God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1639: Boundary in boundary

"what did you say?!"

Isshilidu was completely stunned by his life!

Even he was shaking all over!

"You, you actually have a helper?"

"Isn't it obvious!"

Jiang Fan's tone was full of surprise:

"I don't bring a helper, what if someone runs away?"

"you you……"

Issh Lido opened his mouth wide!

What Jiang Fan meant was that he wanted to take the entire Clan of Sealing Demons in one pot!

He looked at Jiang Fan incredulously!

"Are you crazy?"

"On the contrary, I am sober!"

Jiang Fan said with a smile.

But Issullidu shook his head after working hard, and then suddenly couldn't help laughing wildly!

"Since you are not crazy, then you are too stupid!"

"The strength of the Feng Mo clan, even me, I dare not underestimate it!"

"Even in the sea of ​​trees, some of them can show their strength above level 15!"

"Moreover, it's not just that!"

"It can be said that in the sea of ​​trees, they are even stronger than me!"

"Even if you bring in all the top powerhouses, as long as there is one left, your subordinates will definitely be wiped out!"

"for sure!!"

Speaking of this, Isshridu's face is full of unspeakable excitement and hideousness!

"you sure?"

Jiang Fan asked with a smile.

"Humph! You'll know soon! Hahaha!"

Isshridu laughed desperately!

And as his laughter became more and more frantic--

"Swish swish swish!!"

The sound of breaking the wind has suddenly sounded!

Immediately afterwards, several men and women suddenly appeared in front of Jiang Fan!

Among these people, each of them has an extremely powerful aura!

But unlike Jiang Fan, although their aura is strong, they are all mixed and impure, just like a bucket of clear water mixed with a lot of ink!

These people are of different ages, but the leader is a man with a moustache and extremely dark eyes!

This man is the person in charge of the Abe family in Shuhai, Abe Mei Dog!

Behind him, second only to him, is an enchanting man wearing a white kimono and long hair shawl!

If the Gongshang Mountain God is here at this moment, he will definitely be able to recognize that he was the same person before, who swallowed a few tourists who entered the sea of ​​trees alive!

And he is Abe Inuichiro's nephew, Abe Inuichiro!

At this moment, as soon as he saw Isshur Lidu working his life, Abe Dog and others were all taken aback!

"His Royal Highness? Why are you here?"

But they reacted immediately!

Kneel all directly!

"Meet Your Highness the Mirror God!"


Isshy Lidu smiled proudly and looked directly at Jiang Fan!

"Boy, give you one last chance! As long as I am my slave, I can forget everything I did before!"

"No need!"

He supported his chin with one hand and spoke lazily!

"court death!"

Isshy Lidu's face sank in desperation!

"Abe Dog, the middle of the open world!"

"What?! Your Highness, isn't it..."

Abe's body trembled!

The others also showed an unbelievable look!

Since Issh Lidu had worked hard to open up the middle boundary, it clearly meant that in Shuhai's suppression enchantment, he was not Jiang Fan's opponent at all!

How is this possible!

For a while, everyone looked at Jiang Fan with piercing eyes!

"His Royal Highness, who is he?"

Abe Mei dog asked solemnly!

"I don't know his identity yet, but his purpose is to release Guojinshen!"

Isshy Lido spoke slowly, desperately!


The expressions of the Abe Dog and others suddenly changed!

All suddenly looked at Jiang Fan!

"Do you want to release Guojinshen?"

"Well, it's not right, but it's right!"

Jiang Fan smiled!

"Very good! It turned out to be the remnant of Guojin God!"

Abe Mei dog smiled sullenly and suddenly spoke!



The seven people behind him all raised their hands at the same time!

next moment!

The seven blood-colored note connecting ropes, which were full of talisman seals, had been connected together abruptly, and then continuously extended, directly enclosing the 100-meter-diameter position where everyone was located!

And just at the moment surrounded by this enchantment!

"Boom boom boom boom boom!"

Including Isshilidu's death, the breath of the five realms of grandmaster level, soaring into the sky!

Except for Isshrito, who is as high as the eighteenth level, all Abe Mimi and Abe Inuichiro have reached the sixteenth level!

There are also two old people who have reached the fifteenth level!

The middle world of this realm can get rid of the restraint of suppressing the enchantment, temporarily allowing the people in the enchantment to restore their strength!

With a clenched fist, Issullidu has worked hard to look at Jiang Fan with a frantic smile!

"Boy! Now you understand what I meant before?"

"In this sea of ​​trees, the Abe family can produce a limited realm through the use of onmyoji!"

"In the realm of the realm, you can ignore this suppression enchantment for a short time!"

"Fully release all power!"

"In other words, unless your subordinates are all grandmasters!"

"Otherwise, no matter how much you come, you will all have to die! Hahaha!"

"Boy! You are done! This time, the blood you are destined to be transfused has no return!!"


Isshy Lido was desperately laughing crazy!

The face is full of sneers that cannot be concealed!

That's stupid!

This kid is so stupid!

This time, I must set him down!

"Boy! You—"

Isshridu had just spoken for his life, but the corner of his eyes jumped!

Just because he said so much, Jiang Fan's eyes are not only not afraid, but full of smiles!

Even, he could clearly see Jiang Fan's sneer in that smile!


This kid, why don't you panic at all?

At the same time he was in a daze, Abe Mei dog had already grinned gloomily and looked directly at a fifteenth-level old man behind him!

"Hiromi! Kill him!"


Abe Hiromi smiled grimly, and suddenly raised his hand to Jiang Fan!

"Scythe Itachi!!"

next moment!


An unspeakable whirlwind suddenly started!

Went directly to Jiang Fan!

This is exactly Abe Hiromi's shikigami, the wind demon and sickle itachi!

According to the legend of Hyakki Nights in the East, there are a total of three Scythe-style Gods. One is used to trip others, the second is to chop others, and the third is to give medicine to people so that the wound has not yet bleeds. At that time, it will be completely healed!

Three sickle and ferrets come out together, and people will never realize that they have been injured!

And what Hiromi Abe used this time was only the second one!

Specialist kills at high speed!

Seeing Hiromi Abe release the sickle Itachi, everyone's faces couldn't help showing a trace of excitement!

And Abe Inuichiro licked his lips even more!

Once Jiang Fan died, his Shijin would have something to eat again!

Seeing that the whirlwind was almost between electric light and flint, it arrived in front of Jiang Fan!

But at this moment!


Jiang Fan actually came first, and plunged his hand into the whirlwind!

Then, he squeezed hard!


The whirlwind blows directly into pieces!

In Jiang Fan's hand, there was already an extra large mouse-like monster with an extremely dark color and holding a sickle!

This thing is the real body of Kan Itachi!

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