Chapter 260 Jiang Mingzhe’s Trump Card

Seeing the questioning gaze from his son, Jiang Changhai nodded solemnly at Jiang Mingzhe.

Upon seeing this, Jiang Mingzhe sighed secretly in his heart.

Sure enough, there was a mess between Tang Yao and the old man.

Depend on!

I seem to have been sold by my daddy!

Forget it, it doesn’t matter.

It is impossible for the old man to cheat me!

It seems that Tang Yao has a lot of means!

Actually took the old man down!

However, I may not necessarily lose.

Thinking of this, Jiang Mingzhe nodded at Tang Yao and said, “No problem, since Junior Brother Tang wants to add this one, then add it.”

Tang Yao smiled and said, “That’s it.”

The onlookers were speechless for a while.

Are you participating in the trials right now?

The selected person is to represent the Ningcheng base in the life-and-death battle with the corpse king and the beast king.

Very serious, okay?

You are actually in front of us, starting to fight for the successor of the general curator of Juntian Martial Arts Hall in Ningcheng Base!

Do you know the headquarters of Juntian Martial Arts Hall?

Did they agree?


The same goes for old ginger.

You are the chief curator, yes, but you have the right to make suggestions and mix up something!

At this moment, Tang Yao stretched out his hand and said, “Brother Jiang, please!”

Jiang Mingzhe’s eyes condensed and immediately mobilized Mental Energy, secretly perceiving.

Once Tang Yao’s Mental Energy fluctuates, he will teleport immediately.

Taking a deep breath, a light flashed in Jiang Mingzhe’s hand, and a thin sword appeared.

Immediately, Jiang Mingzhe’s figure moved, and he rushed towards Tang Yao extremely fast.

Seeing Jiang Mingzhe approaching quickly, Tang Yao immediately began to burn energy.

Tang Yao’s secret technique multiplied rapidly, Ascension, only stopped after 24 times.

Tang Yao thought, and a short spear appeared in each of his hands.

If Jiang Mingzhe teleported, he would definitely appear next to Tang Yao.

Compared to long guns, short guns are more suitable for close combat.

Tang Yao used the original Level 6 weapon.

Although the 9th-level black gold Tang Yao had already obtained it, he was useless.

Level 9 weapons are too powerful. If Jiang Mingzhe is seriously injured, it will be no good.

Soon, Jiang Mingzhe rushed to Tang Yao’s front.

Jiang Mingzhe waved the long sword in his hand and slashed it at Tang Yao.

Tang Yao raised the short spear in his right hand, intending to hold Jiang Mingzhe’s long sword.

At the same time, Tang Yao stabs forward with a short spear in his left hand and rushes straight to Jiang Mingzhe’s chest.

Before they could fight, Tang Yao suddenly realized that Jiang Mingzhe had disappeared.

At the same time, a small voice came from behind Tang Yao.

Although the voice was small, Tang Yao easily caught it with the help of the Five Senses Exploration Technique.

Tang Yao judged that the attack behind him was very close to him.

With a thought, Tang Yao activated the soul control ability at Jiang Mingzhe behind him.

At the moment when Tang Yao’s Mental Energy fluctuated, Jiang Mingzhe activated the teleport ability for the second time without hesitation.

The abilities of the two were triggered almost at the same time, and both worked.

Jiang Mingzhe’s figure disappeared in a flash and appeared more than 10 meters away.

Tang Yao turned around and took a look, frowned, and did not pursue.

Because when Jiang Mingzhe appeared, his eyes were still a bit blurred, but he soon woke up.

In such a short period of time, it was a problem for Tang Yao to get close to Jiang Mingzhe, let alone an attack.

Tang Yao turned his eyes and fell on the rapier in Jiang Mingzhe’s hands.

Immediately, Tang Yao nodded secretly.

No wonder that when Jiang Mingzhe attacked me, the movement was so small, it turned out to be because of this sword.

The rapier has little movement and is suitable for sneak attacks.

On both sides of the blade of this rapier, there is a groove on each side, which can reduce air resistance, reduce the sound of breaking air, and make sneak attacks more concealed.

