Isshy Lidu stared at Jiang Fan's back with all his life, a trace of hesitation flashed in his eyes!

In the entire imperial palace, Kuroda Hikari and Yagyu Ichiken are just guards on the bright side!

And he is the real trump card!

Although the imperial palace has been calm in recent decades, the assassination of the emperor has never stopped many years ago!

Among them are the most powerful ones!

But none of these people succeeded!

This is all his credit!

And the reason why he has stayed in the Imperial Palace for so many years, protecting the emperor is only one of the reasons!

Another point is that even here, he is inherently invincible!

However, even if an ant is not in the Imperial Palace, he can still kill it!

Therefore, he finally sneered at Jiang Fan!

"It's a pity! You don't have a next time!"

Issu Lidu worked hard and finally decided to kill Jiang Fan completely!

As soon as the voice fell, he had already crossed a distance of several hundred meters and was behind Jiang Fan again!

He raised his hand and pointed to Jiang Fan's back!

"Oh shit!"

Jiang Fan shouted angrily and had to teleport again!

Isshiridou desperately pointed at nothing, and the murderous look on his face was even stronger!

This kid is too slippery!

If you let him run this time, then come again next time, maybe it will really let him succeed!

After all, it is impossible for oneself to do nothing all the time, only responsible for the security of the imperial residence!


Isshridu took a deep breath and didn't keep it!

He seemed to have turned into a shadow, and he had completely put everything down and chased Jiang Fan!

Although Jiang Fan's speed is fast enough, Isshilidu is undoubtedly faster!

Jiang Fan can only use teleport continuously!

The two chased and fled, and in just a few seconds, they had already escaped from the imperial residence!

All the way to the west!


The two walked away from the sky, swiftly moving!

Jiang Fan couldn't get rid of it, so he jumped from the air to the ground!

Relying on the complex terrain of the ground to get rid of Isshridu's life!

However, Issullidu gave his life a mockery!


Just when Jiang Fan passed through an alley!

Among the small mirrors hung on the lintel of one of them, an arm suddenly stretched out!

Suddenly, that arm suddenly soared a full two meters like a snake, and suddenly hit Jiang Fan's back!



The clothes behind Jiang Fan exploded to pieces in an instant!

The whole person even snorted when he was beaten, and he fell straight forward!

But at this moment, Jiang Fan actually endured the injury and rushed forward more quickly with the power of this palm!


Isshridu worked his life and rushed out of the small mirror like a stream of water!

However, looking at Jiang Fan who fled out, he was surprised!

Even though his attack just now was only a temporary shot, it could definitely kill the normal level sixteen in a second!

This kid actually still has the strength to run, which is simply a monster!

"Such a defense...boy, I must train you to become a guardian of the gods!"

Issullidu's face condensed with desperation, and there was a trace of solemnity in his eyes!

He, be serious!


Jiang Fan is as fast as a streamer!

And this time, he was already prepared, but everything like a mirror in front of him was completely shattered!

At the same time, while running, he turned his head and stared viciously at Isshridu for his life!

"Old fellow! Don't deceive others too much! Otherwise, once Lao Tzu escapes, I will kill you in the future!"

"Huh! Naive!"

For Jiang Fan's threat, Isshilidu just sneered at his life!

At this moment, Jiang Fan has passed a clothing store!

The window glass of the clothing store was so brightly polished that he could even reflect his shadow!

And at this moment!

The glass suddenly rippled like water waves!

next moment!


Isshy Lidu went so far as to pierce through the glass, and suddenly hit Jiang Fan with a punch!


Jiang Fan let out a scream, and his whole body was smashed and flew upside down!

I fell a full dozen meters!


As soon as he landed on the ground, Jiang Fan blushed!

However, he covered his mask, as if swallowing the blood that was about to be spurted again!

Immediately afterwards, he looked at Isshridu's life in disbelief!

"Impossible! Then, that is not a mirror at all!"

"Humph! Mortals!"

Isshy Lido sneered at his life!

"Not only can I pass through a mirror, I can pass through any medium that can reflect images!"

"Not only glass, but even the water surface, as well as smooth metal!"

"Boy, you are a mere mortal, how can you know how great a **** is!"

Jiang Fan's eyes are full of incredible!

"You, what are you talking about? Are you a god?"

"Not bad!"

Isshy Lido smiled proudly!

"Ant! I can give you a chance to survive!"

"what chance?"

"Be my slave!"

"What are you kidding?"

Jiang Fan looked angry!

"Huh! It's an honor for you! You know, even being a dog of gods is better than being an incompetent mortal like you!"

"Go to your code! You made your spring and autumn dreams!"

Jiang Fan cursed directly!

"Bastard!! Looking for death!!"

Isshy Lido was furious with his life!

As soon as he moved, he had reached Jiang Fan's body, raised his hand and banged his head at him!



Jiang Fan has turned into the wind again, and suddenly jumped into the air!

Then fled to the west again!

"I see where you can go!"

Issh Lido's desperate look was fierce, and he had already caught up again!


This time, Isshy Lidu worked his life without leaving his hands, and his speed has soared by 30%!

Jiang Fan was in danger for a while!

But he seems to have become accustomed to Isshrito's desperate pursuit, and he has become more slippery!

Change direction constantly!

Going north for a while, southward for a while, and even once escaped away from the east!

However, if you look closely, you will find that Jiang Fan has never stopped heading west!

Seeing the dusk drooping, Isshridu was desperate!

It's been too long!

Almost two hours have passed!

This kid must be slaughtered as soon as possible!

His eyes were fierce, and a small mirror suddenly appeared on his right hand!

And at this moment!

Suddenly a large area of ​​dense forest appeared in front of you!

As soon as I saw this forest, Isshy Lidu's face changed suddenly!

Aokihara Sea of ​​Trees! !

His heart trembled, and he couldn't help but stop!

And at this moment!


Jiang Fan was one step ahead of him, and suddenly stopped!

Issh Lidu was taken aback for a moment, and then he looked overjoyed!

This kid must not be able to support it!

That's right!

Even if you are a master, you don't have unlimited energy in the true sense!

There are always times of exhaustion!

He is about to do it!

But Jiang Fan suddenly turned around and smiled softly!

"it's dark!"


Isshy Lidu has worked hard for a moment!

And the next moment!

Jiang Fan suddenly raised his hands to his temples, and suddenly shouted!

"Sun Fist!!"


A dazzling light suddenly lit up, the entire sky!

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