God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1119: Beasts, that's a god

Everyone stared blankly at the talisman on the golden coffin!

Jiang Fan frowned!

Huaxia Fulu!

And it's a talisman of suppression!

Does this **** of darkness never stop after he dies?

What if this guy suddenly jumps out when it opens?

However, that is a total of hundreds of thousands of causal points!


Regardless, beg for wealth and insurance!

next moment!

"What do you like to engrave on this dead ghost's coffin board? Let's go!"

Jiang Fan's eyes were fierce!

The other people knew Jiang Fan's personality for money and life, and they all took a few steps back, and they all had their defenses!

Jiang Fan didn't hesitate anymore, took a deep breath, and kicked up the coffin board of the God of Darkness!


A loud noise!

The huge and heavy coffin lid suddenly flew up!

And Jiang Fan quickly backed away!


A small cloud of black smoke suddenly appeared in the golden coffin, and then slowly drifted away. Other than that, there was nothing unusual!


Curtis was shocked!

"It's a god! After so many years of death, you can actually fart out!"

"But what did this guy eat before he died? This fart has been transformed!"

"Fart, your sister! It must have been caused by the corpse being sealed for too long! This one is clearly dead!"

Jiang Fan yelled, using his **** to know, how could this be a fart!


Curtis chuckled!

Jiang Fan rubbed his hands and finally leaned forward cautiously!

Suddenly, the scene in the golden coffin appeared directly in front of my eyes!

I saw a few gold and silver statues in the golden coffin, besides, there was only one man in a black robe!

The man's whole body was wrapped in black robe Yan Yanshishi, but his two closed eyes were exposed, and he couldn't see the appearance at all!

"Master, what should I do?"

The three asked with a face!

Jiang Fan rubbed his chin, and suddenly he felt a little bit helpless!

After all, he is a god, this is the first time I have seen this thing, and I don't know if it is a normal way to kill!

Forget it, don't want that much!

As soon as Jiang Fan stretched his left hand, he directly pinched the other's neck, and directly lifted this noble god!

Unexpectedly, this guy's body is unexpectedly heavy!

And the feeling at the beginning, the body is full of elasticity and vitality, except for the coldness, it is almost no different from ordinary people!


Jiang Fan looked at the corpse for a long time, and suddenly pulled the robe down!

In the next moment, Disco Triboca's body has completely appeared in front of everyone!

Unexpectedly, this product is actually very handsome, but on his forehead, there is a hole the size of a pigeon egg!

Even through the hole, you can see the fresh brain!

"Weird! There is just such a wound all over the body?"

Jiang Fan frowned slightly!

Such an injury, strictly speaking, means that a bone is missing, and the rest of the important position is not damaged at all, let alone a false god, even a tenth-level master will not die!

Could it be that the position of God's forehead is a weakness?

"My lord, this, is this God?"

Douglas and Curtis are different, they are instinctively afraid of gods!

"Strictly speaking, it is not a god, at best it is a false god!"

"False god?"

"Well! The gods outside the territories all have a godhead. Through the godhead, they can continuously absorb the power of faith and become more powerful!"

"As for the false gods, they don't have a godhead, they just deceive the crowd by clever means, and then receive the power of faith!"

"However, if the power of belief is sufficient, it is possible to form a godhead. At that time, you will become a true god!"

Jiang Fan told the news that he got after the inquiry system!

"Master! Your profound knowledge is really amazing!"

Curtis looked admired!

"Curtis, your level of flattering has dropped a bit recently. It sounds okay. I always feel like something is short!"

Jiang Fan said casually while observing the corpse carefully!

"Hehehe, I understand, I will definitely strengthen my cultural cultivation in the future, and strive to achieve greater brilliance on this road!"

Curtis smiled!

And Douglas brother and sister have already looked at Jiang Fan!

"My lord, then, what about this corpse?"

"What should I do? It needs to be said!"

Jiang Fan chuckled, and suddenly put the corpse to the side of the pool, and then drew out the Shuiyu Zimu Sword, and wiped it directly on his neck!

In an instant, blood spurted and filled the puddle!

All of Curtis were stunned!

Opening his mouth wide, he looked at Jiang Fan in horror!

At first they only thought that Jiang Fan was interested in the treasure in the golden coffin, who knew that he actually rushed to someone's corpse!

The key is!

Jiang Fan actually wiped his neck like a bloodletter to the bastard!

That's a god!

Even if it is a false god, it is also a real god!

This is too crazy!

What kind of hatred, what kind of grudge, can you commit such a cruel hand?

Although it's already dead, can you give me some respect, brother!

Subvert the three views!

At this moment, after the initial spew, the blood of Disco Triboca obviously began to decrease!

Jiang Fan frowned, and simply lifted Disco Triboca's feet, hung him upside down, directly!

Damn it!


Do not!

Beasts are not as good!

What a special animal!

Douglas couldn't even look at it directly!

At this moment, Jiang Fan, the jigsaw of the jigsaw that was shocked by the chainsaw is still abnormal!

It's not over yet!

Seeing that the blood was almost flowing, Jiang Fan stopped Disco Triboca as if washing a mop again!

Then, the corpse was put down!

Douglas was completely dumbfounded!

Over the years, Western-style education, especially in theology, has completely collapsed!

Suddenly, everyone's mind came up with a thought--

It turned out that in front of Jiang Fan, God was like this, no different from the pigs in the slaughterhouse!

Jiang Fan had already squatted down on the edge of the pool with excitement!

Facing the blood pool cautiously, stretched out his arm!

It seems that I felt the horror of Jiang Fan. This time, the blood was surprisingly honest!

"System! Detection!"

"Ding! The blood was detected as the blood of the inferior false **** Disco Triboca! Although it is highly toxic, it is extremely pure!"

"Ding! The current blood recovery price is 90 causal points per milliliter! Will the host sell it!"

Taking a deep breath, Jiang Fan spoke slowly!


"Ding! The sale was successful! Congratulations to the host for obtaining 356672 causality points!"

One, ten, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand...

Three hundred fifty thousand six!

More than 350,000 causal points!

Counting the previous sales, that's 400,000!

Four hundred thousand! !

huge sum of money!

An unprecedented huge sum of money!

Jiang Fan's expression turned red with excitement, and his whole body trembled!

With this huge sum of money, all of your exercises can be filled!

And raising the level of Sadako and others is enough!

It can even be used to do more things!


Jiang Fan suddenly couldn't help laughing wildly!


It's worth it!

Not in vain to take such a big risk!

Sure enough, we are seeking wealth and wealth!


Seeing Jiang Fan so excited, Curtis and others were all stunned!

"Master, are you okay?"

"It's okay! It can't be better!"

Jiang Fan's face was full of ecstasy!

It's just that everyone was attracted by Jiang Fan, and no one noticed that the body of Disco Triboca, who had been thrown aside, suddenly moved!

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