God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1092: Why are your hands so cheap

Screams, begging for mercy, crying...

Many voices kept ringing from a distance!

That is the symphony played by the subordinates of Solomon's Key in despair!

But no matter how stern the voice was, Jiang Fan was expressionless!

For the first time, looking at the surging magma, he suddenly began to examine his heart!

Scenes from the past are constantly flashing!

In fact, for the sake of revenge, for the sake of ambition and power, how can he be just a demon in the eyes of some people?

I am afraid that certain demons are not as vicious as myself!

Perhaps, be more kind in the future?

Do not!

As soon as this thought appeared, Jiang Fan was so calm and almost coldly thrown out of his thoughts!

The essence of this world has always been, and the future will only be-the weak and the strong!

Enemy, never care if you are kind!

That's why the former Jiang family perished!

If I didn't have the thunder means, the ruthlessness, and the analysis power that was so powerful that it was almost abnormal, I am afraid I would have died a dozen times long ago!

The benevolence of the weak can only be understood as weak and deceptive!

Only the mercy of the strong can be defined as a gift!

Before his enemy completely disappears, whether he wants it or not, he still has to grit his teeth and go on this **** road!


With a sigh of foulness, Jiang Fan's eyes were slightly confused, and finally he was completely calm again!

At this moment, the screams in this base have completely disappeared!

"My lord! Counting the ones that were burned to death by magma, seventy-two, one is quite a lot!"

Douglas's voice sounded directly from above!


Jiang Fan nodded, and then finally looked at the corpses of those girls!

"You are all poor people, I can't take you away, so I will throw you all into the magma here!"

Jiang Fan sighed, ready to do it!

But at this moment!

"My lord! Come over and take a look!"

In a room above, Christine suddenly poked his head out and looked at Jiang Fan anxiously!

Jiang Fan was slightly startled, but still a few leaps rushed up!

And Curtis and Douglas hurriedly followed!

The room Christine entered didn't look big from the outside, but inside it was more than five meters high, no less than 200 square meters!

But in this huge room, there is only one huge computer!

This computer is just like the giant matrix assembly that appeared in the movie. Countless cases more than one person tall are densely arranged in dozens of rows, and finally all the lines are gathered on a huge screen!

And on the screen, countless weird symbols are rapidly arranging and combining them, gradually converging into an altarpiece!

"This seems to be a supercomputer!"

Douglas spoke directly!

"Do you still need to talk about it?"

Christine gave him a blank look!

"But what is this thing calculating?"

"I don't know, but many of these symbols are spells related to summoning. Unfortunately, I don't know a large part of them!"

Curtis also spoke slowly, and at the same time tried to tap twice on the keyboard, and easily deleted one of the wrong arrangements that he had seen!

But at this moment, Jiang Fan suddenly walked out of the room and looked towards the altar below!

"Look, the altar that is being arranged on the computer looks like the one below?"

Jiang Fan said, pointing at the altar!

"Huh? It really seems!"

"Are these **** designing the altar style?"

"Using this kind of supercomputer to design is really the same as slaying a dragon and cutting a scarecrow!"

"Yeah, it's a violent thing!"

Several people in Curtis shook their heads!

But no one noticed that just as Curtis deleted the wrong arrangement, the computer's operation speeded up countless times instantly!

Just less than a few seconds!

"Dididi! Data verification is complete! May I ask whether you model it?"

Suddenly an electronically synthesized sound came out on that supercomputer!

All of them were taken aback!

Jiang Fan sneered!

"Modeling? I just built it! This thing is obviously not a good thing! Curtis, you are really cheap, hurry up and put this thing..."

Jiang Fan hasn't finished speaking!

"Dididi! Yes! Modeling begins!"

At the next moment, on the altar in the magma lake, there was a loud noise of gears spinning!

Those weird symbols actually began to move quickly and line up!

Everyone is dumbfounded!

"Who said anything about modeling!"

Jiang Fan roared even more!

However, Curtis and others all looked at him strangely!

"Master, although this thing is a supercomputer, it is only a computer after all. The rhetorical question you just asked was probably heard as..."


Jiang Fan couldn't wait to smoke himself!

"Smash the computer right away! In addition, if you can find the storage disk, you can find it, if you can't find it, it will be destroyed by me!"

Jiang Fan yelled, ran directly to the altar and jumped down!

"My lord! What are you doing?"

"Smash this thing!"

As Jiang Fan said, he was already on top of the altar!

Then suddenly raised his fist, slammed it against the altar!


Seeing that Jiang Fan's fist was about to hit the altar, at this moment!

Accompanied by the crisp sound of the last gear fit, the entire altar suddenly burst into a violent energy fluctuation in an instant!

The sudden appearance of a gas mask blasted the unsuspecting Jiang Fan directly!


At this moment, Jiang Fan only felt that something was wrong!

next moment!

Above the altar, the red mansions are flourishing!

The dazzling blood light makes people afraid to look directly!

Even the entire mountain belly that is reflected is like being plated with a layer of blood!

Immediately afterwards, a gloomy, desolate, and with traces of time, suddenly rose slowly from the altar!


Jiang Fan sighed!

After all, one step too late!

It seems that the altar has successfully summoned something!

However, although the opponent's aura is full of traces of time, it is not strong, it is only the fourteenth peak, maybe it is a little stronger!

It's strange that such a big fight is just to summon such a rookie?

At this moment, a huge roar suddenly sounded in the room above!

The next moment, in the flames, the three of Curtis also rushed out!

"Master, everything is done!"

Curtis just screamed in excitement, the next moment!

The red light on the altar suddenly gathered, and an unusually weird monster had completely appeared on the altar!

This monster is two meters and five meters tall, and it has three heads, hideous, blood-red, and exudes billowing flames!

Just as soon as he saw it, a trace of killing intent flashed directly in Jiang Fan's eyes!

This monster was actually compressed and pieced together from the bodies of several young girls!

And the bones of those girls turned into a big snake, entrenched at the feet of the monster!

At this moment, this monster is grabbing a corpse and chewing excitedly!

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