God-level Delivery Man from Ten Thousand Realms

Chapter 1091: He is more terrifying than magma

Can hit nails stronger than bullets, the opponent's strength is definitely above ten!

Unfortunately, his opponent is Jiang Fan!

As the attack came to an end, Jiang Fan finally saw the scene at the door!

Inside is a slightly gloomy corridor that emits red light!

There is a smell of sulfur and blood intertwined in the air!

And right at the door, a man with short red hair was looking at himself in shock!

"you you……"

The man couldn't believe his eyes!

The nails ejected by oneself are more powerful than normal firearms!

But when he hit the opponent, except for the nails exploded, he didn't even scratch the opponent's oily skin!

Who is the other party?

It's a pity that he didn't have a chance to ask again!

Jiang Fan moved in front of the man, and then grabbed his neck!

"How many people are there in this base?"

The man wanted to be harder, but when he saw Jiang Fan's eyes that looked like ice, he suddenly trembled!

"Seven, seventy-three people!"

"Very good, the first one!"

The man was surprised, Jiang Fan had crushed his neck without hesitation!

Throwing down the man's body casually, Jiang Fan strode towards the end of the corridor!

At the same time, in the entire base, the alarm bell is mastering!

Jiang Fan stepped out of the corridor, suddenly startled!

He never expected to see such a shocking picture!

The belly of the mountain has been pulled out of a huge space that is ten stories high and no less than thousands of square meters!

Countless houses resembling cave dwellings are densely packed with an entire wall!

And what connects them is a densely distributed ladder!

And the most shocking is below!

There was a huge lake of magma!

All the light sources in the corridor, including the entire base, actually came from here!

At this moment, a huge altar with a height of ten meters connected by six stone bridges was erected on the magma lake!

The altar was red as blood, and it was engraved with countless weird symbols, and a tall man with red eyes was standing there!

Hearing the alarm bell at the moment, dozens of hideous men and women have rushed out of the countless cave-like houses!

And the man in the center of the altar stared at Jiang Fan with a pair of sinister eyes!

But Jiang Fan was silent, just staring coldly at the scene on the altar with a pair of eyes colder than Jianbing!

Even his hands trembled slightly!

The strength of that man is far higher than the assessment of the sword of thorns, and he has reached level fourteen!

But the reason Jiang Fan is so excited, has nothing to do with this man!

On the altar, besides the man, there were dozens of corpses of young girls!

Just by looking at their distorted postures and faces full of despair, you know that they must have suffered countless cruel tortures during their lifetime!

Before coming in, Jiang Fan planned to keep his hands in due course, but now--

Jiang Fan suddenly took a deep breath!

Then speak slowly!

"There are seventy-two left, remember, one-don't keep it!"

In the last sentence, Jiang Fan's tone was cold, so that everyone in the range of this magma lake couldn't help being cold!

Everyone understands that Jiang Fan is really angry this time!

Without any hesitation, the Curtis trio suddenly rushed towards the group of Solomon's Key men who rushed up!

And a little bit at Jiang Fan's foot, had already risen into the air, straddling a distance of almost a hundred meters, and suddenly landed on the altar!

"Why kill them?"

Jiang Fan looked at the man and spoke slowly!

"Haha, a question from the weak!"

The man sneered, then said proudly: "I am better than them, so I killed it!"

"Very good, reasonable explanation!"

Jiang Fan nodded, and the next moment, ghosts and charms appeared before the man's eyes!


The man's pupils suddenly shrank!

The opponent is only level twelve!

How could it be so fast!

He took a step back suddenly and was about to fight back!



Jiang Fanqi took an extremely fast step, and once again reached the man's eyes!

The man panicked and took a step back, but Jiang Fan actually followed up face to face!

Even this time, the tips of their noses almost touched one piece!

Especially, the icy killing intent in Jiang Fan's eyes that was so cold that it almost burned, almost made his heart stop beating!

The man's forehead was covered with cold sweat for a moment!

There was even greater fear in my heart!

At this moment, his arrogance and ridicule disappeared, and even the courage to attack Jiang Fan has disappeared!

What's more terrifying is that every cell under his body is screaming and warning-if not retreating, it is death!

He can only retire!

He took a step back, Jiang Fan followed!

In a blink of an eye, the man has retreated to the edge of the altar!

Behind you is the billowing magma!

But his whole person was completely shrouded in fear, and he didn't even think about it, so he took a step back again!

"not good!"

And it was only then that the man who stepped on the empty foot reacted!

He was about to stand up, but looking at Jiang Fan, who was staring at him coldly, he became stiff!

At this moment, the man had fallen into the magma lake!


The screams resounded throughout the mountainside in an instant!

The fourteenth-level strong physique is enough for him to have the capital to counter magma in a short time, but this will only make him more painful at the end of his life journey!

Because facing Jiang Fan on the altar, he didn't dare to come out at all!

Only under the envelope of magma, the screaming and desperate howling can only be continued!

The group of Solomon's Key subordinates who were still vigorous, saw this scene, they only felt cold and bilious!

Their leader, the dignified first-class Earl of Solomon's Key, a powerful man who reached the fourteenth level, was so frightened that he didn't even have the courage to make a move and fell into the magma!

I would rather be burned to death by magma than dare to come out!

This can only show that the horror of the other party is more than the magma that incinerates everything!

A man more terrifying than magma!

This man, who is he?

Curtis and others are even more shocked!

Just relying on the momentum and the look in the eyes, a full fourteenth level master was forced to death!

This kind of thing is unprecedented!

too frightening!

Is this the master?


The man's screams continued!

The magma had already burned his skin into coke, but even so, once he saw Jiang Fan, he could only continue to scream helplessly!

"Please, please! Let me go!"

"As long as you let me go, I, I can be your slave!"

"You can do whatever you want!"

"I, I can tell you more about Solomon's Key!"

"Let me go! Please, let me go!"

The man howled desperately!


"These girls who were killed by you screamed like this before they died, right?"

Jiang Fan, who was always silent, finally spoke slowly!

The man's body trembled violently!

He suddenly showed a dazed look!

"You, are you actually for them?"


Jiang Fan nodded!

The man was startled, and suddenly gave up the struggle!

Let the magma gradually engulf yourself!

"You, one day, when you are beyond your current state, you will be like me!"

The man looked at Jiang Fan with bitterness!

But Jiang Fan just smiled coldly!

"You think too much, I am a demon, not a beast!"


The magma surged and swallowed the man completely!

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