God of Destruction

Chapter 4244: Four hundred and fifty

The Forty Noon Chapter 250 World Fusion (2)

When the supreme chaotic world fell into the killing, when the race war appeared again, it was another heavy burden for the supreme chaos world, making the chaos sea angry, and the road angry, because it means that everything begins to go out of control again , The crisis reappears. If you can’t stop all of this, I’m afraid you don’t have to wait for nine world collisions. This supreme chaotic world will be destroyed in the hands of these ignorant ants, it will be shattered because of the race war, and the whole world will be dead in!

What is angry is not only the power of Chaos Sea standing on the top, and the Great Dao. For those giants who remain, they are equally angry. They also understand how much impact such a race war will have on the world and the world. How amazing is the destruction of the world, once the destruction of the world’s origin reaches a critical point, the whole world will collapse. Those of them have only a dead end, because they understand that the current supreme chaotic world has been completely blocked and there is no possibility of leaving. The world is shattered. All creatures in the entire world have only one dead end, unless someone can break through the barriers of the world and get the approval of Chaos Sea!

"Damn bastards, don't they know what they are doing, don't they know that doing so will only speed up their own death?" A giant roared angrily, venting the dissatisfaction in his heart, and also venting himself The trace of anxiety in his heart, after all, he didn't want to see death befall him.

"What those ants know, what they see is the little bit of interest in front of them, they just want to plunder the origin of other races, strengthen themselves, and survive the crisis of world collision, as to whether they will damage the highest chaotic world. Essence, whether it will accelerate the destruction of the supreme chaos world, they don’t care at all, because they only think about their own life and death. If they can’t survive, naturally they won’t care about the life and death of other people. They care about the supremacy. The safety of the chaotic world!"

"No, we can't let this situation continue to develop, or it will be unimaginable, we must do our best to stop it, even if it is a little price, after all, the world is destroyed, we all have a dead end!"

"That said, but we can't do it at all. Those **** won't listen to our orders, and we can't use strong means to oppress them, let alone threats, because they are crazy unless we can To ensure their survival, to ensure that they can survive the nine world collisions, otherwise it will be of no use to say more, this is an endless loop, an unsolvable loop, in short, I have no way to resolve this crisis !"

Hard-line methods won’t work, and persuasion won’t work. This makes all the giants embarrassed. For a while, they don’t know how to deal with this terrible crisis of destruction. It’s not a good choice to count on the Great Avenue and the Chaos Sea, because This is putting one's own life in the hands of others, and no giant is willing to accept it.

"Everyone, do you think we can learn from the **** of the human race, the human race can unite the sword of humanity, can cut all the restraints, so can we, and we have also gained a lot of gains before, if we accelerate the previous plan, perhaps When the world's destruction comes, we can gather the power of the entire race civilization, we can break all the shackles, and we can directly take the creatures of the entire race civilization into the Chaos Sea, and get rid of the threat of the highest chaotic world to us!"

"Haha! This idea is very good, but unfortunately it can't be realized at all. Do you think Dao is a fool? Do you think Chaos Sea will give us such a chance? The actions of those lunatics have completely angered Dao. If we want to learn from the human race, think To condense the world, it will only be strangled by the power of the Great Dao and the Chaos Sea. Before the world goes to destruction, we and the ethnic civilization behind us will be directly destroyed by the Great Dao, directly obliterated between the heaven and the earth!"

"This is not okay, that’s not okay. You just talk about what we should do. We can’t just sit and wait. If there is no other way, we must let go even if it’s dangerous. Instead of sitting to die, we’d better let go. , Fight for a **** road, I don’t know what everyone thinks, I can’t accept the idea of ​​just waiting to die!"

At this time, it is a big problem for these giants. It is not that they have never thought about uniting with other giants and thinking about countermeasures together. It is just that every racially civilized giant gave up this idea for a moment. For these giants , They have all thoughts in their hearts, and they can't believe the giants of other races, for fear that they will be calculated if they are not careful. You must know that under such a big environment, many giants have a crazy idea in their hearts. If If things can't be done, they will choose to give it a go, and even if they can't get the approval of others, they may directly give up ethnic civilization!

"Let’s wait and see, wait for the reaction of Dadao and Chaos Sea. Now we should not be too eager to make decisions. We may not be able to stop all of this. But Dadao and Chaos Sea may have such capabilities. Let’s not rush to make decisions. Lest we make the wrong decision in a hurry, harm ourselves, and harm the younger generations who follow us!” For some people’s thoughts, they can still see through and understand, and all the giants have said such things to Everyone has a buffer time.

When the titans of the major races and civilizations were in a dilemma, Xing Tian also felt tremendous pressure. The Supreme Chaos World faced such a heavy pressure, and the origin of the world had naturally changed. Xing Tian naturally felt the world’s crisis, but Xing Tian couldn't find a way to resolve it, so he could only watch the changes. After all, when the situation reached this point, everything could not be stopped by Xing Tian, ​​and all that Xing Tian could influence, the only thing Xing Tian could do was wait and only feel the changes in the world.

auzw.com Time is passing fast, and the pressure on Xing Tian is getting heavier. After all, time waits for no one. If this killing war in the world cannot end soon, the origin of the world will pass by. It would be even more terrifying, and the entire Supreme Chaos World would be destroyed prematurely. Under the destruction of the world, Xing Tian did not feel that he had the ability to break free from the blow of death.

