Chapter 257 Concession

Tang Yao didn’t hesitate, and immediately chose Fusion.

In an instant, Tang Yao’s Mental Energy consumed 30%.

At the same time, the beast control ability was integrated into Tang Yao’s soul control ability.

The soul-controlling ability had undergone a slight change, but Tang Yao didn’t have time to perceive it.

Immediately, Tang Yao and Zuo Feng separated their fists, and both took four or five steps to retreat before they could stand firm.

At this moment, it was only a second after Tang Yao started to burn energy.

After testing each other once, the left forward was shocked.

Tang Yao burned energy, and Zuo Feng felt it.

But Zuo Feng didn’t expect Tang Yao to have such a deep understanding of the secret technique.

The crowd onlookers were also shocked by Tang Yao’s understanding of the secret technique.

The left forward can also burn energy, but with his current understanding of the occult, at most, he will increase the multiplier from 20 times Ascension to 21 times.

Not only does it have little effect, but it also increases consumption.

Even if this game is won, one hour may not be able to recover.

That way, the next battle will be even more strenuous.

After all, not everyone can use the essence of life as a gene potion to restore the energy consumed like Tang Yao. .

Zuo Feng knew in his heart that he couldn’t defeat Tang Yao with physical strength alone.

Therefore, he intends to use the talent ability.

Even if it does not work immediately, as long as he delays for some time, Tang Yao will inevitably not be able to withstand the huge load that the burning energy brings to his body for a long time.

The left forward didn’t hesitate, but his heart moved.

A small bag was hung around the left forward’s waist. At this time, the mouth of the bag began to expand rapidly, and a huge tiger jumped out.

This tiger is blood-red, with two huge metallic wings growing on its ribs.


The tiger flew in mid-air and let out a huge roar, terrifying.

Seeing this, everyone’s hearts condensed.

The iron-winged blood tiger of the pinnacle commander level!

Zuo Feng’s talent ability turned out to be the ability to control the beast!

Tang Yao looked at ease, without any surprised expression.

At this time, under the control of the left forward, the Iron Winged Blood Tiger rushed straight towards Tang Yao.

The left forward slammed, appeared under the Iron Winged Blood Tiger, and attacked Tang Yao with the Iron Winged Blood Tiger.

At the same time, a cold light flashed in the left forward’s hand, and a sharp long sword appeared.

A smile appeared on the corners of Tang Yao’s mouth looking at the one person and one beast killed.

Without taking the essence of life, I only have 5 seconds.

It’s not bad to see the power of the beast control ability before the battle is over.

But let’s stop here!

Tang Yao didn’t hesitate either, but his thoughts violently moved.

Talented ability: Master the soul!

In an instant, Tang Yao’s Mental Energy consumed 30%.

The left forward, who was already less than two meters away from Tang Yao, had a blur in his eyes, and his speed also slowed down.

But the left forward is the awakened after all, and Mental Energy is not much inferior to Tang Yao.

Soon, the left forward came to his senses.

However, it was too late.

When Tang Yao activated the soul controlling ability, a short spear appeared in each of his hands.

Tang Yao took a step forward, and his right hand spear slammed into the iron-winged blood tiger diving from mid-air.

At this moment, the iron-winged blood tiger, even if the left forward cannot control it, it still has to obey the previous instructions of the left forward.

However, the autonomy of the Iron Winged Blood Tiger is much higher.

The killing intent in the iron-winged blood tiger’s eyes surged, and he waved his left wing to block Tang Yao’s attack.

At the same time, the iron-winged blood tiger’s right wing swept towards Tang Yao like a sharp sword.

But how could it be Tang Yao’s opponent who has exploded with a 24-fold increase.


Tang Yao smashed the iron-winged blood tiger’s wing with a shot. Its wings exuding metal light showed some fine cracks when Tang Yao smashed it.

Before the attack of the Iron Winged Blood Tiger’s right wing took effect, it was smashed to the ground aside.


The Iron Winged Blood Tiger howled miserably.

While launching an attack with a short spear in his right hand, Tang Yao pierced forward with a short spear in his left hand extremely fast.

When the left forward wakes up, the first thing he perceives is the coldness in his throat.

Immediately, the left forward saw the tip of a gun flashing with cold light, which was pressing against his throat.

Zuo Feng sighed secretly.


Seeing this scene, the hearts of the onlookers trembled.

This is less than 5 seconds!

Tang Yao defeated the pinnacle warrior Zuo Feng who used his talent.

What puzzled everyone the most was that when Tang Yao was calculating the high-level corpse king, his talents had been exposed, and it must be a mental shock type.

The left forward can’t be without defense.

It stands to reason that the Mental Energy intensity of the two will not differ too much.

It’s normal for the left forward to be affected, but it shouldn’t be so easy to get caught!

At this moment, the iron-winged blood tiger stood up and attacked Tang Yao again.

Without realizing it, Tang Yao put the two short guns in his hand into the Interspatial Ring and stood there quietly looking at the left forward.

At the same time, Tang Yao relieved the burning of energy.

It has been less than 5 seconds since the start of the war, Tang Yao’s body did not show any injuries, but a lot of energy was burned, and his body was a little weak.

With a thought to Zuo Feng, the Iron Winged Blood Tiger was put into the small bag around his waist.

Taking a deep breath, Zuo Feng said calmly: “I lost!”

Tang Yao smiled and said: “If Brother Zuo had been prepared for a long time, I might have lost.”

Zuo Feng shook his head and said, “Since you calculated that high-level corpse queen last time, anyone who knows about this has guessed about your talents, and I am no exception. It’s just that your talents are. The abilities are very different from what I guessed.”

Hearing this, everyone moved in their hearts and finally understood why the left forward was easily hit.

The problem still lies in Tang Yao’s talent ability.

Everyone looked at Tang Yao with a bit of curiosity.

What is the talent of this guy?

Jiang Changhai looked at Tang Yao, secretly slandering.

This little bastard didn’t tell the truth as expected.

At least, I didn’t say everything.

Tang Yao smiled and said nothing.

The natural ability that I use, of course, is not a simple mental shock!

That’s just the appearance, it’s what I want you to see.

In fact, that is an application of the original charm ability, which is the penetration of Mental Energy with a deceptive nature.

Penetrate into the opponent’s mind in a gentle way, and unknowingly let the opponent be attacked.

Otherwise, even if I am the Awakener, Mental Energy is not as good as the senior corpse king.

If it was just a simple and rude Mental Energy impact, how could it be so smoothly penetrated into its mind and easily caught by it?

Tang Yao smiled and arched his cupped hands, and said, “Come on!”

After speaking, Tang Yao walked to a row of houses on the side.

There is a specially built place for recovery and healing.

In the future, in order to prevent the exploration of the Saint League and the lurking corpse king in the base, the utilization rate of this site will not be low, and it is still necessary to build these houses deliberately.

Tang Yao walked into a room, Lotus Position sat on the ground and immediately began to recover.

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