Everyone was stunned!

The face of Isshridu's head that rose to the sky is full of incredible!

"I only said to return your godhead, I didn't say not to kill you!"

Jiang Fan smiled coldly, and threw the long sword to Yue Jianhan again, his right hand had been directly buckled on the headless body of Isxulidu's life!


"Ding! The inferior pseudo-god Isshridu has been detected to work hard!"

"This pseudo-god belongs to the Gaotianyuan God System, a low-level pseudo-god!"

"The blood recovery price is 120 causal points per milliliter! Is it for sale?"


"Ding! The sale was successful! Congratulations to the host for getting 600,000 causal points!"

Six hundred thousand!

Seeing the headless corpse of Isshy Lido, who fell to the ground as if dehydrated, all the Abe family panicked!

Everyone knelt on the ground, looking at Jiang Fan with horror!

"My lord! Don't blame us!"

"Yes! Ise Jingu taught us this method of absorbing the stone of wishing strength!"

"Besides, we don't need these things at all, they are all dedicated to Ise Jingu!"

"Yes, yes! Ise Shrine made us do this!"

"It has nothing to do with us!"

"My lord, spare your life!"

The Abe Mimi and others all looked at Jiang Fan with trepidation!

"Ise Jingu?"

Jiang Fan frowned!

My heart moved even more!

Suddenly he glanced at a small pot on the ground!

This thing is what hung on the scarlet stone pillar before to hold the wishing strength stone!

Jiang Fan simply hooked it, and this little pot was already in his hand!

And inside the jar, the previous liquid has completely solidified and turned into a wishing stone!

Jiang Fan reached out and picked up the stone, and the system prompt sounded!

"Ding! The system has detected a high-value item! Sell this item and get 1000 karma points!"


Jiang Fan was overjoyed!

This wishing strength stone can actually be sold for money!

He suddenly looked at the Abe dog!

"You said, these things were taken away by Ise Jingu?"

"Yes, yes! And it was Ise Jingu who found us at the beginning and let us guard here!"

"They also taught us how to absorb a wish stone!"

"In the past few hundred years, they have come to take away the wishing stone every month!"

"We are just responsible for guarding and collecting aspiration stones!"

"All of this has nothing to do with us!"

Abe Mei dog hurriedly spoke!

"Humph! Since this kind of aspiration stone is condensed from the flesh and blood of these gods, of course you can't use it!"

"But, what about your shikigami?"

Jiang Fan smiled coldly!

Abe Mei Inu and others were all stunned!

Jiang Fan was right!

In addition to handing in every month, they can keep a little bit!

And these stones of wishing strength, their shikigami can just absorb!

This is why, the Shijin of the Abe clan can be so powerful!

You know, there are only so many masters above level 15 in the East!

However, the number of masters of the Abe clan is obviously beyond the limit!

This is precisely because of their accumulation of these hundreds of years!

"Take out all your remaining aspiration stones!"

Jiang Fan said coldly!

"This one……"

Abe beauty is trembling all over!

"My lord, the amount requested by Ise Jingu is quite huge, and there is really very little we can keep!"

"One point for each person is gone!"

"This month, I haven't had time to collect..."

"That said, you are useless!"

Jiang Fan waved his hand gently at Curtis and the others!

"All killed!"


Curtis and others grinned!

But at this moment!

"Leave it to me!"

A cloud of blood suddenly floated out of Hasegawa's right eye!

A voice full of resentment and murder suddenly sounded!

This is the voice of the nameless shikigami parasitic on Hasegawa!

And with his opening, Hasegawa's right arm suddenly swelled three times out of thin air, that arm grew thick red hair in an instant, and his fingers became sharp claws!

And a group of blood red, exuding a strong **** smell, is even more lingering on her right arm!

Hasegawa's face is full of shock!

But before she could react, that arm was already out of control, leading her directly to the Abe clan!

"Puff puff puff puff!!"

Almost just a face-to-face, this arm has penetrated the chests of four Abe tribesmen, and directly took out their hearts!

The point is that as soon as this heart was grabbed by him, all the essence and blood in it were absorbed, and the whole heart was directly turned into a handful of scraps!


"Fight with him!"

Several Abe people roared one after another, and took the initiative to summon Shigami, and rushed to Hasegawa!

Unfortunately, the strength of Hasegawa's right arm surpassed all imagination!

Facing the attack, that arm all chose to eat hard!

The result is that any attack, even the hair on the arm cannot be cut off!

And those shikigamis were even pierced by the arms, and the entire body was completely absorbed by the arms!

All the Abe people are panicked!

I want to escape desperately!

But Yue Jianhan and the others sneered coldly, already directly blocking their way!

The Abe family is completely desperate!



"Help! I don't want to die!!"


"Puff puff!!"

Accompanied by the sound of the heart being pulled out constantly sounded!

Abe can't bear it anymore!

He suddenly opened his mouth and bit off his thumbs in both hands!

Then suddenly chanted a few incredibly obscure mantras!

next moment!

The energy in his body that was originally confined by Jiang Fan, turned around again!

And the Abe dog has used the blood on his thumb to quickly draw a magic circle on the ground!

Immediately afterwards, he stared at Hasegawa, and suddenly roared!

"dog God!!"

Accompanied by the roar of the Abe beauty, a screaming howl suddenly sounded in the array below him!


next moment!


A monster that looks like a person but not a person, like a dog but not a dog, has suddenly emerged from the circle!

This is the strongest shikigami of the Abe clan in the land of suppression!

dog God!

But unfortunately, if it is outside the sea of ​​trees, even if Jiang Fan encounters this thing, it will feel troublesome!

But here, it is a sea of ​​trees!

And Jie Zhong Jie has been destroyed!

No matter how powerful this dog **** is, he can only display his strength no more than fifteenth level!

The point is that as soon as the Inujin appeared, his eyes widened and he stared at Hasegawa's arm!

"Yes, it's you! Ping——"

Inujin suddenly exclaimed!

But before it finished speaking, the arm had Hasegawa on it, and suddenly appeared in front of Inujin, crushing its head in one hand!

Immediately afterwards, a black hole appeared on the sharp claws of that arm!

The entire body of Inujin was completely sucked!

And after devouring Inugami, Hasegawa uttered a contented sigh in the blood mist from his right eye!

"Master, this guy seems to have a problem!"

Curtis approached Jiang Fan and spoke in a low voice.

"Huh! I want to play tricks with me, it's still tender!"

Jiang Fan smiled coldly, no longer paying attention to the battlefield, just looking at the glacier!

According to the gradient of this glacier, it is obvious that the lower the Guojin God, the more garbage!

And the ten or so above must be the strongest!

"I hope you guys are worth some money!"

Jiang Fan muttered, he had reached the top of the glacier!

The relatives are finished, the normal update begins, and I am about to burst into the small universe!

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