Chapter 261

Earlier, when Jiang Mingzhe planned to use his hole cards, he had an idea of ​​being seen through.

It wasn’t because Tang Yao was staring at his eyes, but because Tang Yao secretly activated the soul control ability while fluctuating Mental Energy.

However, Tang Yao did not use Mental Energy to attack, but stimulated the effect of mental perception.

Tang Yao stared at him tightly just to cover up.

Therefore, before Jiang Mingzhe launched the teleporting ability, Tang Yao knew through his mental perception where Jiang Mingzhe was about to teleport.

What’s more, Tang Yao didn’t perceive it.

It’s not that you can’t perceive it, but in that case, the traces are too obvious and will definitely make Jiang Mingzhe aware.

At the moment when Jiang Mingzhe activated the teleporting ability and Tang Yao lost his mind-perceived object, Tang Yao immediately launched the Mental Energy attack derived from the charm ability.

The target of Tang Yao Mental Energy’s attack was Jiang Mingzhe who suddenly appeared behind him.

Jiang Mingzhe’s first teleport around Tang Yao was successfully aroused.

But Tang Yao’s Mental Energy attack also worked.

When Jiang Mingzhe appeared again, he was struggling to stand in front of Tang Yao’s left.

Tang Yao did not launch an attack, but stood there, smiling at Jiang Mingzhe.

Tang Yao’s face was a little pale at this time, and the familiar tingling sensation in his mind struck again.

Two Mental Energy attacks and one mental perception consumed 70% of Tang Yao’s Mental Energy, which had already exceeded the critical point.

However, only more than 10%, Tang Yao has experienced more, it is not difficult to bear it.

Upon seeing this, the onlookers sighed.

Jiang Mingzhe, lost!

Soon, Jiang Mingzhe recovered sober.

At first glance, Jiang Mingzhe saw Tang Yao who was smiling and looking at him.

The result is self-evident!

Looking at Tang Yao, Jiang Mingzhe’s eyes were filled with horror and doubt.

My teleportation is continuous, and there will only be moments in one location.

It stands to reason that Tang Yao couldn’t lock me down at all.

Unless, he can predict the location of my teleport in advance.

Otherwise, nothing is possible!

But how did he do it?

Suddenly, Jiang Mingzhe frowned.

Could it be the feeling that I was seen through before teleporting?

It must be!

Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible for him to predict the position of my teleport in advance.

Thinking of this, Jiang Mingzhe looked at Tang Yao and took a deep breath.

What is the talent of this guy?

The talents that can see through people’s hearts are too heaven-defying!

Even if you can’t completely see through the hearts of the people, as long as you can predict the opponent’s battle intentions in advance, it will be very enchanting!

Unless you have the strength to crush Tang Yao, you won’t be able to fight him at all.

Is it a characteristic of talented abilities, or an application developed by Tang Yao himself?

Either way, it’s terrible!

All kinds of doubts, speculations, and shocks are not only held by Jiang Mingzhe, but also in the hearts of everyone present.

Especially Ying Miao Miao!

Because of his own mental perception ability, Yingmiaomiao’s perception is extremely sensitive.

When Tang Yao used the soul controlling ability to launch the Mental Energy attack, Ying Miaomiao felt that Tang Yao’s talent ability was somewhat similar to that of Ji Qiangwei, but not exactly the same.

Just now, when Tang Yao used the soul perception effect of the soul-controlling ability, Ying Miaomiao’s perception became stronger.

Because Tang Yao’s mental perception ability was copied from Ying Miaomiao.

Tang Yao has also developed the charm ability, and the effect of using it is quite different from that of Ji Qiangwei.

However, Tang Yao hadn’t developed the mental perception ability at all, and the method and effect of using it were exactly the same as Ying Miaomiao.

Therefore, Yingmiaomiao’s perception is stronger.

The talents and abilities of each awakened are unique, not exactly the same.

At least, no two awakeners with the same talents have been found so far.

Each awakened person will have different levels of development of his own talents and abilities in different directions.

If Tang Yao’s talent ability is only somewhat similar to Ji Qiangwei’s, then it’s still the past.

But Tang Yao’s talent ability was not only similar to Ji Qiangwei’s, but also basically the same as his own talent ability. Ying Miaomiao had to doubt something.

Ying Miaomiao frowned and looked at Tang Yao suspiciously.

Ying Miaomiao thought for a while, but couldn’t think of any conclusions.

Shook his head, Ying Miaomiao sighed.

never mind!

This must be Tang Yao’s greatest secret.

The key point should be Tang Yao’s talent ability.

Going deeper, it is prying into his greatest privacy, and it is likely to become a deadly enemy.

This guy is not a generous person.

He has the ability to imitate other people’s talents and abilities, that is his ability.

At least, after being imitated by him, neither Qiangwei nor I felt anything wrong, let alone any damage.

Moreover, at present, no matter whether it is to Qiangwei or to me, Tang Yao has not had any bad thoughts, nor has he done anything against us.

that’s enough!

Tang Yao didn’t want to say, there was no need to force it.

However, I still have to remind him.

Today, I can perceive these.

Tomorrow, others may also perceive it.

After making up his mind, Ying Miaomiao no longer entangled these.

But for Tang Yao’s curiosity, it is getting stronger and stronger.

At this moment, Jiang Mingzhe looked at Tang Yao with a wry smile, and said unwillingly: “I lost! Don’t worry, I will abide by the agreement with you.”

In fact, after accepting the failure, Jiang Mingzhe still felt a little fortunate.

It’s good to lose now!

Later, my mental energy consumption will exceed the critical point.

If Tang Yao shot me at that time, not only would he lose, he would also have to endure the intense tingling sensation.

Tang Yao smiled and said, “Brother Jiang, you have accepted. When Senior Brother Jiang is promoted to God of War, you can come to me. At that time, I will give Senior Brother a small gift to ensure that Senior Brother is satisfied.”

Hearing this, Jiang Changhai smiled on the side.

Jiang Mingzhe raised his brows and looked at Tang Yao with some doubts.

Afterwards, Jiang Mingzhe nodded and said nothing.

At this time, everyone onlookers came over.

Zhang Yinian smiled and said: “Now, the results have come out. Tomorrow, Tang Yao will play.”

Everyone nodded with a smile.

Except for a few contestants who were a little bit disappointed, the leaders of all forces present were all smiling.

Jiang Changhai is confident in Tang Yao and feels that he can make a fortune tomorrow.

The other few people secretly relieved a lot.

This time, the people they brought were all their top geniuses.

If tomorrow’s match is lost, not only will a large amount of resources be lost, but also the best genius of the family will be brought in, which is very dangerous.

Now that Tang Yao, the strongest among the few, is playing, they have nothing to worry about.

Turning his head, Zhang Yinian looked at Tang Yao and asked with a smile, “How is it? Will you be able to return to the peak state tomorrow?”

Tang Yao nodded and said, “No problem.”

Hearing what Tang Yao said, everyone was relieved.

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