at the same time!

Ise Jingu!


The female gentleman suddenly opened her eyes!

Suddenly look to the east!

There, it is the direction of Aokigahara Jukai!

"It's him!!"

The eyes of the female gentleman are full of frightening light!

Sato Tian's heart trembled while serving her!

"His Royal Highness, what are you talking about?"

"The one who killed Tianerwu's life has appeared again!"


Sato Tian suddenly exclaimed:

"Did that person come to Ise Jingu?"

"No! He's in the Aokigahara Sea of ​​Trees!"

Murderous intent is boiling in the eyes of the female gentleman!

"Let the person over there look it up right away and see who he is!"


Sato Tian's body trembled, and then he opened his mouth cautiously:

"His Royal Highness, someone broke into the imperial residence before, and all our staff near Aokigahara have gone to help the imperial palace..."

"Bastard!! Didn't I say that you have to stay alive? Who gave the order!!"

The female gentleman was furious!

"Yes, it's the high priest, she is the emperor's younger sister, so..."

"Huh! Not enough!"

The female gentleman yelled angrily and walked away!

"His Royal Highness, where are you going?"

Satota hurried to keep up!

"Aokigahara Jukai! Since I can't count on the trash, I will do it myself!"

"Huh? But..."

Before Satota finished speaking, the female gentleman suddenly stopped!

A look of surprise appeared in his eyes!

"Ish Lido is working hard?! Why is he there too?"

Sato Tian was taken aback!

But immediately, even he suddenly looked to the east!

Over there, a horrible aura that was about to boil had already swept here like a hurricane in an instant!

What's more terrible is that the strength of that breath has almost reached the nineteenth level! !

"This, is this the strength of His Highness Mirror God?"

Satota was shaking all over!

Too tough!

Is this the power of the gods?

But the female gentleman frowned!

Immediately afterwards, she stopped speaking, and suddenly rose into the air, like a meteor, suddenly shooting towards the east!

Aokihara Sea of ​​Trees!

The moment Jiang Fan broke out the Sun Fist!

"Damn it!"

Isshy Lido screamed suddenly in desperation!

The light of the Sun Fist was too amazing, even he couldn't help but be blind for a moment!

However, how rich the fighting experience of Isshridu's life is!

At the moment Jiang Fan made a move, a layer of reflection was already lit up on his body!

This is his defense method!

The Blessing of the Mirror!

No matter what kind of attack the opponent makes, even if it is a lethal attack, it will be transferred to a mirror he carries with him!

In fact, his move is really wise!

The moment he just used this trick, Jiang Fan had teleported to him!

Listening to the wind in his ears, Isshridu sneered, although his eyesight had not been restored!

"Boy, you really want to attack me! Courageous! But it's useless!"

"Ha ha!"

Jiang Fan smiled softly, but there was no disappointment on his face!

next moment!

Suddenly he raised his arm and suddenly rounded it round, and then, with a big hand, he drew Isshridu's life-saving face severely!


The loud slap in the face, in an instant, resounded through the sky!

Isshilidu has worked hard to be protected by a mirror, not to mention a slap, even if Jiang Fan uses three times the power to detonate, I am afraid it will not hurt him at all!

However, he never dreamed that Jiang Fan would give him a big slap in the face!

Isshridu was so embarrassed that he had worked hard!

Yourself, got sucked?

Got a big mouth!


No one has ever dared to do this to him!

Even if it is, Amaterasu! !

His heart was filled with shock and disbelief for an instant!

However, when these two emotions disappear and rise to the sky, there is endless humiliation!

An ant-like mortal, unexpectedly, dare to slap him! !

"Fuck, bastard, bastard!!!"

Isshy Lido made a sudden burst of desperation, almost a roar like thunder! !

next moment!


A horrible aura that made the earth tremble, and even shook the air out of layers of ripples, which instantly swayed hundreds of miles away!

And this is exactly the breath felt by the female gentleman!

"Bastard!! I want to kill you! I must kill you!!!"

Isshy Lidu was completely angry with his life!

At this moment, in addition to killing Jiang Fan, he has almost lost all his sanity!

But Jiang Fan turned around and ran away with that slap!

At this moment, I entered the sea of ​​trees long ago!

"You can't run! Even at the end of the world, I will peel off your skin and break every bone of you!!"

Isshy Lidu gave his life a roar again, and then, like a thunder, chasing Jiang Fan's breath, he rushed into the sea of ​​trees in an instant!

At this moment, he didn't even know that he had entered the trap that Jiang Fan had set up for a long time!


"Boom boom!"

On the road of Isshridu's desperate pursuit, it was as if an invisible anchor had sunk under him, and countless trees were completely exploded into powder under his crazy impact!

He was actually in the sea of ​​trees, and he ploughed out a horrible road that was 100 meters wide!

And everything he passed through, not only the trees, but even those resentful spirits, and even a certain wild god, before they even had time to scream, they were completely annihilated!

For a time, the entire sea of ​​trees was trembling almost!

As his speed is getting faster and faster, Jiang Fan's breath is getting closer and closer!

at last!

In his perception, Jiang Fan is already within reach!

A touch of ecstasy and hideousness suddenly appeared on Isshilidu's life-saving face!

The whole body suddenly exploded with the strongest speed in his life, and he slammed into Jiang Fan!


Just a few tens of meters to catch Jiang Fan!


Something like water waves suddenly appeared!

next moment!


Isshilidu worked his life and was unable to maintain the flight anymore, so he hit the forest below and crashed into it!

Amid the loud noise, he slid out nearly 100 meters, and this was just enough to stop!

"what happened?"

Isshy Lido's face is dull and sluggish!

However, his expression changed immediately!

"Suppress the barrier!!"

He actually rushed into the barrier of the sea of ​​trees!

And as he recalled this incident, he suddenly had an ominous premonition in his heart!

The whole mind wakes up in an instant!

not good!

This is the barrier laid by the Father God!

Where is the imprisonment of Guojin God!

He broke in rashly, and once he was found out by God the Father, he would definitely punish himself with his ruthless and unrighteous temper!

Even now, no one knows where he is!

The fear of God the Father directly weighed on the desire for revenge!

Isshridu hurriedly rushed up and was about to leave here!

However, as soon as he turned around, his eyes suddenly widened!

Just behind him, the man wearing the Tai Chi mask was lazily leaning on a big tree!

However, at this moment, not only did this man not look weak, but a sneerful smile appeared in his eyes!

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