Seeing that Jiang Fan was in a good mood, Curtis finally revealed his purpose!

"Hehehe, Master, what you want is his blood, then this corpse, isn't it useless?"

"Why it's useless! Give Yuguangzi and them, take the refining device directly!"

"Huh? But, but the master..."

Curtis was in a hurry!

"Teasing you to play! It's for you!"

"Oh my God! Praise you! My generous and great master!"

Happiness came too suddenly!

With the corpse of a god, he can definitely create an extremely powerful summoning thing!

Curtis, who was extremely excited, looked directly at the body of Disco Triboca!

But under this look, he was suddenly taken aback!

"Master! Where's the corpse?"

"Just put it there!"

Jiang Fan casually pointed, but everyone followed his guidance, only to find that the ground there was empty, how could there be any corpses!

In an instant, everyone's scalp was numb!


The body is missing!

Everyone had seen it just now, the corpse was there!

Is there anyone else here?

Or, the corpse...resurrected?

For a while, even Curtis, who has long been accustomed to dealing with dead people, couldn't help being cold!

Even tiny goose bumps appeared on his arms!


At this moment, a gloomy and weird laughter suddenly sounded from not far away!

Everyone suddenly looked back, and saw that in the darkness far away from everyone's eyes, a vague figure slowly emerged!

With the appearance of the figure, the endless darkness behind him, like a swarm of bees homing, shrouded him one after another!

A dark robe has gradually formed!

And the appearance of the figure gradually became clear!

It was exactly the same as the body of Disco Triboca!

The next moment, the figure suddenly opened his eyes!

It was a pair of extremely dark eyes!

However, in his eyes, he was full of bitterly cold viciousness and shocking cunning!

Especially, once they met these eyes, everyone just felt as if they had seen a dark and desperate dark vortex, and even their souls would be drawn in!

God of darkness!

Disco Tripoca!

It turned out to be resurrected!


In the distant city that never sleeps!

It's late at night now!

And the headquarters of the sword of thorns, among the tallest spires of the ancient tall castle, the most eye-catching room, is still exuding a dim light!

Isaac sat at the desk and carefully filled out the last document, only then slightly frowned and sighed!

In the room, there is only himself now!

The effort required to maintain such a huge organization is beyond imagination, and he will show such a tired look only when others are away!

But as soon as this state appeared, Isaac frowned!

In the next moment, he has regained his previous calmness!

And accompanied by a fluctuating airflow that is hardly noticeable by ordinary people, a man's voice suddenly sounded!

"My lord! A deputy director of the evaluation department and three technicians just committed suicide!"

This voice is exactly that of thunder!

There is no fluctuation on Isaac's face, just nodding!

"What else?"

"According to the release time of that task, it has been more than half a month, but the strange thing is that every time someone takes this task, it will be judged as non-compliant! In other words, this task is not without People who can pick up, but can pick up, have been ruled out!... This task seems to be very directional!"

Thunder's voice sounded slowly!


Isaac's finger lightly tapped on the table!

"My lord! Do I still need to keep checking?"

"No need!"

Isaac shook his head!

"This style, it's already obvious who the other party is!"

"You mean... Lord Leander?"

Lei's voice was obviously surprised!

"Yes, nor is it!"

Isaac's tone, surprisingly, brought a trace of anger!

Lei's voice trembled obviously!

"My lord, do you want me to do it?"

"No, it doesn't matter if you can do it... it doesn't matter, Liander... just a small character, a chess piece!"

"My lord, what about Lord Jiang Fan? I need to protect him if I don't need it?"

"No! Jiang Fan has never been a weak person! I believe that even if there is a **** in front of him, he will only eat the dregs of the opponent!"


Lei's voice fluctuates violently!

The adults' evaluation of that Jiang Fan is so high!

And Isaac has looked into the distance for a long time, muttering to himself!

"...I hope that idiot understands what he is doing, if he is still ignorant, I don't mind giving him a deeper lesson!"

Isaac's voice actually carried an endless icy cold!

Ray's heart trembled violently!

For many years, the adults have never shown such a murderous sign!

However, he knows better that the "him" in the large population is by no means Liander!


Tomb of the Dark God!

All three of Curtis looked at Disco Tripoca in horror!


A living god!

Forget the dead!

But now, there is actually a living God right in front of them!

In an instant, the fear of God in their bones that they had accepted since childhood has completely filled their hearts!

So few people dare not even move!


The gloomy laughter of Disco Triboca reverberated in the empty cave!

It is step by step, towards a few people!

What Jiang Fan said before is correct, false gods do not have a godhead, so they can only steal the power of faith, hoping to generate a godhead!

But in addition to this, there is another way, and that is to devour the soul!

As long as the other party is willing to dedicate his soul and absorb more, he can naturally become a god!

Although, that is only Cthulhu!

"Give it to me! Give your soul to me, and I will give you infinite strength and eternal life!"

The voice of Disco Triboca, with endless temptations!

Curtis was trembling all over, but their eyes gradually became confused!

Even Douglas couldn't help but speak: "I..."

at this time!

"Who, Disco Triboca, right? You brag and force me to ignore you, but if you engage in pyramid schemes with my subordinates, that would be too much!"

Jiang Fan's voice suddenly sounded!

And accompanied by his lazy voice, the three Curtiss almost instantly recovered their lucid eyesight!

"Damn it! What happened just now?"

"It's the same as when facing the blood of God!"

"This guy's trick to deceive people is so powerful!"

"If it weren't for adults, all of us would have to die today!"

The three of them looked shocked!

And Disco Triboca looked at Jiang Fan with surprise!

"Mortal! Are you unaffected?"

"Don't be mortal, I think you are the most annoying!"

"Bold! Sinner!"

Disco Triboca's eyes turned suddenly!


"I said, can you stop dazzling your eyeballs? You are almost throwing up for me!"

Jiang Fan looked disgusted!

Disco Triboca was directly shocked!

Not affected!

This mortal is not affected by him at all!

How is this possible!

"A mortal! Do you have no desire for power and immortality?"

Disco Triboca looked at Jiang Fan in disbelief!

"Power? Immortality? What do you think I'm still interested in what I already have?"

Jiang Fan sneered!

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