This glacier is pure and flawless, and even through the glacier, you can see the scenery on the opposite side. It can be said that it does not affect the line of sight at all!

It is precisely because of this that the frozen state of Guojin in the glacier looks as clear to everyone as if it were facing each other!

These gods of the country are all wearing robes or battle armor!

There is a deep resentment on everyone's face!

It's just that in addition to resentment, there is also infinite fear!

What's more terrifying is their bodies!

No one had thought that Guojinshen would actually become like this!

I saw that the gods of Guojin in the glacier were all shriveled, just like corpses!

And the further down, the thinner and weaker these national gods!

The bottom layer has all become sparkling bones!

And those bones, like honeycombs, appeared countless fine holes!

In Jiang Fan's mind, a word came up involuntarily--

Knock the bone and **** the marrow!

There is no reason for this term!

Jiang Fan couldn't even understand why this thought appeared. He just tried desperately to feel the breath in the glacier!



The hard ice at Jiang Fan's feet, unexpectedly burst into a deep crack with the force of his burst!

At the same time, all the people present felt a kind of anger that was utterly monstrous from Jiang Fan!

"Oh shit!!"

Jiang Fan roared!

After that, he grabbed Isshrito's life-saving neck, and suddenly roared!

"Bastard!! Why are they all dead?!!!"


Everyone was taken aback!

Hurry to feel the breath of those Guojinshens!

But the next moment, everyone's face changed!


In these Guojinshens, I can't feel the slightest vitality!

These national gods are actually just corpses!

The horrible aura that appeared when the glacier broke through the ground was just left behind before they died!

Guojin God, all of them are dead! !

Everyone has a dull face!

But then, the Abe family looked overjoyed!

"Haha! Dead!"

"It's good to die!"

"We no longer have to worry that these evil gods will retaliate!"

"Hahaha! Good!"

Headed by Abe Inuichiro, everyone is laughing!

But they didn't notice that Jiang Fan's face became more and more ugly!

"You seem to be very happy?"

Jiang Fan slowly turned his head and looked at Abe Inuichiro and others!

Seeing Jiang Fan's eyes, Abe's heart suddenly twitched!

Suddenly screamed!

"My lord! Calm your anger!"

But it's too late!

Jiang Fan suddenly flicked his left hand!

"Swish swish!!"

Three sword qi spewed out suddenly!

The people who laughed loudest in Abe Inuichiro directly stirred up the whole sky of minced meat!


The rest of the Abe tribe suddenly screamed!

They all looked pale and looked at Jiang Fan in horror!

And Jiang Fan has re-looked at Isshilidu for his life!

"Say! Why are they all dead!!"

Isshy Lido was at a loss for his life, and was obviously at a loss!


Guojin God is all dead?

What Gao Tianyuan used in the first line back then was just a means of suppression!

It wouldn't kill them at all!

How could these people die?

The point is, how could death be so harsh?

Even the bones seem to be absorbed by something?

Absorb light?

Isshy Lido trembles desperately, and suddenly reacts!

"Difficult, is it because..."

At this moment, he trembled all over!

Jiang Fan's expression moved, and he clasped his neck and clasped his hands tightly!

"Say! What the **** is going on!"

"Yes! Yes, it should be the relationship of the Abe family!"

Isshilidu hurriedly spoke up, desperately!


Jiang Fan was taken aback!

However, the expressions of the Abe Dog and others changed drastically!

"His Majesty Mirror! Don't talk nonsense!"

"Yes! The death of Guojin God has nothing to do with us!"

"We are just in charge of guarding, we have not done anything!"

"Yes! And how can we kill them!"

All the Abe people spoke one after another!

And Jiang Fan looked at Isshy Lidu's life-saving eyes, and it was full of murderous in an instant!

Isshy Lido shivered in fright, and hurriedly spoke!

"These Guojin Gods are sealed in the ice, even if they are dead, the corpses should be intact!"

"But now, not only their flesh and blood are absorbed, but they also have no bone marrow left!"

"This is the appearance of divine power being completely absorbed!"

"Before the Abe family had been using secret methods to extract the power of the gods in order to make the stone of wishing strength!"

"It now appears that these Guojin Gods were obviously killed by them!"

Jiang Fan's eyes twitched!

"You said, the stone of wishing strength is condensed by divine power?"


Isshy Lido nodded quickly!

Jiang Fan finally understood!

The scarlet stone pillar engraved with monsters on the artificial lake before was obviously drawing the power of Guojinshen!

And the black matter spit out from the monster's mouth becomes the stone of wishing strength after solidification!

This wishing power stone was actually formed by extracting the divine power, flesh and blood, and even bone marrow of Guojin God!

No wonder the Abes were so scared when they saw Guojin God appear!

As far as they did, once Guojinshen came out, they would definitely cramp them!

And the expressions of resentment and fear on the faces of those still intact Guojin Gods have an explanation!

Of course they will hate and be afraid of being taken out of flesh and bone marrow!

Knock the bone and **** the marrow!

Sure enough, it's knocking bones and sucking the marrow!

These little devils are actually **** crueler than themselves!

But knowing the cause of Guojinshen's death, Jiang Fan was even more angry!

It can be said to be furious! !

Guojin God, in any case, is not a person!

And as long as it is not a human being, and slaughtered with a water jade sword, you can get causal points!

These corpses are more than thousands!

Even if you can only get one thousand by slaughtering one, it is also a causal point of hundreds of thousands!

The most important thing is that those drained Guojinshens, their flesh and blood, should have been their own wealth! !

But now, except for the ten or so national gods on the top of the glacier, the rest are obviously completely drained!

What I have lost is literally millions!


Jiang Fan's fists rattled!

The blue veins on his forehead violently jump!

At this moment, Jiang Fan's whole heart is dripping blood! !

"Little, kid, although Guojin God is dead, but, after all, I helped you release them, you, you have to abide by the agreement!"

At this moment, Issullidu worked his life and felt relieved!

Since Guojin God is dead, the seal will be broken!

It doesn't matter!

The most important thing now is to get back your godhead!

When you leave this horrible place, you will find the female gentleman. When the time comes, the two of them will join hands and they will definitely be able to kill this kid!


Jiang Fan let out a long sigh!

Suddenly nodded to Isshy Lido!


With that said, he had already let go of Isshridu's life, and then directly threw the godhead over!

Issh Lido was stunned by his life, but he was overjoyed!


This kid is so stupid!

He actually returned the Godhead to him!

He raised his hand to catch his godhead!

But at this moment!


With a move of Jiang Fan's right hand, Yue Jianhan's Shuiyu Zimother Sword had turned into a cloud of white light, and it suddenly reached his hand!

next moment!

Jiang Fan suddenly shook his right hand!


The head of Isshridu's life-saving people has soared into the sky! !

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