God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1638: Raise the grass and startle the snake

The reason for all this is precisely because Jiang Fan entered the Pirates of the Caribbean world last time and got the same ability!

Get rid of the halo!

Dispelling Aura: Legendary

Function: Crush this bead to activate the halo, and any seal or imprisonment surgery of legendary level and below will be completely invalid for you!

Note: Since Tiadora was sealed by the nine pirate kings, she has been working on researching how to avoid being sealed again. Obviously, she succeeded!

With this halo addition, let alone Isshilidu's life!

Even if the twenty-fourth-level legendary powerhouse appears, don't even want to seal Jiang Fan!

But Jiang Fan obviously didn't intend to explain!

"Ish Lidu worked his life, I now give you a chance to take me to crack the seal of Guojin God!"

"Don't even think about it!"

Isshy Lido yelled abruptly for his life!

"Boy, I didn't expect you to be so slippery!"

"However, don't be happy too soon!"

"I will definitely kill..."

"Toast not to eat, eat fine wine!!"

Jiang Fan's complexion sank, his fingers were brought together, and he suddenly shot, directly piercing Isshy Lidu's life-saving brows!

Immediately afterwards, in the screams of Isshridu's life, Jiang Fan actually took out the godhead from his forehead!


Isshilidu screamed desperately in pain!

"Bastard! You little beast!"

"I will never let you go!"

"I must kill you!!"

However, Jiang Fan slapped him to the ground with a backhand slap!

"Shut up! Dare to say one more thing, I will crush your godhead now!"

Isshy Lido trembled all over his life, and immediately closed his mouth tightly!

He is a false god. Although the divine character is dug out, his strength will not be greatly affected, but he will have no hope of becoming a true **** in his life!

So Jiang Fan took away his godhead, it is equivalent to holding his seven inches!

"You, what do you want?"

Issh Lido gnashes his teeth!

"It's very simple, as I said just now, take me to the station of the Feng Mo Clan, break the seal of suppression, and let me see the gods of the country!"

"This is absolutely impossible! You don't even know what that means!"

Isshy Lidu gave his life a sudden roar!

But Jiang Fan smiled coldly and pinched the translucent godhead directly!


The Godhead suddenly let out a loud moan, overwhelmed!


Isshy Lidu was frightened for a moment, and his soul flew away!

Suddenly it was a scream!

Jiang Fan smiled coldly:

"Figured out?"


Isshridu sweats all his life!

Jiang Fan's appearance is definitely not a joke!

If you don't agree to Jiang Fan, so many years of hard work will be put into waste!

But if you agree, Amaterasu can't spare herself!

Although, I don’t even know if Amaterasu are still alive!

After struggling for a long time, Isshilidu finally gritted his teeth!

"Okay! I, I promise you! But once it's done, you must return the Godhead to me!"

"Yes! I'm here to swear that if Ish Lido works hard to help me break the seal of Guojin God, then I will return the Godhead to him!"

As Jiang Fan's voice fell, Issh Lido could clearly feel a kind of energy fluctuations, going straight to the sky!

This proves that Jiang Fan's oath just now has used a certain magical effect to generate a contract!

Slowly climbing up, Isshridu worked hard to heal all his injuries first, and then looked at Jiang Fan with a gloomy expression!

"Boy, you made a big mistake! Even if you release Guojinshen, you will only have a dead end in the future!"

"Then don't bother you, let me lead the way!"


Issh Lidu snorted desperately, and finally strode to the depths of the sea of ​​trees!

Ten minutes later!


Along with a beam of light crashing down, the female monarch has appeared at the edge of the sea of ​​trees!

At this moment, her brows were furrowed, and her eyes turned to the center of the sea of ​​trees!

"Ish Lidu worked his life, you idiot! You dare to step into the sea of ​​trees in order to arrest people!"

There is an enchantment in the sea of ​​trees, and the outside world cannot perceive the aura inside, but the female gentleman is convinced that with the strength of Isshridu's life, regardless of Jiang Fan's three-headed and six-armed, he will not escape!

However, Shuhai was arranged by God the Father after all, she hesitated for a moment, and finally did not dare to go deeper!

Just wait quietly on the periphery!

Anyway, according to her idea, if Isshridu worked hard to catch that guy who dared to kill Tianerwu's life, he would come out!

At this moment, Isshy Lidu, who had high hopes of her, worked hard, but like a hunting dog, he was honestly carrying Jiang Fan to the station of Guojin God!

The sea of ​​trees in the night is more gloomy than the daytime!

Except for the breath of the two in the air, there was only silence!

And at this moment!

"Hee hee hee……"

A weird laughter suddenly sounded from the ears of the two of them!


Isshy Lido snorted his life, and shot his backhand at the place where the sound came from!


A miserable howl suddenly sounded!

Almost resounded in the sky!

It was the resentful spirit, who was being dispelled by the supernatural power of Isshridu's life!

Isshy Lidu desperately looked back at Jiang Fan and smirked:

"These things are so annoying, don't teach them a lesson, they will continue to appear!"

Jiang Fan smiled, and suddenly sat down on a rock!

Isshir Lidu was taken aback for a moment!

"You, aren't you going to the land of suppression? Why are you still sitting down?"

Jiang Fan took a meaningful look at Isshy Lidu, and suddenly smiled!

"In the Sea of ​​Trees, unlike other places, the range of breath can be transmitted is very small, but there is only one thing, and its voice can spread all over the Sea of ​​Trees!"

"That is, this kind of resentful spirit!"

"You let this ghost scream endlessly, don't you just remind the people of the sealed demons?"

"Anyway, they are coming soon, I'll just wait here!"


Isshridu's face was stagnant!


He just wanted to remind the Feng Mo family that he wanted them to take action against Jiang Fan!

These people live in the sea of ​​trees all year round, and can drive ghosts and gods, plus onmyoji's spells, they can definitely subdue Jiang Fan!

But he didn't expect that Jiang Fan could see through his plan at a glance!

For a moment, Isshy Lidu's desperate face was extremely panicked!

In case Jiang Fan convicted him of breach of contract and crushed his godhead...


"Relax, I have no intention of blaming you, relax and don't be nervous!"

Jiang Fan suddenly smiled!

Isshy Lidu can't help but froze for a while!

"You, don't you blame me?"

"Of course! Actually if you don't do it, I will do it too!"

Jiang Fan is not only laughing, but the aura in his body is violently urged!

Even in the sea of ​​trees, it was spread a few miles away!

And Ish Lidu has been blinded by all his life!

I don't understand why Jiang Fan wants to behave like this!

"Very confused? The truth is actually very simple!"

Jiang Fan stared to the northwest, where, at this moment, there were already countless screams!

Obviously there are strong people attacking here!

But the corners of Jiang Fan's mouth were full of smiles that couldn't be concealed!

"Because only the strongest are here, and my subordinates can take care of their nests!"

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