!

Hurry, Xing Tian is speeding up the devouring of the world's origin, speeding up his own perception of the great path, speeding up his own practice time, so that he can keep up with the changes in the world, so that he can have a deeper understanding of the world, so that he can live a little easier !

After the loud noise, a terrible shock wave appeared again. Xing Tian was instantly hit by the shock wave. The deity has the real body of the Chaos God and Demon as its support. No matter how strong the shock wave is, it still can't break its own defenses and can make it easy. Some, but there is really not much time left for himself, the time of world collision is accelerating, so Xing Tian has to be cautious!

I hope that the situation can improve quickly, and that those **** chaos can maintain a calm mind, don't act rashly, so as not to harm others and yourself, drag yourself into this terrible and dangerous Jedi, and bear the amazing pressure. .

Originally in Xingtian’s plan, he was hidden in the territories of the human race. As long as he was cautious, he would inevitably be able to escape the enemy’s search and still be able to get rid of his own crisis, but now things are not as simple as imagined. In the world, if you want to live a comfortable life, you must reap what you have paid and have a price. Under the current situation, Xing Tian believed that his whereabouts had been mastered by Dadao and Chaos Sea, as long as he had the opportunity, he would be in danger of being strangled.

Don’t look at the Chaos Sea approving it, but between itself and the Supreme Chaos World, Chaos Sea will inevitably choose the Supreme Chaos World. If you can sacrifice yourself, the innate Chaos God and Demon, you can protect the Supreme Chaos World from the danger of destruction. I believe Chaos Sea will inevitably make the choice of sacrificing itself, and will nourish the origin of this supreme chaotic world with its own origin.

Perhaps this sounds unbelievable, but Xing Tian believes that this is the fact that he is not as important as the supreme chaotic world, and so are the giants. It can be said that when the situation is discovered to this level, the strongest are the ones who are most at risk, not The ants standing at the bottom, because the ants have limited origin and are easier to master. If you want to preserve the supreme chaotic world, the best choice is not to let the world discover it naturally, but to strangle those strong under the interference of the sea of ​​chaos and the avenue. To allow the ants at the bottom to survive, so that it can be beneficial to the avenue and the Chaos Sea!

In the face of interests, no matter how crazy behavior is, it is normal, and no matter how crazy things are possible, Xing Tian never chooses to pin his hopes on external forces. When disaster strikes, he can only rely on himself. Only by strengthening your own strength can you live longer, easier and more comfortable!

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