Although he is the Lord of Innate Chaos Gods and Demons, and has been recognized by Chaos Sea, when the moment of destruction of the Supreme Chaos World arrives, Xing Tian does not think that he has enough power to tear the void and escape from the Supreme Chaos World. He has this kind of strength and can tear through the void, but will those **** giants, those already crazy racial civilization experts give them such a chance? Xing Tian didn't think he would have such good luck. Once that moment came, those lunatics would kill themselves in the void in the first place, and would never let them escape.

"The power of order, now the supreme chaotic world needs the power of order, only the birth of the power of order can resolve the current crisis, and only the emergence of the power of order can stabilize the collapse of the supreme chaotic world, but I don’t know the road and chaos. Can Hai do this, can he create a new order of power!" Xing Tian couldn't help but sighed when he thought of this, and shook his head gently, his eyes revealed a dignified god. color".

For Xing Tian, ​​he is unwilling to pin his life and death on others, but now Xing Tian has no choice but to continue to be patient. Who makes the entire supreme chaotic world so terrifying and so crazy if he owns Being impatient and wanting to take the initiative to jump out will only make oneself die faster and only accelerate one's own death.

At this time, under such circumstances, the more joyous you jump and the faster you die. Dadao will not allow those ignorant **** to drag the entire supreme chaotic world into destruction. How to stop all of this? To Xing Tian, ​​to this supreme It is very difficult for the giants of the Chaos World, but for the Dao and Chaos Sea, it is easy. There is a force that can do it, and that is the world collision. Under the world collision, with the help of terrible shock waves, these ignorance can be destroyed directly. The'ant'!

vicious! Crazy? No, this is what those ignorant "ants" are asking for themselves. They are killing themselves. If they don’t frantically challenge the bottom line of the avenue and the sea of ​​chaos, they will naturally not be punished, but now they have done the worst. , They are immortal, the supreme chaotic world is unstable, the avenue is uneasy, the chaos and the sea are unbearable, so they have only one death!

While Xing Tian was meditating, a loud bang resounded through the entire Supreme Chaos World, and another huge shock wave madly swept across the entire Supreme Chaos World. He was always feeling Xing Tian on the World Avenue, and naturally felt that the shock wave was positive. Controlled by people and headed to those ignorant'ants', this is the power of the avenue and the chaos of the sea. Under such a terrible shock wave, Xing Tian believes that those **** who dance very happily are definitely a dead end.

Everything was just as Xing Tian thought. Under the joint efforts of Dao Dao and Chaos Sea, these happiest "ants" were directly destroyed by a powerful shock wave. The shock wave formed by this world collision did not affect Xing Tian. There are other quiet creatures that cause damage. The powerful force of the entire shock wave is acting on those ignorant ants. It is their ignorance that makes this third collision appear early, and it is also that they blocked the disaster for other creatures in this world. .

"What a chaotic sea, what a great road, what a powerful method, but fortunately we did not act rashly, or else we will be in crisis this time, this time the world collides, this time the shock wave is clearly in their grasp, Under their guidance, clean up those ignorant ants. They have the power to do all this, and they have the power to destroy us!"

Fear. For these giants, although the crisis has been resolved, they still have endless fear and anxiety in their hearts. They are afraid that the next time Chaos Sea and Dadao will jointly target them and these giants, they will take the opportunity of the world to collide. These factors of instability were cleaned up, after all, their existence affected the balance of ethnic civilization.

"Friends of Taoism, what should we do? I think everyone is worried. This time it is those ignorant ants who have withstood the shock wave of the collision of the world. What will it look like next time? Chaos Sea targets, once such a situation occurs, how can we respond and how can we protect ourselves?"

Silence, for an instant, all the giants fell into silence. They didn’t know what to do. Although some people felt that such a situation should not happen and would not happen, after all, they did not challenge the bottom line of the avenue and the chaotic sea. , But this kind of uneasy mood can be contagious. One person is afraid and fearful, which will make other giants feel uneasy and worried. No one wants to put themselves under such a threat, and no one wants to accept such a threat. .

No matter how these giants think about it, they can’t think of a way to deal with it, because they don’t have the strength to fight against the Dao and Chaos Sea. In front of the Dao and the power of the Chaos Sea, even if they are giants, they are still just ants. , The ants waved to extinction by the avenue and the sea of ​​chaos, the power of the collision of the world is too terrible, if they are completely targeted at them, even if they do their best, they will not escape the end of death, under the joint strangulation of the avenue and the sea of ​​chaos They only have a dead end and they cannot fight against it. At this time, many giants inevitably have a trace of regret in their hearts. If they are allowed to redo their decisions, perhaps they will change their minds and choose to leave the Supreme Chaos World early. Even a race that betrayed itself!

Yes, for these giants, under the threat of death, they are also scared and afraid. They did not choose to leave before because they had a dissatisfaction with ethnic civilization in their hearts, but this is not the most important thing. The important thing is that they believe that the Supreme Chaos World will not be dangerous and will not threaten their lives, but now they no longer have such illusions. What happened before makes them deeply understand that they are also in crisis. Among them, if one is not careful, there is the possibility of death and death!

There is no way to deal with it, even if they do, these giants dare not act rashly now, because they are afraid, they are afraid, they are worried that if they act rashly at this time, they will attract the attention of the Dao Dao and the sea of ​​Chaos. , Will let themselves be strangled by two forces. For these giants, they don’t want to face such a danger and are unwilling to plunge themselves into such a terrible crisis. Therefore, they can only endure and restrain their anger. Not reconciled, dare not have the slightest impulse, otherwise it will only put oneself in a desperate situation, and will only make oneself die faster!

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