Moreover, the groove can speed up the bleeding, making this rapier more lethal.

The weapon Jiang Mingzhe chose fits him very well.

It is a pity that 30% of Mental Energy was wasted in vain.

However, once teleporting such a long distance, Jiang Mingzhe’s consumption will inevitably not be small.

Opposite, Jiang Mingzhe saw that the own method worked, and a smile appeared on his face.

The whole person has become much more confident from the state of trembling just now.

The other three contestants who were eliminated all smiled when they saw this.

This is the first time since the start of the trials that Tang Yao’s ability has not achieved substantial results.

This result at least shows that Tang Yao’s talent ability is not unsolvable.

Seeing this, several God of War secretly shook their heads.

Jiang Mingzhe’s thinking is too simple!

Tang Yao looked at Jiang Mingzhe and smiled playfully.

It’s a smart way to keep me from attacking you in time by keeping a distance.

However, if you just want to deal with me like this, then I can only say, you think too much!

With Tang Yao’s heart moving, Mental Energy began to fluctuate violently.

But it was just fluctuations, Tang Yao did not activate the talent ability.

Anyway, it’s just fluctuations, and it doesn’t consume Mental Energy.

Sensing Tang Yao’s mental energy fluctuations, Jiang Mingzhe teleported again.

However, this time Jiang Mingzhe did not teleport for a long distance.

After all, he was far enough away from Tang Yao now.

At this distance, ability attacks can reach, but physical attacks can’t.

But after Jiang Mingzhe appeared at a position 1 meter on the left, he did not perceive Tang Yao’s Mental Energy attack.

Jiang Mingzhe looked at Tang Yao suspiciously.

What Jiang Mingzhe saw was a face full of jokes.

Jiang Mingzhe’s face sank.

Depend on!

Was fooled!


If Tang Yao keeps fluctuating his Mental Energy, I have no idea when he will use his talent abilities.

I can’t stay away from him all the time, so how can I fight?

But as long as I get close to him and he takes the cold to come to me, I will definitely lose.

It seems that you can only use your hole cards!

Thinking of this, Jiang Mingzhe wanted to use his hole cards.

But when Jiang Mingzhe was about to activate the teleport ability, he saw Tang Yao’s sharp eyes, staring at him.

At this moment, Jiang Mingzhe was a little panicked.

Tang Yao’s eyes seemed to be able to see through his inner thoughts, making him very uncomfortable.

Taking a deep breath, Jiang Mingzhe’s heart violently moved.

In an instant, Jiang Mingzhe disappeared in place and appeared behind Tang Yao.

Jiang Mingzhe’s teleport ability belongs to the space-type ability, and every teleport will produce some spatial fluctuations along the route of the teleport.

Space is capable of self-repair, and Jiang Mingzhe’s strength is not particularly strong. The spatial fluctuations caused by teleportation will be smoothed out in a very short time, and it will not have any impact on the battle.

However, once the spatial fluctuations form a closed loop before they are smoothed, the time for the spatial fluctuations to exist will be extended to about 0.1 seconds.

This situation was discovered accidentally by Jiang Mingzhe.

And Jiang Mingzhe’s hole cards were developed based on this situation.

Jiang Mingzhe’s hole card is to teleport around his opponent several times to form a circle.

As long as this circle is formed, the spatial fluctuations driven by the teleportation will form a closed loop, and the people surrounded by it will be trapped.

The people inside, whether it is a mental energy attack or a material attack, will be blocked by spatial fluctuations.

Moreover, I can’t even think of it.

But Jiang Mingzhe, as the creator of spatial fluctuations, his attacks will not be blocked, and he can freely pass through spatial fluctuations.

0.1 second seems to be very short, but for Jiang Mingzhe, who has a physique of nearly 1,000, it is still possible to launch a fatal attack.

And this closed loop can be round, square, or triangular.

In other words, Jiang Mingzhe must teleport around his opponent at least three times without interruption before this closed loop is formed.

But when Jiang Mingzhe appeared behind Tang Yao and immediately began to teleport around Tang Yao for the first time without interruption, a smile appeared at the corner of Tang Yao’s mouth.

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